God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Parenting practicals in the 2015 Part 1

Parenting practicals in the 2015 Part 1

Esther 4:12-14 as parents we have been given children for "such a time as this"! God has given us children to parent through God and to raise them in Him!

The family unit is designed to help us grow spiritually. Parents learn patients, grace, compassion. Children learn authority, submission, and unconditional love.

Just as much as God wants to use our families to bring us closer to Him, Satan wants to divid our families and create division for the sole purpose of pulling us away from God! Galatians 5:19-21 describes the sins that Satan uses to destroy the family unit!

Esther 2:1-11 This story describes a very bad situation. Many of us have not come from an "ideal" family structure or situation. The majority of us come from a dysfunctional family. As disciples of God we are called to change that! To build the family that God originally designed. We have to break the chains of dysfunction.

Esther 2:20 Mordecai was a huge influence in Esther's life. Esther obeyed Mordecai because he disciples her, adopted her and provided her with a Godly home.

What happens at home in your house? Is it TV, sports, sacrificing for God, devotions...etc. What is most important in you home?

--> Children see, children do Video on youtube <--

We have a huge influence in our kids lives. They will become what they see in us. Psalms 112:6. Gods way is what works. We are here to glorify God in our families. We need to set the examples that our kids should follow!

One of the biggest mistakes we make as parents is to try and control or manipulate our kids. We have to trust God and allow our kids to experience life. God could be very controlling in our lives and yet he does not try to control us. He allows us to have free will!

Mordecai provided a Godly home and Esther save a nation! Esther was chosen not only because of her beauty but also because of her radiance, convictions...etc.

There are so many things we need to help our kids with. Purity, selfishness, fear, Godly convictions, pride, humility, positive thinking....etc. As a parent are you helping your kids through their sinful nature? Do you walk them through it or do you shut them down? Do they fell like you believe in them and show them grace? We have to help mold our kids characters through discipleship and Gods word.

We need to hate what Gods hate and love what God loves in raising our kids. Our kids will see Gods character though us as parents. We must be righteous leaders at home. Everything we do from correcting to discipline needs to be out of love!

Esther 5:9 Haman was trying to kill the jews and Mordecai never rose or trembled before him. Mordecai was more concerned with what please God than what pleased Haman. Mordecai set an example that Esther could follow. Mordecai was not a people pleaser.

Practical ways to interact with our kids and set the example. Family dinners several times a week, family devotionals, sports activities...etc. The important thing is spending time as family and using every opportunity to set the example and lead our children.

Parenting practicals in the 2015 Part 2

Parenting practicals in the 2015 Part 2

Luke 2:34-35 raising children is not a painless ambition. Children have a way of piercing our hearts and yet our relationship with them teaches us so much about Gods unconditional love for us.

--> Cowboys herding cats video from youtube <--

Raising a family and parenting kids is a lot like herding cats...lol

Luke 15:11-32 Imagine the context in which Jesus was sharing this story. Which son would you rather have? The one that ran off and squandered everything he had or the one that stayed home but had critical attitudes and is ungrateful. The younger son was full of sinful rebellion and the older son was full of sinful moral self righteousness! Both sons resented the fathers authority and both neither loved the father for himself. Which son do you want?

The challenge we have as a parent is to understand where our children are at. Without knowing what their sinful nature is there is no way to help mold and correct their character.

We need to study our children to understand how they learn and what motivates them. We have to refrain from manipulating and trying to control them emotionally. If your child is doing something that frustrates, embarrasses or hurts may not be right; however, we cannot manipulate or guilt them out over it. The frustration, embarrassment and feelings of hurt we have are our own and we need to work through them and take responsibility for what we can control.

When our children are living in irony, we do not need to run down the rabbit whole always ready to point out their flaws and issues. We do not need to get self righteous our selves and makes sure they know we told them so. The younger son came to his senses on his own. All the father did was wait and be ready to embrace his son when he was ready to come home!

What does Prodigal mean? Prodigal means reckless abandonment, reckless spending, reckless love. Who was the prodigal person in the story. We always assume it was the son and prodigal is a bad thing. The father was reckless in his spending and love and forgiveness!

--> reference to the book the Five Love Languages <--

Affirmation, Physical touch, Quality time, Acts of service, Gifts.

Which love language does your child speak? We need to love our children in the way they need to be loved. Most people are one or two of these different love language. Do you know which love language your child speaks? Loving your child in a love language that is not specific to them will only leave them frustrated and empty!

Malachi 4:6; Luke 1:17 God ends the new Testimate talking about the Fathers and their sons and God starts the new Testimate in Luke talking about Fathers and their sons! Fathers are crucial to the development of their children!

The final example from Luke 15 is that the prodigal father did not react with bitterness, anger or frustration from all the hurt and disappointment he received from his sons. He responded to both of them with humility and love!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Jude 1:14-16

Jude 1:14-16

Vs 14/15 – Jude references Enoch, a man who walked with God and never died, to further depict the kind of men that reject Gods word and follow their own desires for personal gain. Judgment is imminent and no one will be able to escape!

  • Enoch prophesied that God would bring an army of thousands (undefinable number) to judge the wicked men that Jude has been describing.

  • These men are defined as ungodly men in every way.

    • Ungodly acts they have committed.

    • Ungodly ways they have lived.

    • Ungodly words they have spoken.

Vs 16 – Jude further describes these men as grumblers and faultfinders who put their own evil desires above the words of God. They boast about themselves to make themselves look good in front of men.

  • Why are they faultfinders?

    • These men do not want to take any responsibility for their actions.

  • Why are they grumblers?

    • These men are never satisfied.

  • Why do they boast?

    • They puff themselves up to hide the sin and rebellion in their hearts.

Jude is warning us not to be like these men. We have to stay humble and hold on to Gods word with deep convictions. All of the character issues described in these men are in many ways common human traits that are rooted in our sinful natures. We have to fight daily to not give into these temptations and in doing so Jude is assuring us that we will escape the wrath of God that is reserved for men like this!

Monday, January 26, 2015

The Book of Psalms By Topic

Topical List of the book of Psalms

Knowing God 9 16 17 23 25 27 29 40 41 46 54 56 57 59 62 63 68 73 76 84 91 92 97
111 138 143 145 149

God the creator 8 19 29 33 65 104 124 135 136 148

When you want to get closer to God
25 27 42 61 63 70 84 99 105 116 119 131 143

Jesus on the cross 22 85 98

Praising God 9 40 71 67 92 96 105 145 149

Putting God first 40 84 86 95 97 103 115 127 132 135

Righteousness 5 14 15 17 19 25 32 40 51 53 86 90 101 119 141 143

Help from God 1 5 14 19 26 32 48 53 60 81 90 101 108 111 115 122 127 128 139 141
143 144

Faith in righteousness 1 15 24 37 39 73 75 109 112 126 128

Encouragement to live a righteous life
1 5 16 19 25 32 81 86 101 119 141 143

Salvation 14 49 53 85 87

Having a bad day 11 25 46 61 88 102 124 131 142

Guilt, Sin and Confession 14 32 38 41 51 53 89 103 107 143

Forgiveness 19 22 25 32 39 41 51 65 85 86 99 103 106 107 130 143

Sin and consequences 5 14 53 78 79 81 101 106 107 141 143

You belong to God 16 20 37 40 48 65 67 84 87 92 95 99 100 104 113 114 135 144 145 147

God is with you 9 16 17 18 21 23 27 34 37 41 46 56 68 73 89 91 92 103 108 109 114
115 118 121 124 125 138 139 144 145 147

God answers prayer 3 4 5 9 17 18 20 21 27 28 31 34 39 40 54 55 61 65 66 69 81 86 91 99
102 107 116 118 119 120 123 130 138 141 142 143 145

God the avenger 9 10 35 44 45 58 59 60 64 94 109 120 123

God listens to you 27 31 34 55 61 99 116

Injustice 10 14 36 37 41 45 50 52 53 58 59 73 76 82 94 146

Boasting 20 52 53 75 108 135

Humility 14 30 39 53 60 76 106 107 108 127 131 132 134

Security in God 4 16 27 46 56 91 121 125 139

Confidence 14 20 25 39 53 60 71 84 108 112 125 127 130 131 138 141 143

Fear and courage 3 27 46 49 55 56 57 91 112 118 120

Protection in God 3 5 17 23 25 27 36 40 44 46 55 57 59 61 62 66 70 71 91 115 118 120
121 125 129 140 143 144

God is strong 18 21 24 29 33 35 46 54 57 59 62 65 68 76 89 93 97 99 108 114 125
135 147

God is love 21 23 33 36 59 68 86 89 100 103 106 116 118 130 136 138 145 146

God is righteous and just 9 21 24 33 36 45 46 47 48 62 65 72 75 76 82 87 89 92 93 96 97 98 99

Jesus is coming back 2 24 45 47 72 76 82 96 98 110 146 150

Feeling down 6 9 13 25 42 69 70 88 89 102 107 113 116 126 142

Feeling forgotten 13 42 44 74 102 134 138

Feeling rejected 43 60 74 77 80 88 108

When you are weeping 6 31 42 43 56 69 80 88 107 116 126

Trusting God 9 12 33 37 49 65 66 78 81 84 85 91 95 108 112 115 119 121 125 127

Putting your trust and hope in God
9 13 25 42 43 60 86 102 112 113 126 130

Trusting God in difficult situations
4 11 13 23 25 27 28 31 34 42 43 46 54 55 56 57 59 61 62 89 91 94 102
105 107 123 138 143

Thankful for Gods word 1 12 19 33 56 111 119 138 147

Thankful for Gods blessings 16 18 21 23 36 65 66 67 84 86 92 100 103 113 116 126 138 145 147

The Book of Psalms By Theme

The book of Psalms indexed by theme.

