God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus?

We define things by our perceptions. Many times we miss or never notice God in our daily lives.

Jesus was the son of God, the most interesting man in the world, God in human form...etc and in many situations people could only see him as a carpenters son and a human born from galilee!

Who is Jesus?

Mark 8:27-30

Jesus did not ask this question to impress people or give himself glory. Everything that Jesus did was to glorify God! Jesus was asking this question to also reveal where his disciples were at I'm their hearts.

The Pharisees and religious powers acknowledged that Jesus was a righteous man. A man of God, a profit from God!

What would people say about me. Who would people say that I am? No good tree produces bad fruit! What type of fruit am I producing. People will define me by the fruit that I produce!

What will people think about me if I live my life where all I care about is what God thinks of me.

1 Peter 2:12

Who do people compare me to? What answer would someone give?

Galatians 5:22-23

I need to bare this kind of fruit. Not just one or too fruits of the spirit but all of the fruits of the spirit.

Today to call Jesus savior, the Son of God does not Maegan as much as it did back in biblical times. Somewhere along the way it has lost its meaning! It is only when we feel hopeless and in deep need of help that we truly see who Jesus is and what his name really means!

We done think we need a savior until we realize how much we need God. How much we need Jesus! Recognizing my need for a savior is the only way we can every really know who Jesus is!

Matthew 16:17-19

Peter was the rock because he was able to realize and defined Jesus for who he really was! Jesus is the Christ, the savior of the world and the son of the living God! There is nothing else to build Gods church on that Jesus is lord and our savior!!

What am I building my life on? This too will define me to the people around me!
Build on Jesus as the son of God and my savior!

Jesus was focused and deliberate.

Jesus was focused and deliberate.

Mark 1:35-38

Jesus woke up early and had a purpose for the day. He left early to go preach and drive out demons. Is my purpose to preach and drive out demons (sin) in other peoples lives? Am I living life deliberately or am I just loving to survive? What is my plan spiritually for the next couple of months. Am I planing?

Mark 5:1-20

Am I willing to interact with those in society that may have difficult problems to deal with. Jesus went after the people with the most problems! We were all demon possessed before God! Share my story this week with someone! I have the solution and can bring peace to the world

Mark 12:28-34

To religious people, Jesus focused on two things. Love for God and love for others. It's not about living a perfect life. It's about loving God and each other!

Mark 16:9-20

Jesus rose from the dead and went straight back to the mission. Jesus was focused and deliberate about his life and the time that he had.

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What does the cross mean to you?

What does the cross mean to you?

The cross can mean many things! To the people of the first century it was a symbol of torture. Everyone new what it meant to be crucified. They had seen live crucifixes before. When Jesus said take up your cross and follow him, that had a graphic meaning to the first century that I believe in many ways has been lost today.

The cross today is a cultural icon. A symbol of religiosity. It's a pendant on a gold chain, a marker for a grave, a hand gesture, or a screen print on a tshirt.

What does the cross stand for to you?

1 Corinthians 1:18

18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

What does the cross mean to you? How has it affected your life? How has it changed your life? How has it giving you power?

When we come in contact with the cross and think about what it means on a personal level we cannot walk away without making a decision to change and live for God!

2 Corinthians 5:14-15

14 For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15 And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

The cross is foolishness when it is just a symbol, a cultural icon or a piece of jewelry. The cross has power when we allow it to change our lives. When we allow it to compel us and no longer live for our selves but for God!

Sunday, August 17, 2014



Titus 3:1-7

God commands us to show meekness and gentleness to "all men". All men means all men. There is no excuse or exemption based on who they are.

God found each one of us the way vs 3 describes. Enslaved and bound by all kinds of passions and pleasures! At one time God found us in a desperate state. He rescued us from despair. We were disobedient to Gods laws and deceived!

When we live a life style of sin we are enslaved to it. True freedom only comes through righteousness and rite lushness only comes through God!

There was nothing in us that would cause God to love us. There was nothing we could do to draw God to us!

God saved us simply because of his mercy. Simply because he is a merciful God and a loving God.

What has God done for us?

He washed us up. Cleansed us from all the filth that was in our lives. We can never really connect with God's grace until we realize how sinful we really are and how dark our lives are without him!

God lavished his love on us through our savor Jesus Christ. When we deserved death and so many other things other than grace, God pored out unconditional love on us!

God was not forced to rescue us, he delights in rescuing us.

Ephesians 1:3-10

Titus 3:1-7; 1 Samuel 20:13b-17; 2 Samuel 9:1-8

Jonathan protected David from his father and made a covenant with David that David would bless Jonathan's family. David honored that promise despite of running the risk of someone from Jonathan's family rising up and taking his throne! David was a grateful man who never forgot the grace that was shown to him by Jonathan!

