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Monday, January 26, 2015

The Book of Psalms By Theme

The book of Psalms indexed by theme.

The Attributes Of God
1) The Lord is our judge and defense – Psalm 7:8-10.
2) The refuge of the poor – Psalm 14:6.
3) He is our Rock, fortress, strength and high tower – Psalm 18:2.
4) Our Redeemer – Psalm 19:14.
5) The King of Glory – Psalm 24:10.
6) “My light and my salvation” – Psalm 27:1.
7) He is our Shield – Psalm 28:7.
8) “My hiding place” – Psalm 32:7.
9) “Our refuge and strength” – Psalm 46:1.
10) “A God full of compassion” – Psalm 86:15.
11) “Our dwelling place in all generations” – Psalm 90:1.

Psalms That Praise God
1) Extolling the goodness of God – Psalm 85,95,100,136.
2) Praising God’s glory, wisdom, power & majesty – Psalm 18,19,29,62,66,93,97,99,118,147.
3) God as creator and preserver of all of His works – Psalm 33,89,104.
4) His infinite knowledge – Psalm 139.
5) God’s eternity contrasted with man’s temporal nature – Psalm 90.
6) Divine providence seen in God’s wonderful works in behalf of his chosen people, Israel – Psalm
7) The source of all help, who keeps His people – Psalm 121.
8) The whole creation praises Him – Psalm 148.

Christ In The Psalms
1) The coronation hymn – Psalm 2.
2) The crucifixion psalm – Psalm 22.
3) The resurrection psalm – Psalm 16.
4) The reign of the righteous king – Psalm 45,72,110,132:11.
5) The Messiah’s manhood – Psalm 8:4-5.
6) The Messiah’s sonship – Psalm 2:7.
7) His deity – Psalm 45:6, Psalm 11.
8) His holiness – Psalm 45:7; Psalm 89:18-19.
9) His priesthood – Psalm 110:4.
10) His kingship – Psalm 2:6; Psalm 89:18-19,27.
11) His eternity – Psalm 61:6-7; Psalm 45:17; Psalm 102:25-27.
12) His universal sovereignty – Psalm 72:8; Psalm 103:19.
13) His obedience – Psalm 40:6-8.
14) His zeal – Psalm 69:9.
15) His sufferings – Psalm 69:4,9.
16) His betrayal – Psalm 41:9.
17) His death – Psalm 22:1-21; Psalm 69:20-21.
18) His resurrection – Psalm 16:10.
19) His ascension – Psalm 68:18.
20) His coming again to judge – Psalm 96-98.

Some Historical Psalms
1) The exodus and crossing the red sea – Psalm 136:10-15.
2) The period of wandering – Psalm 114.
3) The period of judges – Psalm 106:34-46.
4) David’s early period when fleeing from Saul – Psalm 7,11,34.
5) David’s reign – Psalm 24,30,51 (David’s sin with Bathsheba).
6) Absalom’s rebellion – Psalm 3,55.
7) The glory of Solomon’s reign – Psalm 72.
8) The fall of Jerusalem – Psalm 74, 79.
9) The Jews in Babylon – Psalm 80, 137.
10) The restoration – Psalm 85:1-6; Psalm 126.

Psalms Concerning Man
1) Exaltation of man – Psalm 8 (fulfilled in the “perfect” man – Hebrews 2:5-9).
2) Man’s sinfulness – Psalm 10,14,36,55,59.
3) The wicked contrasted with the godly – Psalm 1,4,5.
4) The folly of the wicked and of those who trust in riches – Psalm 37,49,53.
5) The fate of the ungodly – Psalm 9,11,73.

Psalms Of Trust And Thanksgiving
1) Trust – Psalm 3,16,20,27,31,34,42,61,62,91.
2) The shepherd psalm – Psalm 23.
3) God our refuge – Psalm 46.
4) “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving” – Psalm 100.
5) “Pay thy vows unto the most High” – Psalm 50.
6) “My help cometh from the Lord” – Psalm 121.

Prayer Psalms
1) For mercy in time of trouble – Psalm 6.
2) Prayers of assurance – Psalm 27,116.
3) Penitence, seeking forgiveness – Psalm 51.
4) For destruction of the deceitful – Psalm 55.
5) For deliverance – Psalm 70.
6) For mercy – Psalm 86.
7) For help in trouble – Psalm 142.
8) For guidance – Psalm 143.

The Lord’s Church
1) Safety of “The city of God” – Psalm 46.
2) The beauty and glory of Zion – Psalm 48,87.
3) Love for the house of God – Psalm 84,122.
4) Unity among brethren – Psalm 133.

Psalms Concerning Experiences In Religion & In Life
1) Magnifying the word of God – Psalm 19,119.
2) Praise – Psalm 96,98,100,103,107,136,145,148-150.
3) Worship – Psalm 43,84,100,122,132.
4) The vanity of life – Psalm 39,49,90.
5) The home – Psalm 127.

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