God's Free Word Book Store

Saturday, January 10, 2015



Everyone loves a fresh start! This is the time of New Years resolutions. We make goals, we set benchmarks, and plan to have a better year than the year before. Statistically only 8% of New Years resolutions are every carried through the whole year.

New Years resolutions can become a very cynical process. We can loose hope in ever really believing that we can truly change!

Through Jesus we get to press the reset button daily! It's not about failing or success but about resolve to keep fighting. To pick yourself up when we fall and to be determined not to give up!!

Malachi 2:2

God calls his people to resolve to honor Him. This needs to be the focus of any resolution we make. To honor God in everything that we do! This starts with a decision in our hearts!

How can we honor God without listening to him? It also starts with reading our bibles daily! We can not honor God without listen to him and hearing his instructions! Listening to God also involves listen to the people that God has put in our lives.

Daniel 1:8

Not to defile ourselves the way the world does should be the bases for our resolutions as well. Sexual purity. Materialism. Greed. Pride.

1 Corinthians 2:2-

Paul made a resolution to know nothing but the cross of Christ!! Paul looked at all the knowledge he had obtained in his life and considered it nothing in comparison to Jesus and his crucifixion!

What Paul is saying is that he never allowed Jesus to leave his mind. Jesus was always the focus in everything that Paul did!

Being a Christian has to be something we are and not a role we play!

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