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Saturday, January 10, 2015

4 Deadly Sins!

4 Deadly Sins!

4 sins that keep us from leading!

Jesus put an emphasis on men. When he chose 12 apostles he didn't choose 6 women and 6 men. Jesus call us men to lead!

Every disciple has a desire to want to make a difference and evangelize. So why are we not stepping up as men and leading the charge to see this purpose for filled?

1 Corinthians 10:1-11

This issues have not changed. The same issues in Corinth back then are the same issues that we struggle with today. Sin was destroying the Corinthians from become who they were suppose to be!

4 deadly sins:

1.) Idolatry - putting anything....anything before God! Matthew 13:45-46. I have been called to give everything to God. When I put anything before God it needs to be destroyed and cast out of my heart.

2.) Sexual immorality - three different times in Corinthians Paul talks about sexual sin! The worst thing about sexual sin is that it drains you spiritually and kills any spiritual drive you may have for God! As brothers we have to be willing to be completely open with each other. If we do not get totally open we will remain in spiritual bondage! We have got to get real with each other!

3.) Testing the Lord - how do we test the Lord? We test Him when we question his word. We question whether God really mean what he says. Mark 8:38, Ephesians 5:3, Philippians 2:14 for example.

4.) Grumbling - this sin is so distracting that God sent and angel of death! Grumbling against leadership for example. Grumbling keeps us from becoming unified in our purpose. Proverbs 20:14. Grumbling about the church tears down its value!

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