God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus?

We define things by our perceptions. Many times we miss or never notice God in our daily lives.

Jesus was the son of God, the most interesting man in the world, God in human form...etc and in many situations people could only see him as a carpenters son and a human born from galilee!

Who is Jesus?

Mark 8:27-30

Jesus did not ask this question to impress people or give himself glory. Everything that Jesus did was to glorify God! Jesus was asking this question to also reveal where his disciples were at I'm their hearts.

The Pharisees and religious powers acknowledged that Jesus was a righteous man. A man of God, a profit from God!

What would people say about me. Who would people say that I am? No good tree produces bad fruit! What type of fruit am I producing. People will define me by the fruit that I produce!

What will people think about me if I live my life where all I care about is what God thinks of me.

1 Peter 2:12

Who do people compare me to? What answer would someone give?

Galatians 5:22-23

I need to bare this kind of fruit. Not just one or too fruits of the spirit but all of the fruits of the spirit.

Today to call Jesus savior, the Son of God does not Maegan as much as it did back in biblical times. Somewhere along the way it has lost its meaning! It is only when we feel hopeless and in deep need of help that we truly see who Jesus is and what his name really means!

We done think we need a savior until we realize how much we need God. How much we need Jesus! Recognizing my need for a savior is the only way we can every really know who Jesus is!

Matthew 16:17-19

Peter was the rock because he was able to realize and defined Jesus for who he really was! Jesus is the Christ, the savior of the world and the son of the living God! There is nothing else to build Gods church on that Jesus is lord and our savior!!

What am I building my life on? This too will define me to the people around me!
Build on Jesus as the son of God and my savior!

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