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Friday, September 26, 2014

Jude 1:8-9


Vs 8. What does it mean to slander a celestial being? I think it means to take the Lords name in vain. To curse God or use Jesus Christ is profane way. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are to be revered and His name is holy!!

To use Gods name in vain is sign of disrespect. Out of anger and frustration we say "God Damn" and "Jesus Christ". Where did this habit come from? In Frustration And out of habit I say the "God". This habit needs to stop immediately.

We have been given the power to rebuke the devil ing Gods name. Why would I ever want to use it in any other way and show disrespect!

Vs. 9 Even Satan was given some respect and Michael did not slander him on his own but used Gods name to rebuke him. God is holy, pure and without sin! It makes sense that His name is the only name in which we should respond to evil!

Even the more powerful arch angel Michael did not deal with Satan directly but used Gods name and his power to deal with Satan. How much more should I call on Gods name to fight my own battles with the devil. I am not nearly as strong as Michael (2 peter 2:10-11) and it is foolish to think that I can handle this enemy on my own!

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