God's Free Word Book Store

Saturday, January 10, 2015

God's incredible mercy!

God's incredible mercy!

-- Summary of the Good Samaritan story! --

Luke 10:36-37

Mercy is to have compassion on someone who is in distress.

We need mercy! It very important for us to understand how desperately we need mercy. Without mercy we would all be dead!

Mercy in three different capacities:

1.) Gods nature of mercy!

Psalms 103:8-9 Exodus 34 the lord is merciful and gracious! Slow to anger! We want mercy for ourselves and struggle with giving mercy to others!

Jeremiah 3:12; Joel 2:13; Hebrews 8:12; Romans 6:3

Our sins are what cause us to be in distress! According to Gods word the sinner must perish! When I sin I am denying Gods goodness!

To what sinners is God merciful to? Not all sinners receive mercy! Who decides who gets mercy?

Romans 9:18

God owes mercy to no one! He gives mercy to whom he chosen! The only people that do not receive Gods mercy is the one who chooses not to receive it. God wants all men to be saved!

Psalms 103:17

2.) The demonstration of God's mercy!

Genesis 19 - Sodom and Gomorrah

Psalms 1:36; Ezra 10:11 God rescued the Israelites from Egypt.

Luke 18 Blind man receives mercy! God and Jesus so compassionate on the distressed!

Ephesians 2:4-5; Titus 3:4-6; 1 Peter 1:3; Isaiah 55:7

3.) The imitation of God's mercy!

Its a great thing to be known as a forgiven! God has given us an example to follow and to receive Gods mercy we need to give mercy!

Luke 6:36; Proverbs 3:3; Micah 6:8

Luke 10:36-37 go and do like wise! Proverbs 11:17; Matthew 5:7

Jesus not only died for my sins but also because of my sins!

Sent from my iPad

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