The Attributes Of God
1) The Lord is our judge and defense – Psalm 7:8-10.
2) The refuge of the poor – Psalm 14:6.
3) He is our Rock, fortress, strength and high tower – Psalm 18:2.
4) Our Redeemer – Psalm 19:14.
5) The King of Glory – Psalm 24:10.
6) “My light and my salvation” – Psalm 27:1.
7) He is our Shield – Psalm 28:7.
8) “My hiding place” – Psalm 32:7.
9) “Our refuge and strength” – Psalm 46:1.
10) “A God full of compassion” – Psalm 86:15.
11) “Our dwelling place in all generations” – Psalm 90:1.

Psalms That Praise God
1) Extolling the goodness of God – Psalm 85,95,100,136.
2) Praising God’s glory, wisdom, power & majesty – Psalm 18,19,29,62,66,93,97,99,118,147.
3) God as creator and preserver of all of His works – Psalm 33,89,104.
4) His infinite knowledge – Psalm 139.
5) God’s eternity contrasted with man’s temporal nature – Psalm 90.
6) Divine providence seen in God’s wonderful works in behalf of his chosen people, Israel – Psalm
7) The source of all help, who keeps His people – Psalm 121.
8) The whole creation praises Him – Psalm 148.

Christ In The Psalms
1) The coronation hymn – Psalm 2.
2) The crucifixion psalm – Psalm 22.
3) The resurrection psalm – Psalm 16.
4) The reign of the righteous king – Psalm 45,72,110,132:11.
5) The Messiah’s manhood – Psalm 8:4-5.
6) The Messiah’s sonship – Psalm 2:7.
7) His deity – Psalm 45:6, Psalm 11.
8) His holiness – Psalm 45:7; Psalm 89:18-19.
9) His priesthood – Psalm 110:4.
10) His kingship – Psalm 2:6; Psalm 89:18-19,27.
11) His eternity – Psalm 61:6-7; Psalm 45:17; Psalm 102:25-27.
12) His universal sovereignty – Psalm 72:8; Psalm 103:19.
13) His obedience – Psalm 40:6-8.
14) His zeal – Psalm 69:9.
15) His sufferings – Psalm 69:4,9.
16) His betrayal – Psalm 41:9.
17) His death – Psalm 22:1-21; Psalm 69:20-21.
18) His resurrection – Psalm 16:10.
19) His ascension – Psalm 68:18.
20) His coming again to judge – Psalm 96-98.

Some Historical Psalms
1) The exodus and crossing the red sea – Psalm 136:10-15.
2) The period of wandering – Psalm 114.
3) The period of judges – Psalm 106:34-46.
4) David’s early period when fleeing from Saul – Psalm 7,11,34.
5) David’s reign – Psalm 24,30,51 (David’s sin with Bathsheba).
6) Absalom’s rebellion – Psalm 3,55.
7) The glory of Solomon’s reign – Psalm 72.
8) The fall of Jerusalem – Psalm 74, 79.
9) The Jews in Babylon – Psalm 80, 137.
10) The restoration – Psalm 85:1-6; Psalm 126.

Psalms Concerning Man
1) Exaltation of man – Psalm 8 (fulfilled in the “perfect” man – Hebrews 2:5-9).
2) Man’s sinfulness – Psalm 10,14,36,55,59.
3) The wicked contrasted with the godly – Psalm 1,4,5.
4) The folly of the wicked and of those who trust in riches – Psalm 37,49,53.
5) The fate of the ungodly – Psalm 9,11,73.

Psalms Of Trust And Thanksgiving
1) Trust – Psalm 3,16,20,27,31,34,42,61,62,91.
2) The shepherd psalm – Psalm 23.
3) God our refuge – Psalm 46.
4) “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving” – Psalm 100.
5) “Pay thy vows unto the most High” – Psalm 50.
6) “My help cometh from the Lord” – Psalm 121.

Prayer Psalms
1) For mercy in time of trouble – Psalm 6.
2) Prayers of assurance – Psalm 27,116.
3) Penitence, seeking forgiveness – Psalm 51.
4) For destruction of the deceitful – Psalm 55.
5) For deliverance – Psalm 70.
6) For mercy – Psalm 86.
7) For help in trouble – Psalm 142.
8) For guidance – Psalm 143.

The Lord’s Church
1) Safety of “The city of God” – Psalm 46.
2) The beauty and glory of Zion – Psalm 48,87.
3) Love for the house of God – Psalm 84,122.
4) Unity among brethren – Psalm 133.

Psalms Concerning Experiences In Religion & In Life
1) Magnifying the word of God – Psalm 19,119.
2) Praise – Psalm 96,98,100,103,107,136,145,148-150.
3) Worship – Psalm 43,84,100,122,132.
4) The vanity of life – Psalm 39,49,90.
5) The home – Psalm 127.



Hebrews 11:7

By faith Noah went against the rest of the world. He was surrounded by wickedness on every side! Regardless Noah maintained his righteousness and honored God with his life! Noah was asked by God to build a massive boat that made no sense and required absolute faith to believe that what God said was true!

"If God says were gonna build an ark then we're going to build an Ark"' this was Noah's heart! Am I willing to do the impossible for God? Am I willing to do what ever God ask me to do even when it doesn't make sense to me?

First Noah had faith when warned by God! What warnings has God given me?

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

1 Corinthians 10:5-12 vs 11 these things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us!

Ephesians 5:3-7; 2

Peter 3:9-12 God is warning me of what I could miss.

Noah allowed Gods warnings to direct his life and guide his steps. Am I taking Gods warnings seriously?

In holy reverence, Noah obeyed God through faith. Faith produces holy fear and reverence for God! Holy fear produced obedience to allow Noah to do the impossible. God has not asked me to build an Ark but he has asked me to build a temple for him in the godly life that I love!

By faith Noah condemned the world. Noah separated himself form the world. Noah refused to follow their wickedness and stood on his convictions through faith.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Living HIStory! Part 2

Living HIStory!

In the garden there were no barriers between God and man. Once man sinned the intimacy with God was broken. God's story is to take fallen man and return him to paradise. To return man back to an intimate relationship with God with no barriers.

As God's story marches through history, Abraham becomes a key character in God's plan.

Genesis 10:2-7; Genesis 11:10-26
Most of the time when we see a genealogy in the bible we skip it; however, there is a lot of meaning and importance in this genealogy. We see that Gods people and gods plan was passed down from father to son over hundreds of generations!

In the Old Testimate, Gods people had no concept of heaven or eternity. The promise of God at that time was not heaven or hell. The promise that God gave Abraham was that he would have a long line and be the father of all nations. Through this genealogy God was faithful to Abraham.

Genesis 15:1-6

God chose to save Abraham and wanted to be his great reward! Abraham questioned Gods love because he had no sons. God showed so much grace and mercy to Abraham by reconfirming his promise to Abraham. When Abraham chose to believe and had faith he was considered righteous.

Abraham was the first man called into a relationship with God outside of the garden and Gods plan was to be with Abraham for ever. God started setting eternity into the hearts of men through Abraham and his genealogy.

We have to look and seek eternity with God. If we are looking to God to solve all of our problems in the "here and now" then we are going to have a hard time loving God when things do not go the way we think they should. Like Abraham we need to trust God and his promise for us in our lives. Eternity with God should be our focus and great reward!

