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Showing posts with label How To Bible Lessons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How To Bible Lessons. Show all posts

Monday, March 7, 2011

Getting The Most Out of Your Bible Reading

Studying the bible may seem like a daunting task and many people are intimidated by the bible and its many books. When you read the bible take your time, there is no rush and it is always better to do an endepth study versus just reading multiple chapters of the bible at a time.

When you read the bible take one chapter at a time and/or maybe just a few bible versus at a time and ask your self the following questions:
  1. Why did God have this particular chapter or passage written?
  2. What is God's heart on this issue?
  3. Does this apply to my heart and life today?
  4. What decisions or changes do I need to make in my life as a result of what I am reading?
The Bible is no ordinary book. It is the inspired word of God and as 2 Timothy 3:16-17 states, it is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. If you allow God's word to penetrate your heart it can be useful in giving you all of the following:

  1. Direction in your life
  2. Correction
  3. A Godly perspective
  4. Inspiration
  5. Encouragement
  6. Warnings to help you avoid trouble in your life
  7. Historical facts and information
Above all when you study the bible remember that God is speaking to you and wants you to have a relationship with him. Just like with any human relationship there has to be communication in order for the relationship to thrive. Likewise, when we pray we are speaking to God and when we read the bible God is speaking to us! Fall in love with God and read your bible to see what he has to say to you!

Monday, March 29, 2010

How to Lead a Small Bible Group

The goal of a bible based small group should be to strengthen the body of God and to meet the needs of each individually in the small group.

Jesus sent out small groups to evangelize and the bible is filled with examples of one another relationships.

Jesus had relationships on six different levels. Jesus and John "the one Jesus loved" the bible says. Jesus, Peter, James and John, which was a core group that Jesus would meet with exclusively (I.e....the garden of Gethsemane, Mt Sinai..etc). Jesus had the twelve apostles and then the multitudes!

The purpose of being a leader of a small group is to build a healthy spiritual body. Not all church growth is built in the right way. We have to be careful on how we build the church. 1 Corinthians 3:5-14

If we are relying on god and not ourselves or our wordly wisdom then god will bless our building.

Leadership in the church was gods plan and his idea. A church will reflect the leadership in the church. The influence of leadership is a huge issue and holds leaders accountable on a different level. Leaders are Christians and disciples first and leaders second. We have to practice what we preach!

Matthew 20:20-28

Jesus discipled the apostles for three years prior to this occasion and we see the apostles still had no clue on how to be godly leaders. Their worldly view of leadership was still present. Jesus said the last will be first. God expects leaders to lead with humility. James and John's mother was filled with wordly ambition and her sons emulated that characteristic. The world leads on ambition and selfishness. God points out his plan of leading through humility.

1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 Hebrews 13:17 Hebrews 13:7

If leaders have a life worth imitating then submitting to them is not an issue. Leaders need to have ambition for their followers and not selfish ambition! The ambition is for the group and the individual needs in the small groups!

John 13:13, John 15:15-16

Jesus was their teacher lord and master and yet he served his followers! We are gods servants and yet Jesus called his disciples to be his fellow workers! Sometimes we can have a distorted view of what a leader should be. Jesus is our perfect example.

Compare Hebrews 13:17 and Hebrews 13:7 again.

The church should have positional authority in a combination with relational authority. we need to follow our leaders in some cases because of their position and in other case because of the relationship we have established with our leaders.

1 Corinthians 16:15-16 1 Corinthians 16:12
Two examples of leaders. They were servants and lead by serving. Also Paul asked Apollos to go with the brothers and he said no. Paul was not a dictator and excepted Apollos decision not to go. Paul set an example for us in not lording over our followers! Ephesians 4:11-16

Every leader  should be a servant regardless of his/her position. Romans 12:1-5

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

How to lead a bible discussion group

What should be the purpose of a bible talk or small spiritual bible study group be?

  1. Reach the lost.
  2. Bring people into our lives so they can see Jesus in our lives.
  3. Meet the needs of the church.
  4. Helping people see their need for a relationship with God.

Specifically, these groups should be designed to seek and save the lost! God calls us to share his word and call others to follow him.

Suggestions for leading a great bible talk or small spiritual bible study group:

  1. It should not be run like a church service with a formal type atmosphere.
  2. The bible study should be a discussion group and you need to ask a lot of questions and get feed back.
  3. Be prepared for you study group and your lesson should be thought threw and planed.
  4. Ask engaging questions. Thought provoking questions that relate to the biblical topic or subject.
  5. This should not be a time to preach but again a time for spiritual discussion.
  6. Lead by example in share your weaknesses and temptations and how god has helped you in your own life!

Example scripture
Matthew 5:38-40
Share how turning the other cheek has been a struggle for you. Give circumstances in your week that have challenged you in this commandment.
  • Reduce distractions by setting up childcare...etc
  • Always finish the discussion on time and the lessons should not exceed 30 minutes.
  • Have inspiring lessons and try to incorporate ice breaker activities to get people involved.
  • Use current events, relevant topics, cuing stories and interesting facts that relates to the discussion topic.
  • Try to plan your topic around a single passage of scripture.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

How To Be a Biblical Leader for God

What does it mean to be a biblical leader?

Romans 12:1-9
           Leaders are no better than anyone else in the body......we are all equally important, however, god has set them apart for a specific task. A leaders goal. Should be a leader in serving!

            A leader should be inspiring.... The only way we can be inspiring is through our walk with god! If you struggling with be inspiring then you really saying I don't want to have to get that close to god.

            Leaders need to have vision and encourage the fellowship.

John 17