God's Free Word Book Store

Friday, September 26, 2014

Jude 1:10-13

Jude 1:10-13

Vs 10 – This kind of speech is fueled by ignorance and pride. Misunderstand or misinterpreting God's word can lead to this type of abusive speech. To understand God's word we need to always strive for a humble heart. We need to be open to what Gods word says even when we don't like what we are hearing. When we refuse to approach God in this way we are just like reasoning animals and our ignorance will destroy us.

Vs 11- Jude provides several examples to help us understand the true meaning of the people he is talking about.
  • What was the way of Cain (Genesis 4:1-12)?
  • What was Balaam's error (Numbers 22:21-41)?
  • Why did God destroy the people involved in Korah's rebellion (numbers 16)?
  • What did these three have in common?

All three are examples of what happens when man opposes God and and tries to seek their own interest. Jude is telling us that when we do not follow Gods word and his will for our lives, we are like the men he describes in vs 10 and also like Cain, Balaam, and Korah.
  • Each of these men allowed pride to lead them into sin.
  • Cain and Balaam were given the opportunity to repent; however, Korah and his entire family was destroyed along with the rest of the men that went along with him in the rebellion.

Vs 12 – Not only are not to be like these men, Jude also warns us that men like this maybe among us causing division and keeping us from being connected with God.
  • Blemishes at your love feast.
  • Eating with us and without being noticed.
  • Clouds without rain. Useless in God's kingdom. Showing themselves to be of value but not having any intention of contributing or helping.
  • What does he mean by twice dead?

Vs 13 – Jude continues to describe these men in ways that say they look good on the outside but there hearts and actions tell a different story.
  • Wild waves at sea foaming up shame.
  • Wandering stars.

God has reserved the blackest darkness for men who chose to live like this!

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