When we live for eternity it solves all the problems we have in the "here and now"! Our focus has to be on being with God for ever!

God chose Abraham to pass it on. If God called Abraham to pass it on, what do you think he is calling us to do? Through our children, our neighbors, people at work, and any other relationships we have need to be focused on passing on Gods plan for eternity!

1 Corinthians 4:14-15 Gods used Paul to pass it on. The same father to son concept. What spiritual generations am I creating for God? Who are my spiritual sons and daughters?

The true cost of hell is a complete and total separation from God or eternity. Heaven is a complete and total connection with God for eternity! When God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, Abraham saw it as God asking him to sacrifice eternity with Him. God was ultimately asking Abraham to sacrifice his promise and relationship with God for eternity. Abraham had faith that God would keep his promise and was willing to do what ever God called him to do.

God did not call Abraham to do anything that God was not willing to do himself! God spared Abrahams son and sacrificed His own. Jesus took the place of Isaac and took the place of you and me!

Sent from my iPad

Thursday, January 22, 2015

High Expectations!

High Expectations!

What spiritual expectations do I have in my life? What expectations do I have for my brothers? What expectations do I have for our church?

Without high expectations you will always hit your mark and there will be no growth. Jesus had high expectations for his disciples. Jesus said that you will do greater things for God than He did. Jesus had high expectations for the disciples and has not lowered them for us.

As men we need to have high expectations and standards for each other. We need to have high expectations and standards in purity, one another relationships, unity, integrity...etc.

As brothers we need to challenge each other. We need to disciple each other. God has high expectations for us because he loves us and we need to have expectations for ourselves and the people around us out of love!

Above all we need to have high expectations and standards for being committed to Gods word!

Jeremiah 20:1-6; 7-12

Jeremiah was not happy about preach the words of God that were full of destruction and doom. He was beaten and smitten by everyone around him for confronting Israel in sin. Holding the people of Israel accountable and to the standards of Gods people was not an easy task. He did even though it was uncomfortable and not something he liked.

Even though Jeremiah did not like the message he was asked to give, he could not keep it in. It burned like a fire inside of him! Only Gods word has this affect. To be like Jeremiah I need to not hold back the words that God puts on my heart. I cannot hold back the convictions that God has given me.

If Gods word is not written on my heart the worlds desires will be!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Matthew 11, Hebrews 4, Psalms 62

28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Therefore, since the promise of entering his rest still stands, let us be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it.
w For we also have had the good news proclaimed to us, just as they did; but the message they heard was of no value to them, because they did not share the faith of those who obeyed.a x Now we who have believed enter that rest...

1Truly my soul finds rest in God;

my salvation comes from him.

2Truly he is my rock and my salvation;

he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.

I love the way these three scriptures fit together!

The world has a way of beating us down but God has always had a plan for us to find rest in Him and in Him alone! Rest from temptation and sin. Rest from anxiety. Rest from fear. Rest from...you name it!

HE is our sanctuary! Praise God for giving us His rest!

Monday, January 19, 2015

God's Story Part 1

God's Story.

Once upon a time….a story always starts somewhere. Great stories start with great beginnings. You can't have a good story with out a great beginning. Gods does not have a beginning because there was no beginning. God has always been. Gods story that he wanted to tell us begins with the beginning of mankind.

The story of how he made man and a people of His own. To love and care for those people over generations. To send his only son to be the savior that those people need. Gods story is the ultimate love story!

Although God has created and written the story he has made me a part of the story he creates. I have a unique role in this story yet though his power he allows me to make my own decisions and to have my own freewill, to love him or not to love him. Even with my autonomy I am apart of Gods story and the outcome does not change. Gods story is the same.

Genesis 1

God saw that what he created was good! Why not great? Gods creation was good in the deepest sense of the word. Man being made in Gods image, created man to be the fullness og Gods goodness. This is one of the reasons we were created. 2 Peter 1:5

God has made us apart of things from the very beginning. Genesis 2 "Man was with God." Man and Women and were both bare and yet felt no shame. Man walked with God in the garden and there was no shame. Shame is a barrier created by Satan. When there is shame there is no intimacy! I was meant to be intimate with God! God is desperate for that kind of relationship with me!

I need to remove all the barriers that keep me from having that intimate relationship with God!

The garden was described as paradise. What made Eden paradise was not the beautiful greens, ripe fruits, running water falls…etc. Eden was paradise because man was intimate with God! My surroundings do not matter! What matters is that I am intimate with God!

Man chose to sin! Man knew only good. What Satan offered was for man to know both good and evil. The fall of man is the moment in time when man looses intimacy with God. This is the moment when man feels shame for the first time! Sin creates shame and separates us from God! Sin causes man to want to hide from God. Genesis 3

Man is separated from God. Mans relationship with God needs to be restored. I can't solve my shame on my own. Just covering myself with fig leaves is not the solution. Jesus is the only answer to removing shame and restoring intimacy with God!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A Team

Team Work by God's design.

Doing work together has a way of creating a bond between people. The same is true spiritually and in Gods church. We need each other and working together is good for us spiritually.

Two people working together do not add there work together, they multiply it.

Genesis 2:18;

God saw early on that man needed help. Not that Gods creation was lacking but it was his will that we should work together. We were never created to operate independently of each other. This is not just in a marriage. God's church was meant to be unified and to operate as a team.

1 Corinthians 12:20-25

No man or women is an island. No one man or women is greater than the other.

Example of a lego. Each individual piece in a lego set was made for a purpose. Each lego is created to connect to other legos. We were created in the same way. Because of the way the lego was created it is able to create multiple things.

Over three thousand pieces in the sand-crawler StarWars lego set. As impressive as I am, I am just a lonely little lego until I am connected to the church. Connected to God's family allows me to become so much more.

When the church interconnects the way we are suppose to, the world sees what God intended for them to see. Our unity is a testimony to the world. John 13:34

Proverbs 27:17; Romans 15:5-6; 1 Peter 4:10

To be truly united we need to be one minded. Our focus as a church needs to be united. Unity is important for our church to be used by God in the way he intended. We all have gifts to be used by God. The beauty of us being made to connect allows us to have all the gifts needed to honor and glorify God.

Phillipians 4:4; 1 Corinthians 1:10

Unity is about agreement. Unity is not necessarily conformity. There should be no divisions among us and we need to be in agreement. Sometimes it takes a lot of work to come to agreement. We may have to work through relationships that have grown cold or work at reconciling in areas that are difficult.

Ephesians 4:11-16

Everyone of us needs to take seriously our role and embrace our place in God's church. We all have work that needs to be done. Who am I connecting with?

Saturday, January 10, 2015

God's incredible mercy!

God's incredible mercy!

-- Summary of the Good Samaritan story! --

Luke 10:36-37

Mercy is to have compassion on someone who is in distress.

We need mercy! It very important for us to understand how desperately we need mercy. Without mercy we would all be dead!

Mercy in three different capacities:

1.) Gods nature of mercy!

Psalms 103:8-9 Exodus 34 the lord is merciful and gracious! Slow to anger! We want mercy for ourselves and struggle with giving mercy to others!

Jeremiah 3:12; Joel 2:13; Hebrews 8:12; Romans 6:3

Our sins are what cause us to be in distress! According to Gods word the sinner must perish! When I sin I am denying Gods goodness!

To what sinners is God merciful to? Not all sinners receive mercy! Who decides who gets mercy?

Romans 9:18

God owes mercy to no one! He gives mercy to whom he chosen! The only people that do not receive Gods mercy is the one who chooses not to receive it. God wants all men to be saved!

Psalms 103:17

2.) The demonstration of God's mercy!

Genesis 19 - Sodom and Gomorrah

Psalms 1:36; Ezra 10:11 God rescued the Israelites from Egypt.

Luke 18 Blind man receives mercy! God and Jesus so compassionate on the distressed!

Ephesians 2:4-5; Titus 3:4-6; 1 Peter 1:3; Isaiah 55:7

3.) The imitation of God's mercy!

Its a great thing to be known as a forgiven! God has given us an example to follow and to receive Gods mercy we need to give mercy!

Luke 6:36; Proverbs 3:3; Micah 6:8

Luke 10:36-37 go and do like wise! Proverbs 11:17; Matthew 5:7

Jesus not only died for my sins but also because of my sins!

Sent from my iPad



Everyone loves a fresh start! This is the time of New Years resolutions. We make goals, we set benchmarks, and plan to have a better year than the year before. Statistically only 8% of New Years resolutions are every carried through the whole year.

New Years resolutions can become a very cynical process. We can loose hope in ever really believing that we can truly change!