We are all Mephilboseth and we're all crippled and suffering. We don't deserve grace but is given to us because of the covenant of Jesus blood and sacrifice.

Seeking The Lord

Seeking The Lord

Hosea 10:12

We schedule so many things through the day, yet seeking The Lord is so many times not our priority and it should be!

Luke 15:17-20

The turning point in this man's life was when he chose to seek The Lord. He had to change his direction and could not stay where he was at.

The parables before the lost son helps us understand that we are all lost and it shows how much God longs to find us!

Luke 15:11-16

Sin distances us from God in the same way that this man set off for a distant land. Sin sends us away from God and we end up so far away.

Ephesians 4:17

Sin removes us from God and when our hearts get hard we fall further and further away. Sin causes us to lose all sensitivity! Following sin will on lead you to pig slop!

To seek The Lord you first have to see where you are at.

Luke 15:17-20

Psalms 84:10

To seek God you must realize that is better to be in Gods house than in any other place!!

The lost son did not just sit and dream about a life with God, he took action! He got up and ran home!

Luke 3:7-14

A changed heart requires action.

Luke 15:21-24



The reality and idea of freedom is a very valuable thing. It's what we want and desire the most! Lack of freedom promotes anger and resentment!

John 8:31-33

When someone offers you freedom they are really saving your a slave. The Pharisees refused to see reality that they were slaves!

Jesus mission was to bring freedom and to set prisoners free! Yet in the gospels there is not one story of jesus going into prisons to set any one free. What kind of freedom is Jesus offering?

John 8:34

Freedom from sin!

Romans 6

I am a slave, a prisoner and satan wants to be my master! Slavery that sin puts us in
Is far worst than anything else in this world. Marriages destroyed by sin! Families and children hurt by sin! Relationships destroyed by sin! Dreams crushed by sin. Suicides taken by the guilt of sin! Sin creates doubt and not trust. It isolates us!

Any of us who saw physical slavery or oppression could not just sit and watch with out doing something about it! Then why do I not have the same indignation about the slavery of sin and oppression?!

Every person freed from physical slavery still is a prisoner to sin. Sin has caused more oppression and has killed more people than any other thing in this world!

Romans 8:18-24

Romans 8:25

What a simple answer! Jesus Christ! All of us who have been baptized into Christ have been set free!

What should we do with this freedom that God has given us?!

Romans 6:19-23

Since we have been freed from the slavery of sin, God ask that we chose to be a slave to righteousness!

Giving up our freedom takes trust and humility! Making Jesus lord requires us to trust and obey God!

Galatians 5:13-14

Surrender your freedom not to sin but to serve your brothers and sisters! Unity is expensive and one of the cost of unity is Freedom!!!

Jesus gave up his freedom for God and chose to give up his life for me!

Do I lay down my life and lay down my freedom for my brothers and sisters? For the people around me!

I can't give away what it don't have. I have to be set free from sin in order to offer my Freedom to righteousness!!

Questions and lies!

Questions and lies!

Questions can change our lives! Many were asked or asked the question will you marry me? Life is never the same after that question. Will you come to church with me? Another life changing question. Do you want to study the bible? Life changing questions!

Kids start asking question as soon as they are able to talk. It's natural to have questions. We all ask questions. Eve was asked a question; "did God really say no"

Genesis 3:1-7; 23-24

Some of us read this and think, "yep, that's just like God, always telling us what we can't do". We have a distorted view of God and see him of just a God of do's and don'ts! God is a God of yes! God is a God of freedom!

Imaging some one offered you a beach house in Hawaii and gave you the freedom to stay as long as you wanted, to use it in anyway that you wanted, to swim, sunbath, surf, snorkel, enjoy the beautiful beach and spend endless time there free of charge! The only instructions where to not swim next to the rocks because there is an under current and you will surely drown if you do. What would you say to this? You would be excited to receive this gift! This is exactly what God offered Adam and Eve!

What did Satan ask? A question designed to create doubt! Satan is the father of lies and when he asks a question he is speaking a lie! When satan says "did he really say?" He is not trying to help you clear up a misunderstanding, he is really attacking a weakness and doubt that is already in your heart!!

Did God really say?....feel in the blank and it is always something that we are weak and struggling in! It is always something that we want to do and know is not right!

Eve's response to Satan's question is different than what God really said. She left out the part about being free to roam the garden and added a part about not touching the fruit! How many scriptures do we look at and change the meaning or soften what God is saying to benefit our own agendas and desires?! When Eve went and touch the fruit she made God out to be a lier in her own mind because she didn't die. This just created more justification in her mind to dismiss Gods instruction.

Twisting scripture and justifying our actions only helps Satan have more of a influence on our hearts!

