God's Free Word Book Store

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Jude 1:14-16

Jude 1:14-16

Vs 14/15 – Jude references Enoch, a man who walked with God and never died, to further depict the kind of men that reject Gods word and follow their own desires for personal gain. Judgment is imminent and no one will be able to escape!

  • Enoch prophesied that God would bring an army of thousands (undefinable number) to judge the wicked men that Jude has been describing.

  • These men are defined as ungodly men in every way.

    • Ungodly acts they have committed.

    • Ungodly ways they have lived.

    • Ungodly words they have spoken.

Vs 16 – Jude further describes these men as grumblers and faultfinders who put their own evil desires above the words of God. They boast about themselves to make themselves look good in front of men.

  • Why are they faultfinders?

    • These men do not want to take any responsibility for their actions.

  • Why are they grumblers?

    • These men are never satisfied.

  • Why do they boast?

    • They puff themselves up to hide the sin and rebellion in their hearts.

Jude is warning us not to be like these men. We have to stay humble and hold on to Gods word with deep convictions. All of the character issues described in these men are in many ways common human traits that are rooted in our sinful natures. We have to fight daily to not give into these temptations and in doing so Jude is assuring us that we will escape the wrath of God that is reserved for men like this!

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