Through Jesus we get to press the reset button daily! It's not about failing or success but about resolve to keep fighting. To pick yourself up when we fall and to be determined not to give up!!

Malachi 2:2

God calls his people to resolve to honor Him. This needs to be the focus of any resolution we make. To honor God in everything that we do! This starts with a decision in our hearts!

How can we honor God without listening to him? It also starts with reading our bibles daily! We can not honor God without listen to him and hearing his instructions! Listening to God also involves listen to the people that God has put in our lives.

Daniel 1:8

Not to defile ourselves the way the world does should be the bases for our resolutions as well. Sexual purity. Materialism. Greed. Pride.

1 Corinthians 2:2-

Paul made a resolution to know nothing but the cross of Christ!! Paul looked at all the knowledge he had obtained in his life and considered it nothing in comparison to Jesus and his crucifixion!

What Paul is saying is that he never allowed Jesus to leave his mind. Jesus was always the focus in everything that Paul did!

Being a Christian has to be something we are and not a role we play!

The church that Jesus intended!

The church that Jesus intended!

Who are we as a church? Who does God want us to be? 80% of the churches in America fall into the entertainment category and there is no real call for their members to be sold out for Christ!

Jesus has to be Lord of my life! I need to call my brothers to be committed to the decision that they made to make Jesus lord of their lives! Church should be a breeding ground of convictions and encouragement to stand firm. We need to stop being so comfortable with each other's weaknesses and sin. To truly love each other we need to call each other higher!

What is my vision and dreams do I have for the church? Do I want to be apart of the church that Jesus intended?

Acts 2:41-47

These 7 verses show the characteristics of the first church. The church that God intended. Baptisms, devoted to teaching, unified believers, abundant giving, meet daily, shared meals, and praised God continually!

How to be a faithful church that God intended:

1.) live by Gods word and through his will!

Everything should evolve around Gods word!

Matthew 28:18-20....Teach and obey! God expects us to teach his Word and then obey it. The church is not perfect but we need to strive to be! There is a lot of teach with no real commitment to obey in most churches!

2.) be family through genuine fellowship!

Acts 2:42

The word fellowship is based of a definition of brotherly love! There is no color or race. We are all Gods children and racism should never be found in Gods church.

3.) Honor and practice communion!

Acts 2:42

Remembering the cross and my personal salvation helps me reset my focus to be the church that God intends!

4.) Prayer

Mark 11:25; Luke 6:12 there is a need in our churches for more people to be committed to pray! There is tremendous power in prayer!

5.) complete unity!

Acts 2:44

Satan wants to divide and conquer. We need to be unified on Gods word. We cannot allow mans agenda to nullify what Gods word says!

4 Deadly Sins!

4 Deadly Sins!

4 sins that keep us from leading!

Jesus put an emphasis on men. When he chose 12 apostles he didn't choose 6 women and 6 men. Jesus call us men to lead!

Every disciple has a desire to want to make a difference and evangelize. So why are we not stepping up as men and leading the charge to see this purpose for filled?

1 Corinthians 10:1-11

This issues have not changed. The same issues in Corinth back then are the same issues that we struggle with today. Sin was destroying the Corinthians from become who they were suppose to be!

4 deadly sins:

1.) Idolatry - putting anything....anything before God! Matthew 13:45-46. I have been called to give everything to God. When I put anything before God it needs to be destroyed and cast out of my heart.

2.) Sexual immorality - three different times in Corinthians Paul talks about sexual sin! The worst thing about sexual sin is that it drains you spiritually and kills any spiritual drive you may have for God! As brothers we have to be willing to be completely open with each other. If we do not get totally open we will remain in spiritual bondage! We have got to get real with each other!

3.) Testing the Lord - how do we test the Lord? We test Him when we question his word. We question whether God really mean what he says. Mark 8:38, Ephesians 5:3, Philippians 2:14 for example.

4.) Grumbling - this sin is so distracting that God sent and angel of death! Grumbling against leadership for example. Grumbling keeps us from becoming unified in our purpose. Proverbs 20:14. Grumbling about the church tears down its value!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Men by nature think they know it all.

Men by nature think they know it all.

Matthew 11:25-28

When it comes to learning about God it is not a matter of knowledge or wisdom per say. God revels it to you. Reveals it to children and withholds it from the "wise".

If we are smart in our own eyes and God reveals something to me, how am I going to receive it? I will receive it as though I Leander it with my own power! This is the element of the children that God is talking about. God is not going to reveal himself to you until you are ready!

If I think I know all there is to know about God why would he reveal anything else to me?

Matthew 18:1-5

Why is a child the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? A child is teachable, open minded and pure in heart! Children constantly ask the question "why." Children are constantly in explore mode! As students of Christ we need to maintain a curiosity, openness and teachability towards Gods word! We need to be constantly exploring who God is!

Children take low positions. They take a humble position.

Matthew 19:13-15

Why were people bringing children to Jesus to be blessed? We understand that little children need to be blessed if they are to grow and succeed in life! Why don't we seek blessing like this for ourselves? At what point do we go from needing a blessing to not needing one at all? When our arrogance tells us that we no longer really need help. The truth is we need more help and blessing from God now than before!

It's about pride in my heart. God can do so much more with me when I let go of my pride and surrender to Him! To think I can do it on my own is pride! What does this all mean for me? What do I need to grow in? What do I need to learn?

Imagine what my life would look like if I had the heart of a child in these areas? I need to ask for help and admit that I don't have all the answers. I need to be willing to be taught!

Christmas is a religious holiday that is losing it

Christmas is a religious holiday that is losing its religion!

When you ask the question, "what is the meaning of Christmas" your asking the question of "why did Jesus come?". Christmas is celebrated much more than Easter and really Easter has the greater meaning. Keep Christ in Christmas is a cliche that means what? Does Christ just want us to remember him during Christmas?

Why did Christ come. Why should we celebrate Jesus birth? What is important?Leading up to Jesus birth there were two truths revealed by the angles.

Luke 1:27-33
The "King" has been born!

Matthew 1:18-21
A "Savior" has been born!

Luke 2:8-11
A savior has been born and he is our King! No matter who you are, from Jesus parents to the shepherd in the fields the message is the same. Your king and savior has been born!

Jesus had a lot of great qualities that the Christmas season tries to exalt. His giving, helping the poor...etc. those are great things but the message was not about giving and sharing with each other. Christmas has turned into to a season of just giving and receiving!

Hearing that you King and savior arrives requires a response. A life changing response! Even Jong as a fetus in his mothers womb could not even ignore that his King and savior had arrived when jumped in his mothers womb! King Harold could not ignore that Jesus was born to be King!

Seeing a baby in manger really does not do anything to change our lives! The nativity seen is useless until we acknowledge that our King and savior has arrived!

When your king arrives you have to submit! It's about lordship! We want Christmas without lordship. Christmas was not meant to remind us to just be nice people. Santa never required us to make a decision and have a life changing response. Jesus does require us to respond!

1 Samuel 8:10-18 God teaches Israel what it meant to have a king!

Jesus is a perfect King but it does not remove the fact that Jesus is a king!

A kings wealth will come before your own. His priorities will come before your own! His plans will come before your own. He will have complete authority over you! Jesus is the KING OF KINGS! How much more should we submit and give to Jesus!

Jesus is a benevolent dictator. His ways are always in our best interest. Ever thing he does is out of love for us. There is no democracy! Jesus puts our needs ahead of his by being a sacrifice! He is through a dictator. His time comes before my own! My life should be subject to him in every way!!

He is the king and I am his subject!

Luke 19:10
Jesus is my savior! Have been saved by Jesus? This is the number one reason for the season! The question should not be have I helped the poor or giving to charity. Salvation is question!

Saviors come into rescue! Satan was winning in my life! I was defeated and hopeless! I need a savior! Jesus came in and saved me! Jesus us saved me from so much pain and sin in my life! Have I rejected Him as my king? I am allowing sin to reign in my life again. Jesus is a continual savior and I am in desperate need of Jesus to save me daily!

All the things that the world considers as a good Christmas ( no debt, lots of gifts, full of instant gratification and pleasure ) pales in comparison to what God meant for Christmas to mean! Jesus is my King and my Savior!!

Don't miss the manger!

Don't miss the manger!

Luke 2:1-7

The savior of this world was born in a manger next to live stock and into poverty. The Christmas story, the day Jesus was born was a day of hope that gave me an opportunity to have eternal life!

Why did so many miss the manger? There was only a few shepherds and wise men that attended Jesus birth. Where was everyone else. What in their lives were more important than the birth of Jesus?

