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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Living HIStory! Part 2

Living HIStory!

In the garden there were no barriers between God and man. Once man sinned the intimacy with God was broken. God's story is to take fallen man and return him to paradise. To return man back to an intimate relationship with God with no barriers.

As God's story marches through history, Abraham becomes a key character in God's plan.

Genesis 10:2-7; Genesis 11:10-26
Most of the time when we see a genealogy in the bible we skip it; however, there is a lot of meaning and importance in this genealogy. We see that Gods people and gods plan was passed down from father to son over hundreds of generations!

In the Old Testimate, Gods people had no concept of heaven or eternity. The promise of God at that time was not heaven or hell. The promise that God gave Abraham was that he would have a long line and be the father of all nations. Through this genealogy God was faithful to Abraham.

Genesis 15:1-6

God chose to save Abraham and wanted to be his great reward! Abraham questioned Gods love because he had no sons. God showed so much grace and mercy to Abraham by reconfirming his promise to Abraham. When Abraham chose to believe and had faith he was considered righteous.

Abraham was the first man called into a relationship with God outside of the garden and Gods plan was to be with Abraham for ever. God started setting eternity into the hearts of men through Abraham and his genealogy.

We have to look and seek eternity with God. If we are looking to God to solve all of our problems in the "here and now" then we are going to have a hard time loving God when things do not go the way we think they should. Like Abraham we need to trust God and his promise for us in our lives. Eternity with God should be our focus and great reward!

When we live for eternity it solves all the problems we have in the "here and now"! Our focus has to be on being with God for ever!

God chose Abraham to pass it on. If God called Abraham to pass it on, what do you think he is calling us to do? Through our children, our neighbors, people at work, and any other relationships we have need to be focused on passing on Gods plan for eternity!

1 Corinthians 4:14-15 Gods used Paul to pass it on. The same father to son concept. What spiritual generations am I creating for God? Who are my spiritual sons and daughters?

The true cost of hell is a complete and total separation from God or eternity. Heaven is a complete and total connection with God for eternity! When God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, Abraham saw it as God asking him to sacrifice eternity with Him. God was ultimately asking Abraham to sacrifice his promise and relationship with God for eternity. Abraham had faith that God would keep his promise and was willing to do what ever God called him to do.

God did not call Abraham to do anything that God was not willing to do himself! God spared Abrahams son and sacrificed His own. Jesus took the place of Isaac and took the place of you and me!

Sent from my iPad

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