God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, August 17, 2014



Titus 3:1-7

God commands us to show meekness and gentleness to "all men". All men means all men. There is no excuse or exemption based on who they are.

God found each one of us the way vs 3 describes. Enslaved and bound by all kinds of passions and pleasures! At one time God found us in a desperate state. He rescued us from despair. We were disobedient to Gods laws and deceived!

When we live a life style of sin we are enslaved to it. True freedom only comes through righteousness and rite lushness only comes through God!

There was nothing in us that would cause God to love us. There was nothing we could do to draw God to us!

God saved us simply because of his mercy. Simply because he is a merciful God and a loving God.

What has God done for us?

He washed us up. Cleansed us from all the filth that was in our lives. We can never really connect with God's grace until we realize how sinful we really are and how dark our lives are without him!

God lavished his love on us through our savor Jesus Christ. When we deserved death and so many other things other than grace, God pored out unconditional love on us!

God was not forced to rescue us, he delights in rescuing us.

Ephesians 1:3-10

Titus 3:1-7; 1 Samuel 20:13b-17; 2 Samuel 9:1-8

Jonathan protected David from his father and made a covenant with David that David would bless Jonathan's family. David honored that promise despite of running the risk of someone from Jonathan's family rising up and taking his throne! David was a grateful man who never forgot the grace that was shown to him by Jonathan!

We are all Mephilboseth and we're all crippled and suffering. We don't deserve grace but is given to us because of the covenant of Jesus blood and sacrifice.

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