It is easy to miss the manger. Life stresses and priorities can be a big distraction!

Luke 2:8-16

We need to be intentional and determined about what we are going to do. The shepherds were intentional about seeing Jesus and determined to do it!

Luke 2:25-35

Knowing that Jesus came is only the beginning. We need to know why he came!

Acts 17:24-27

Where ever we go and what ever we do God is working so that we will know him. So that we won't miss the manger.

Christmas is synonymous with Christmas wish lists!

Christmas is synonymous with Christmas wish lists! Some of our kids wishes are outrageous and extreme. Kids wanting sea monsters, actual reindeers....etc. kids are great at dreaming and wishing for things that they think they need.

All through out the bible there are examples of people who think they new what they needed. Adam thought he needed to eat from the tree of life. Jacob thought he needed his fathers blessing regardless of what was right. The de icicles thought they needed to compete for Jesus love and position in his kingdom.

We all think we know what we need to be happy. Materialism is an example. If I Just had this I would be happy. If I just had success at work then I would be happy. If I just had more of ??? I would be happy! What we think we need often times comes from a lack of what we really need.

It's so easy to run after the things we think we need. The world tries to define what you need. Am I chasing after the wrong things? Christmas is a time when this is more visible in our lives.

The truth is that God is the expert on what we really need. What parent does not know what is best for their child? What we really need is a savior! What we need most is forgiveness and Christmas is a reminder that God has provided what we really need!

Everything about Jesus birth and life was planned by God and with a purpose!

Micah 5:2-5

500 years before Jesus birth and Micah is giving the exact place of Jesus birth! God did not just send a savior to the world because that's what they need and he supplies what the world needs! He sent a savior for me and what I really needed!

Romans 5:6-8

God sent me a savior at just the right time for me! God ignored success and power. He ignored material things and sent me a King to save me from certain death! What do I want for Christmas? The answer should be grace, salvation and the blood of Jesus! What I need is forgiveness! This is why we take communion so that we never forget what we really need!

1 Corinthians 2:2 shut out every distraction this season and get resolved to know nothing but Jesus and his crucifixion!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Lesson from Abel

Lesson from Abel

Genesis 4:2-7

Vs 3 in the course of time...why? Did Cain take time to get a heart to want to give?

When you pick fruit at the grocery store what do you do? What would the first fruits look like? What was Cain giving God?

Vs 4 Abel also brought an offering. Both were giving to God on some level. Is making an offering enough?

What was Abel offering God?

In what ways do we give God less than our best?

What does it look like to give good our first fruits?

Vs 6 Why would Cain be angry? Jealous or upset that his offering wasn't good enough?

Sometimes we set limits on how much we give of our lives to God and when God doesn't look on us with favor we get angry and resentful towards Him.

Maybe Cain thought that what he was giving should have been enough?

Vs 7 "just do what is right"...seems too simple? What is God telling Cain here? There is a connection between allowing sin to master us and not giving to God. The offering we bring to God exposes where our hearts are.

In what ways do you need to offer God more?

Moses: Man of faith!

Moses: Man of faith!

Imaging your an Israelite and you hear this... Exodus 1:22...imagine your were expecting a child and had no idea if it was going to be a boy or a girl?

Hebrews 11:23 By faith Moses's family hid him. By faith they sent down a river and trusted God that he would take care of Moses.

Hebrews 11:25 by faith Moses chose to with his people. He sacrificed the life he could have had and was offered to him. Hebrews 11:26-27

Moses parents deliberately went against the king of Egypt and taught owes to value Gods will for his life instead of following the edicts of a king who was opposed to God!

Moses learned to have great faith through his parents and their example!

Exodus 2:11-12 Moses became a murder and a marked man. Acts 7:25 over night Moses became a fugitive. An outlaw to the Egyptians and despised by the Israelites. He did not yet become the leader that he thought Israel would embrace.

Exodus 2:23 Mose wondered during this time for forty years as a shepherd. With no purpose I'm his life. He had never become the leader of Egypt like he had thought.

Exodus 3:7-10 Moses probably thought God was done using him. He thought his best days where be hind him but God had great plans for his life. It was not Gods timing earlier and now Moses was in the moment where God was about to use him!

God had a job Taylor made for Moses. Moses was wondering in the desert and had lost his dream of helping his people. God had a plan all the while and was ready to use him. God used that time in the desert to teach Moses and mold him into the man that he needed to be!

Moses caught a glimpse of Gods power in the burning bush. Moses allowed God to use him and rescued Israel with all power!

The Israelites did nothing but complaining and argue with Moses. God wanted to destroy Israel and Moses stood up for Israel and begged God not to destroy them!

God listens to man...how awesome is that that the most high, almighty God considers mans thoughts and concerns!

Moses spent days with God on the mountain and came down in full glory of God! How hard am I wrestling with God to know and be filled with Gods glory? Moses face was radiant! All Israel knew that Moses had spent time in Gods presence!

Hebrews 11:6 God rewards those who earnestly seek him! Am I seeking God the way that I should? Am I readying and praying everyday?!

Matthew 7:7 I need to look and seek God in every area of my life!

Let's get away!

Let's get away!

Song of Songs 7:11-12

This book talks a lot about getting away. We need to disconnect from cell phones, tv, the world around us and spend time connecting with my wife emotionally, spiritually and of course physically!

Song of Songs 1:15-16

I need to compliment my wife daily!! This book talks a lot about complimenting each other. The world tears people down. There is no compliments. We need to build one another up in love and encourage!

Song of Songs 4:16

The bible talks about preparing to be together. The phone call during the middle of the day. The small kiss when you get home. Embracing!

Song of Songs 2:16; 6:3; 7:10

I need to focus on my wife! She is mine! This is exclusive, there is no one else! Surrender and submission come and increases a persons desire for you!

Proverbs 5:18-19 Ecclesiastes 9:9

Song of Songs 5:16

God designed marriage to be a friendship! My wife is my best friend.

Sing to my wife this week. Write a poem to my wife this month.

Song of Songs 8:6-7

Love is a powerful emotion! I need to unleash my love and never hold it back!

Hall of fame

Hall of fame

There is a hall of fame for almost everything! Hall of fame acknowledges the best of the best! It's an honor to be admitted to a hall of fame.

Hebrews 11 - the hall of fame of faith! What would it take to be in this hall of fame? They were not chosen for being perfect. Many of these people of faith did many things wrong but they were all noted as men and women of action!

What is faith?

Hebrews 11:1-2

God's definition of Faith is paradoxical. Hope implies an uncertainty and yet faith requires us to hope with complete certainty! Confidence!

What faith is not!

Faith is not emotional. Faith isn't unprovable. Faith isn't a feeling in the moment. Faith is not some magical force and yet it is a powerful force! Faith is not just a belief. Faith is when you take action. True Faith requires action! A leap of faith!

Hebrews 11:3

To try and understand faith every culture and society has tried to explain creation. God did not make stuff out of other stuff. God created the universe out of nothing! Faith is the only option to believe. Faith is believing before it is proven!

Able gave to God without any proof that it was the right thing to do. We know today through scripture that giving is a healthy thing for us to do. Giving molds our hearts and builds our character.

Hebrews 11:7

Living in the desert Noah be lived in what seemed completely absurd. Through faith he took action and was obedient! Noah acted on faith before the first drops of water came. Before the prof came, Noah acted on faith!

Faith for these mean was a confidence and assurance for things that had not been proving yet.

Heaven is real and so is hell although we cannot prove it yet! What should our lives look like if we live by faith? We need to have a standard that goes far beyond what we can see and prove!

How, where, and when do I obey God?

How...in the way I want or the way God demands?
Where...at church on Sunday or everyday of the week?
When...when I eel blessed by God or even in hard times?

Having faith in the cross calls me to love and obey God completely! Jesus in faith offered himself for me before I could even prove that I would change and live for him!

Walking by faith!

Walking by faith!

Hebrews 11:32 and the prophets...who shut the mouths of lions (reference to Daniel)

Daniel was a man of faith and walked by faith even in the little things in his life!

Ezekiel 14:12-14 Daniel was listed in the new testimate as a hero of faith and in the old testimate he was listed as a man of righteousness!

Daniel was an alien in a foreign land. He was one of the first exiles to Babylon! Daniel was the outsider.

Daniel 1:1-7 Daniel was carried off to Babylon at a young age. Daniel was selected to be a slave in the Kings palace. The Babylonians tried to give him a new identity. They changed his name, taught him Babylonian culture and tried to erase his God and replace it with their pagan God!

