God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, January 19, 2015

God's Story Part 1

God's Story.

Once upon a time….a story always starts somewhere. Great stories start with great beginnings. You can't have a good story with out a great beginning. Gods does not have a beginning because there was no beginning. God has always been. Gods story that he wanted to tell us begins with the beginning of mankind.

The story of how he made man and a people of His own. To love and care for those people over generations. To send his only son to be the savior that those people need. Gods story is the ultimate love story!

Although God has created and written the story he has made me a part of the story he creates. I have a unique role in this story yet though his power he allows me to make my own decisions and to have my own freewill, to love him or not to love him. Even with my autonomy I am apart of Gods story and the outcome does not change. Gods story is the same.

Genesis 1

God saw that what he created was good! Why not great? Gods creation was good in the deepest sense of the word. Man being made in Gods image, created man to be the fullness og Gods goodness. This is one of the reasons we were created. 2 Peter 1:5

God has made us apart of things from the very beginning. Genesis 2 "Man was with God." Man and Women and were both bare and yet felt no shame. Man walked with God in the garden and there was no shame. Shame is a barrier created by Satan. When there is shame there is no intimacy! I was meant to be intimate with God! God is desperate for that kind of relationship with me!

I need to remove all the barriers that keep me from having that intimate relationship with God!

The garden was described as paradise. What made Eden paradise was not the beautiful greens, ripe fruits, running water falls…etc. Eden was paradise because man was intimate with God! My surroundings do not matter! What matters is that I am intimate with God!

Man chose to sin! Man knew only good. What Satan offered was for man to know both good and evil. The fall of man is the moment in time when man looses intimacy with God. This is the moment when man feels shame for the first time! Sin creates shame and separates us from God! Sin causes man to want to hide from God. Genesis 3

Man is separated from God. Mans relationship with God needs to be restored. I can't solve my shame on my own. Just covering myself with fig leaves is not the solution. Jesus is the only answer to removing shame and restoring intimacy with God!

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