God's Free Word Book Store

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Jude 1:3-4


  • Vs. 3 Jude suggest not only do we rejoice in our salvation but that we must content for our faith as well.

    • Christianity is under attack. The bible is under attack. There is hypocrisy everywhere! As a disciple of Christ I need to defend my faith by living a life worth of the gospel. People are watching me and the example that I set plays a huge role in how the people around me view God and Christianity!

  • Vs. 4 Jude describes wolves in sheep's clothing. People who look, dress, and talk like they are Christians or believers. People who know the right things to say. Know how to act and carry themselves but really are godless men.

    • Why are they godless men?

      • Men that take the grace that Jesus so freely gives and then use it to justify the sin in their lives.

      • Instead of accepting Gods grace and mercy and repenting of their sins, they use it to continue to sin and manipulate God's word.

        • This is scary to think about. Although I go to church and read my bible, at any point I can become like these godless men.

        • Repenting is the key. If I deliberately keep on sinning and I don't go after changing my sinful nature, then I am no better than they are.

        • I know God does not call me to be perfect; however, he does call me to change and repent. I need to get serious about the sin in my life and to stop making excuses for it!

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