Who could blame Daniel for adapting or conforming to the world around him? He could have compromised and thought God was not there for him. He could have blamed Gods people and struggled with resentment and bitterness towards God!

Daniel 1:8-14 the Babylonians did not try to conform Daniel by presenting him with big things. It was just food. They were not asking him to bow down to another God or sacrifice a baby...etc. Daniel refused to compromise even the small commandments! Satan tempts us in the same way. He gets us to compromise on the little things and erodes our convictions away a little bit at a time!

Every small compromise I make in my relationship with God ( not having my quit times, missing church, not being open about my sins....etc) gives Satan more and more ground in my life attack me from and reach deeper parts of my life!

Daniel had faith when things were hard which allowed him to have faith when things were even harder!

Daniel 6:1-24 Daniel was brought to Babylon when he was around 16 and hear he is an old man around 60-70 yrs old.

Vs 10 Daniel went home immediately to pray! Daniel would not compromise when came to his food and now he was not going to compromise even when his life was at stake! God delivered and rescued Daniel because of his righteousness!

The king was not able to sleep and it says nothing about Daniel have a rough nights sleep even though he was among lions...lol Daniel did not have a hard night in the Lions den! When I stay close to God and I trust my self to God there is true peace and comfort even in the toughest challenges that I may face!

Daniel says that God found him innocent and saved him! Am I living a life of conviction the way Daniel did! Daniel could have prayed in silence. What if he just hid who he was for 30 days? For Daniel to do that would be to compromise! I know what is right and I need to have the same resolve to never compromise!!!

As faithful as Daniel was to God, God was even more faithful to Daniel! God is always at work, providing a way out and rescuing the righteous!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Who is the greatest?!

Who is the greatest?!

You can be the greatest until someone else comes along and is greater! No matter what area you are on top in your life you are only on top until someone comes along who is better.

Jesus is the greatest! There is no one greater! Hebrews 11 is called the hall of fame of faith and that faith is in Jesus. Jesus is the greatest!

Hebrews 1:1-5

Jesus is greater than the Angels! Everything was made through Him! He is the exact representation of God. He is Gods radiance and glory!!

So what does all of this mean for us?

This is who we have faith in! Jesus is our guardian lord and savior with all the power that is and ever will exist! He has complete power and authority to protect and save us from every situation!!

The Jews revered and worshiped moses. They took great pride in being the descendants of Moses. What do identify my self with? Is my identity and pride in Jesus or something else? I am Gods son first and foremost!

Hebrews 3:5-6

Moses was one of the most faithful servant in Gods house and yet Jesus is over the entire house!

Hebrews 4:14-16; 7:23-24

The high-priest always offered a sacrifice for Israel's sins but was flawed and held back by his own sin. Jesus is the perfect high-priest and the only one to approach God for us with out a hinderance!

Hebrews 7:27-28; 9:13-14; 10:1-12

Jesus was enough! Once for all! Jesus did not just lack sin. He was filled with all righteousness! Jesus covenant is the greatest! There is no need for anything else. This is the only thing I should seek. Jesus is enough! I don't need anything else!

How fortunate that I am to have Gods word written on my heart! Everyman and woman in the Old Testimate would trade places with me regardless of my circumstances because I have The new covenant and gods word on my heart!!

Hebrews 2:2-4; 7:25

Jesus is the greatest savior! Jesus saves completely! There is nothing that Jesus cannot save me from!

Jesus rest is the greatest!

Hebrews 4:6-11
Hebrews 10:25-34

Since Jesus is the greatest, it is the worst to sin against Jesus! How much more severely will the punishment be for those who trample the son of God? If I deliberately keep on sinning on purpose God will withdraw his mercy and sacrifice!

The truth is all I have to do is never give up! I have to continue to fight and repent! When I mess up and fall all I need to do is get back up and continue to make Jesus lord of my life!!

Hebrews 10:35-39 AMEN!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Intentions vs Actions!

Intentions vs Actions!

Good intentions are often thought of as more important than the actual actions. "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions!" Did no one in heaven have good intentions? Intentions are really cut both ways. What makes the difference?

The truth is good intentions mean nothing unless they are followed with good actions! How good would a Good Samaritan be if he only had good intentions. Conversely how good would the Good Samaritan be if had no good intentions?!

Hebrews 4:12 gods word judges out thoughts and intentions! Intentions do matter!

Mathew 21:28-32

How many times have I said that I was going to do something good and then never followed through and did it?

Good intentions:

I'm going to read my bible everyday!
I'm going to change and repent of this "sin" and never commit it again!
I'm going to never act this way as a parent again!
I'm going to...I'm going to...

Where do my good intentions come from? Does it come from deceit where I know deep in my heart I don't mean what I am saying and it is only lip service!? Does my good intentions come from faith and deep convictions? Good intentions are a start and nothing more.

God is looking for obedience! The son who says the right thing and does not follow through is compared to a Pharisee and is worse than the tax collector and prostitute!

Hidden sin in my life is an example of good intentions with no action. If my life is full of sin and I am not being open and just trying to look good on the outside is the same!

The difference between the prostitute and the Pharisee is that the prostitute knows that God has a reason to bring judgement. The prostitute has a health fear of God and if she repents, she has a reason to be grateful. The Pharisee does not see that his good intentions with no action is opposing God and he has no fear of God!!

Both sons were sinners! No I won't don't is sinful. Yes I will do it and does not is sinful! The key here and the difference is where you end up. The parable ends with one son who is obedient and one son that is rebellious.

It is so easy in our world today to just be religious and compromise true obedience! Grace was never meant to cover over our sins when we become rebellious and stop repenting!

Have good intentions and follow through with good actions!

Matthew 7:15-23

No need to prove anything! My fruit will be obvious to all! A good tree that bears good fruit is all that God is looking for! Jesus always ends with eternity and that is what is at stake here!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Jude 5-7

  • Vs. 5-6 Jude reminds his readers of the bondage and slavery that God has rescued them from but warns that even though they have been rescued , Gods wrath will not escape them if they do not continue to be faithful to him!

    • What bondage and slavery has God set me free from? Think about the sin that God has saved me from!

      • Why would I ever want to turn away from God and go back to my worst days?

        • When I give temptation a foot hold in my heart and start desiring the things of this world, I have lost perspective and forgotten from what depths God has saved me!

    • Satan wants me to forget.

      • He wants me to think that my life was not that bad.

      • He wants me to think that sin is not as damaging as it really is.

        • Sin destroys relationships, it will wreck my marriage, harden my hearts and separates me from God.

  • Vs. 7 Jude use the worst example in history of sin and depravity in his reference to Sodom & Gomorrah. It is an example to me of how much God truly hates sexual sins and to what lengths he will go to remove it!

    • We have become a sexual explicit culture and the boundaries of what is descent and appropriate are being challenged by the world.

      • How am I separating my self from this world.

      • Am I compromising my convictions by what I allow myself to watch on tv or listen to on the radio?

    • Temptation leads to sin and sin in my life that goes unchecked and unrepented of only leads to more sin. Once I give my heart over to the desire of sin it is never enough. Eventually it separates me from God.

    • Judgment is coming and those who live like this (Galatians 5;19) will not inherit the kingdom of God!

Giving to God

Giving to God

Acts 4:32-37

No one counted their possessions as their own! They shared everything!

They put the money at the apostles feet....use this in any way you can to glorify God and do his will!

My heart should be the same. I may not have sold a field or house. Maybe I'm just giving a portion of my income that God has given me, but regardless my heart should be the same....use this in any way you can to glorify God and do his will!

Man's defeat!

Man's defeat!

What is it that defeats men? Sin is what defeats us. Sin is the tool that satan uses!

Sexual sin is a tool that satan uses constantly to defeat us! Sexual sin is most often rooted in pride and selfishness!

Pornography is more than pictures. It's about fantasy and is rooted in selfishness. The fantasy that "your so great, your so desirable"...etc. It is a play to the pride of men. It strokes our ego.

Married men who are never satisfied with their wives and the women that God has given them are a slap in the face to single brothers who abstain for immorality. Married men have a wife that God has given them to engage intimately and spiritually to meet their needs.

Who wants to eat garbage? How long would you have to be out of food before you would eat garbage? Stop eating garbage and eat the meal at home that God has given you!

James 3:15-18

Every evil practice starts from selfishness that goes unchecked!

Accepting Gods Love

Accepting Gods Love

Love is the major overriding theme in The bible. We love the idea of love. 100 top love songs, number one song,"endless love." Romeo and Juliet, written 400 years ago and still a famous love story. We love, love songs and love story.

Do you think about Gods love as a passionate love story? We know God is love but we view gods love in a different light.

Search and read the scriptures John wrote on love...

The books of John define for us what Gods love truly is! Josh was defined as the disciple Jesus loved. John had an understanding of what it really meant to be loved by God.

Jesus did not show favoritism. Any one of the disciples and apostles could have had that kind of relationship with Jesus. Josh was able to receive Jesus love in a different way. Jesus love was the same to all people. Being loved is sometimes hard to do. Being loved unconditionally is hard to accepts sometimes! I believe John understood and was able to receive Jesus love in a different way!

Accepting Gods love requires some effort on my part. My mid set can either receive Gods love or reject it. Gods love is always there but it depends on me in which way or how much I receive!

Luke 9:51-56 being loved can be uncomfortable!

John was not always this way. Early on in his life he was pretty hard line towards people...(wanted Jesus to bring fire from heaven on people, argued with the other apostles on who was the greatest!) later on his life his views on love changed.

John wrote several of his books as though they were love letters. He started each book with "to the church I love"...etc

It's easy to be convinced that Jesus chose John and loved him; however, because of sin it is harder for us to be convinced that Jesus loves me just as much! The same love Jesus had for John is available to me if I would only choose to accept it!

1 John 3:16

We choose God in actions and in truth. If you want to love God then love your brothers and sisters! Love as Jesus defined it is to lay down our lives for each other! We choose to accept or reject God!

Just like John went from harsh and ambitious to a man filled with love, in the same way I need to allow Jesus love to change me. I need to become a man of love that is willing to lay down my life for Him!

Love test...how can I put someone else's needs before my own this week without expecting anything in return?

1 John 4:10

Biblical Christianity or nothing at all!!

Biblical Christianity or nothing at all!!

We live in interesting time! Think about traveling back to biblical times. All of us would want to experience the things the apostles experienced and saw with their own eyes. Why am I in the time period that I am in? God has me where he wants me.

Perceptions can be lost over time. We try to understand and justify Jesus in our own terms some times. We try to mold Jesus into something we can relate to or understand instead of change our selves to fit Jesus!

To follow Christ today is to be old fashion and to believe the bible as truth is antiquated and naive!

Do I share my faith like I really believe that I have the truth to true peace, godly marriages, purity, Godly wisdom?!

Philippians 4:4-7

This is not worldly peace when you make money, have a good job, a happy wife...etc. How hard is it to have peace when everything is going right in your life? This is the peace that comes from God when things are not all ways right but we rejoice!

Our minds and hearts are constantly under attack! I need to guard our heart and my mind with spending time with God. If I am not guarding my heart with the word, who or what am I letting in? Definitely not God!

Philippians 4:8-9

Wise godly decision can make life easier. Unwise quick ungodly decisions can have consequences for years!

Micah 3:8

Where does power come from? The spirit! Justice and might in telling the truth! Living the truth! If I was filled with this type of power today what would I do with it? If God did not hold back his spirit in my life what would I do with it? Watch football? Play video games? Work on my house? It's time to be about my purpose! To allow God to use me and work for him as a servant of Christ!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Jude 1:10-13

Jude 1:10-13

Vs 10 – This kind of speech is fueled by ignorance and pride. Misunderstand or misinterpreting God's word can lead to this type of abusive speech. To understand God's word we need to always strive for a humble heart. We need to be open to what Gods word says even when we don't like what we are hearing. When we refuse to approach God in this way we are just like reasoning animals and our ignorance will destroy us.

Vs 11- Jude provides several examples to help us understand the true meaning of the people he is talking about.
  • What was the way of Cain (Genesis 4:1-12)?
  • What was Balaam's error (Numbers 22:21-41)?
  • Why did God destroy the people involved in Korah's rebellion (numbers 16)?
  • What did these three have in common?

All three are examples of what happens when man opposes God and and tries to seek their own interest. Jude is telling us that when we do not follow Gods word and his will for our lives, we are like the men he describes in vs 10 and also like Cain, Balaam, and Korah.
  • Each of these men allowed pride to lead them into sin.
  • Cain and Balaam were given the opportunity to repent; however, Korah and his entire family was destroyed along with the rest of the men that went along with him in the rebellion.

Vs 12 – Not only are not to be like these men, Jude also warns us that men like this maybe among us causing division and keeping us from being connected with God.
  • Blemishes at your love feast.
  • Eating with us and without being noticed.
  • Clouds without rain. Useless in God's kingdom. Showing themselves to be of value but not having any intention of contributing or helping.
  • What does he mean by twice dead?

Vs 13 – Jude continues to describe these men in ways that say they look good on the outside but there hearts and actions tell a different story.
  • Wild waves at sea foaming up shame.
  • Wandering stars.

God has reserved the blackest darkness for men who chose to live like this!

Jude 1:8-9


Vs 8. What does it mean to slander a celestial being? I think it means to take the Lords name in vain. To curse God or use Jesus Christ is profane way. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are to be revered and His name is holy!!

To use Gods name in vain is sign of disrespect. Out of anger and frustration we say "God Damn" and "Jesus Christ". Where did this habit come from? In Frustration And out of habit I say the "God". This habit needs to stop immediately.

We have been given the power to rebuke the devil ing Gods name. Why would I ever want to use it in any other way and show disrespect!

Vs. 9 Even Satan was given some respect and Michael did not slander him on his own but used Gods name to rebuke him. God is holy, pure and without sin! It makes sense that His name is the only name in which we should respond to evil!

Even the more powerful arch angel Michael did not deal with Satan directly but used Gods name and his power to deal with Satan. How much more should I call on Gods name to fight my own battles with the devil. I am not nearly as strong as Michael (2 peter 2:10-11) and it is foolish to think that I can handle this enemy on my own!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Jude 1:3-4


  • Vs. 3 Jude suggest not only do we rejoice in our salvation but that we must content for our faith as well.

    • Christianity is under attack. The bible is under attack. There is hypocrisy everywhere! As a disciple of Christ I need to defend my faith by living a life worth of the gospel. People are watching me and the example that I set plays a huge role in how the people around me view God and Christianity!

  • Vs. 4 Jude describes wolves in sheep's clothing. People who look, dress, and talk like they are Christians or believers. People who know the right things to say. Know how to act and carry themselves but really are godless men.

    • Why are they godless men?

      • Men that take the grace that Jesus so freely gives and then use it to justify the sin in their lives.

      • Instead of accepting Gods grace and mercy and repenting of their sins, they use it to continue to sin and manipulate God's word.

        • This is scary to think about. Although I go to church and read my bible, at any point I can become like these godless men.

        • Repenting is the key. If I deliberately keep on sinning and I don't go after changing my sinful nature, then I am no better than they are.

        • I know God does not call me to be perfect; however, he does call me to change and repent. I need to get serious about the sin in my life and to stop making excuses for it!

Jude 1:1-2


  • Vs. 1 Jude was the brother of James an the brother of Jesus. Jude did not believe Jesus was the Christ and the Son of God until after Jesus rose from the dead.

    • None of the countless miracles Jesus did in his life was enough to convince Jude to believe in Jesus. It wasn't until after he had seen the suffering Jesus went through, the pain his mother (Mary) had endured, and then the resurrection of Jesus from the dead that he truly believe.

    • Christ power is in His resurrection! My power comes from Jesus death and resurrection.

      • If Jesus had not died I would not be saved.

        • I would not be able to conquer my sinful nature.

        • There would be no forgiveness.

    • Like Jude I was not convinced by all the blessings God had given me or the miracles he had done in my life. It took the power of the cross to break my heart and to really see who I was before God and how much I really need Him.

  • Vs. 1 Jude is speaking specificity to Christians. Fellow believers in Christ. Brothers.

    • Like Jude, I have been called to know Christ.

      • It is sobering to think about this. Out of all the people in the world, many of which do not know God, God chose me and called me to follow him!

      • What a privilege it is to be pursued by God and chosen by Him!

    • Jude reminds us that as brothers in the faith, we are loved by God and kept in a relationship with him by or through Jesus.

      • How often have I taken this simple fact for granted.

      • Without Jesus I would not be able to have a relationship with God.

  • Vs. 2 Jude offers a blessing of mercy, peace, and love to his readers.

    • We all want the same things. To have mercy, live in peace, and to be loved.

      • Only through Jesus and our relationship with God can we truly have mercy, peace, and love.

      • Nothing the world has to offer me will ever compare with the abundance of these three things I have in Christ!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Fwd: Sermon notes today

We need faith to be confident.

Hebrew 11:1

How to be confident. Three things that destroy our confidence:

1. Doubt vs TRUST when we don't trust, we are sinning against God.

2. Guilt from sin vs 🌟CONFESSION. I need to confess the things I'm feeling guilty about so that I can connecting with God.

3. Lack of ability vs🌟HUMILITY it means you're putting yourself in a position to learn. Learning how to be humble and ask questions.

It's not about working harder but learning how to work smarter. If we lose the heart to be a Learner, we loose the opportunity to connect.

Galatians 5:6

Religious people try to prove how they are close to God and not on how they're working on the areas they need help in their lives to be closer to God and helping other draw closer to God.

Many times when we are religious, we are unloving. When people really want to seek God, they seek love.

When we don't have faith, it's hard to:

Be honest
Show respect


Hebrews 11:6

God wants to know two things:
🌟do you believe that I'm real?
🌟he wants us to have a real relationship with Him.

 Spiritual growth happens when we have faith and take action.


Hebrews 10:38
🙏Study the bible (Be eager)
🙏 Prayer (Be honest)
Uncover sin
Express emotions
🙏 Resolve Relationships (Be loving)
🙏 Start building something new (Have impact)

Sunday, September 14, 2014

A Living Eulogy.

A Living Eulogy.

We are all going to die. We are all going to have a tomb stone! We need to think about what kind of life do I want to live before it is my last? This is a question we should ask often. We should measure our progress I. These goals and make adjustments if need as we travel along our journey!

Psalms 90:12

We are all alive today! We want a life that glorifies God. Alive that The Lord can be proud of.

Paul's living eulogy...

Acts 20:17-38

Paul says "you know how I lived"! Our lives are witness to who we truly are! What more could have been said at Paul's funeral? Paul's signal focus in life was to do what God had called him to do. What is my signal most important focus in my life?

God has specific plans for each of us. Am I living out Gods will in my life? As Americans we need to redefine what a successful life is. Sometimes our view gets distorted by the world. Gods definition of a successful for filled life into live a life like Paul...faithful to the end!

Paul never viewed himself as being perfect but as one who never neglected to tell the truth! We cannot shrink back from telling the truth. I need to also live my life in truth as I speak the truth in love. I have to have both the truth on my lips and the truth in my life.

Paul through his life lead people to Jesus and not to himself. Paul was a pilar in the faith but through humility refused to promote himself and exalted Jesus above himself in everything he did.

Paul finished his life strong and refused to give up. Through the power of Christ he persevered and stayed faithful.

In Paul's life he gave more than he received. This is an example of a for filled life. To give more than we receive! It's is easy to give more when we are receiving more. Gods plan and design is to give more than you receive. It's on me to make sure that the balance between giving and receiving is in line with Gods view. The more I get the more I should be giving. 2/1 ratio giving/receiving!

I can never out give Jesus. Jesus lived his life this way...giving everything!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus?

We define things by our perceptions. Many times we miss or never notice God in our daily lives.

Jesus was the son of God, the most interesting man in the world, God in human form...etc and in many situations people could only see him as a carpenters son and a human born from galilee!

Who is Jesus?

Mark 8:27-30

Jesus did not ask this question to impress people or give himself glory. Everything that Jesus did was to glorify God! Jesus was asking this question to also reveal where his disciples were at I'm their hearts.

The Pharisees and religious powers acknowledged that Jesus was a righteous man. A man of God, a profit from God!

What would people say about me. Who would people say that I am? No good tree produces bad fruit! What type of fruit am I producing. People will define me by the fruit that I produce!

What will people think about me if I live my life where all I care about is what God thinks of me.

1 Peter 2:12

Who do people compare me to? What answer would someone give?

Galatians 5:22-23

I need to bare this kind of fruit. Not just one or too fruits of the spirit but all of the fruits of the spirit.

Today to call Jesus savior, the Son of God does not Maegan as much as it did back in biblical times. Somewhere along the way it has lost its meaning! It is only when we feel hopeless and in deep need of help that we truly see who Jesus is and what his name really means!

We done think we need a savior until we realize how much we need God. How much we need Jesus! Recognizing my need for a savior is the only way we can every really know who Jesus is!

Matthew 16:17-19

Peter was the rock because he was able to realize and defined Jesus for who he really was! Jesus is the Christ, the savior of the world and the son of the living God! There is nothing else to build Gods church on that Jesus is lord and our savior!!

What am I building my life on? This too will define me to the people around me!
Build on Jesus as the son of God and my savior!

Jesus was focused and deliberate.

Jesus was focused and deliberate.

Mark 1:35-38

Jesus woke up early and had a purpose for the day. He left early to go preach and drive out demons. Is my purpose to preach and drive out demons (sin) in other peoples lives? Am I living life deliberately or am I just loving to survive? What is my plan spiritually for the next couple of months. Am I planing?

Mark 5:1-20

Am I willing to interact with those in society that may have difficult problems to deal with. Jesus went after the people with the most problems! We were all demon possessed before God! Share my story this week with someone! I have the solution and can bring peace to the world

Mark 12:28-34

To religious people, Jesus focused on two things. Love for God and love for others. It's not about living a perfect life. It's about loving God and each other!

Mark 16:9-20

Jesus rose from the dead and went straight back to the mission. Jesus was focused and deliberate about his life and the time that he had.

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What does the cross mean to you?

What does the cross mean to you?

The cross can mean many things! To the people of the first century it was a symbol of torture. Everyone new what it meant to be crucified. They had seen live crucifixes before. When Jesus said take up your cross and follow him, that had a graphic meaning to the first century that I believe in many ways has been lost today.

The cross today is a cultural icon. A symbol of religiosity. It's a pendant on a gold chain, a marker for a grave, a hand gesture, or a screen print on a tshirt.

What does the cross stand for to you?

1 Corinthians 1:18

18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

What does the cross mean to you? How has it affected your life? How has it changed your life? How has it giving you power?

When we come in contact with the cross and think about what it means on a personal level we cannot walk away without making a decision to change and live for God!

2 Corinthians 5:14-15

14 For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15 And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

The cross is foolishness when it is just a symbol, a cultural icon or a piece of jewelry. The cross has power when we allow it to change our lives. When we allow it to compel us and no longer live for our selves but for God!

Sunday, August 17, 2014



Titus 3:1-7

God commands us to show meekness and gentleness to "all men". All men means all men. There is no excuse or exemption based on who they are.

God found each one of us the way vs 3 describes. Enslaved and bound by all kinds of passions and pleasures! At one time God found us in a desperate state. He rescued us from despair. We were disobedient to Gods laws and deceived!

When we live a life style of sin we are enslaved to it. True freedom only comes through righteousness and rite lushness only comes through God!

There was nothing in us that would cause God to love us. There was nothing we could do to draw God to us!

God saved us simply because of his mercy. Simply because he is a merciful God and a loving God.

What has God done for us?

He washed us up. Cleansed us from all the filth that was in our lives. We can never really connect with God's grace until we realize how sinful we really are and how dark our lives are without him!

God lavished his love on us through our savor Jesus Christ. When we deserved death and so many other things other than grace, God pored out unconditional love on us!

God was not forced to rescue us, he delights in rescuing us.

Ephesians 1:3-10

Titus 3:1-7; 1 Samuel 20:13b-17; 2 Samuel 9:1-8

Jonathan protected David from his father and made a covenant with David that David would bless Jonathan's family. David honored that promise despite of running the risk of someone from Jonathan's family rising up and taking his throne! David was a grateful man who never forgot the grace that was shown to him by Jonathan!

We are all Mephilboseth and we're all crippled and suffering. We don't deserve grace but is given to us because of the covenant of Jesus blood and sacrifice.

Seeking The Lord

Seeking The Lord

Hosea 10:12

We schedule so many things through the day, yet seeking The Lord is so many times not our priority and it should be!

Luke 15:17-20

The turning point in this man's life was when he chose to seek The Lord. He had to change his direction and could not stay where he was at.

The parables before the lost son helps us understand that we are all lost and it shows how much God longs to find us!

Luke 15:11-16

Sin distances us from God in the same way that this man set off for a distant land. Sin sends us away from God and we end up so far away.

Ephesians 4:17

Sin removes us from God and when our hearts get hard we fall further and further away. Sin causes us to lose all sensitivity! Following sin will on lead you to pig slop!

To seek The Lord you first have to see where you are at.

Luke 15:17-20

Psalms 84:10

To seek God you must realize that is better to be in Gods house than in any other place!!

The lost son did not just sit and dream about a life with God, he took action! He got up and ran home!

Luke 3:7-14

A changed heart requires action.

Luke 15:21-24