Is the problem the lie satan asked or the lie that Eve answered? Both! Too many times we cast doubt and dissect Gods word with an alternative motive, when we want to justify our actions or convince our selves that it is ok to do what we want to do?

We need to know Gods word enough to know to not have half truths in our beliefs!

We need to thank God for the boundaries he has put in our lives and the hurt he is trying to save us from instead or trying to find a way around them! God is protecting us from so much and wants nothing but our best interest!

When we know Gods word we are able to reject those questions that satan throws at us and the lies he uses to deceive us!!!

Absolute truth and absolute grace!

Absolute truth and absolute grace!

The important thing about questions is the answer! Questions stem from the need for an answer. When we ask questions we a looking for truth! There are some truths that we don't want to hear!

God only brings truth. Sometimes we get angry with God over what is true.

John 18:28

Jesus came into this world to tell us the truth about everything. Jesus lived a human life and experienced everything that we experience to help us know the truth!

Pilate ask, "what is truth?" This is not a question that Pilate wants answered. Pilates questions is an answer in his mind. It's the attitude, what's truth...how do we even know. This question was full of doubt!

Everybody has an opinion, how do we know what truth is. If the truth does not fit our agenda then we question whether it is the real truth.

Pilate represents the wisdom of the world. He was roman, advanced, educated, new age, forward thinking...Jesus was narrow thinking, closed minded and traditional in the mind of Pilate.

Absolute right and wrong to the world is closed minded and narrow thinking. Satan likes to use this and back us into an either/or corner. You can't believe the bible and have common sense. We have to be blindly faithful and foolish minded. The truth is that christianity is true and reasonable!

The world attacks the idea that there is absolute truth!

Jesus teaches that there is absolute truth that never changes. Truth that is true for and old lady and a teenage boy, one size fits all truth. Jesus is truth! John 1:14, 17; John 3:21; 4:23-24; 7:28; 8:31-32; 14:6-7;

Satan does not need to convince us that God is a liar, he just needs to convince us that there is another truth!

God is complete truth and grace all at the same time! He is both without any conflict! With the sinful woman caught in adultery, Jesus was 100% truth and 100% grace all the time!

Sin has been punished, every single sin has been punished. There is nothing that I have gotten away from or hidden for God. There is no sin that was not accounted for. I have not gotten away with anything! Either I am punished for my sin or Jesus is punished for the sins that I have committed!! Jesus received death that was meant for me. This is the power of the cross! Complete absolute truth and complete absolute grace and mercy!

Who is Jesus

We define things by our perceptions. Many times we miss or never notice God in our daily lives.

Jesus was the son of God, the most interesting man in the world, God in human form...etc and in many situations people could only see him as a carpenters son and a human born from galilee!

Who is Jesus?

Mark 8:27-30

Jesus did not ask this question to impress people or give himself glory. Everything that Jesus did was to glorify God! Jesus was asking this question to also reveal where his disciples were at I'm their hearts.

The Pharisees and religious powers acknowledged that Jesus was a righteous man. A man of God, a profit from God!

What would people say about me. Who would people say that I am? No good tree produces bad fruit! What type of fruit am I producing. People will define me by the fruit that I produce!

What will people think about me if I live my life where all I care about is what God thinks of me.

1 Peter 2:12

Who do people compare me to? What answer would someone give?

Galatians 5:22-23

I need to bare this kind of fruit. Not just one or too fruits of the spirit but all of the fruits of the spirit.

Today to call Jesus savior, the Son of God does not Maegan as much as it did back in biblical times. Somewhere along the way it has lost its meaning! It is only when we feel hopeless and in deep need of help that we truly see who Jesus is and what his name really means!

We done think we need a savior until we realize how much we need God. How much we need Jesus! Recognizing my need for a savior is the only way we can every really know who Jesus is!

Matthew 16:17-19

Peter was the rock because he was able to realize and defined Jesus for who he really was! Jesus is the Christ, the savior of the world and the son of the living God! There is nothing else to build Gods church on that Jesus is lord and our savior!!

What am I building my life on? This too will define me to the people around me!
Build on Jesus as the son of God and my savior!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Questions and lies!

Questions and lies!

Questions can change our lives! Many were asked or asked the question will you marry me? Life is never the same after that question. Will you come to church with me? Another life changing question. Do you want to study the bible? Life changing questions!

Kids start asking question as soon as they are able to talk. It's natural to have questions. We all ask questions. Eve was asked a question; "did God really say no"

Genesis 3:1-7; 23-24

Some of us read this and think, "yep, that's just like God, always telling us what we can't do". We have a distorted view of God and see him of just a God of do's and don'ts! God is a God of yes! God is a God of freedom!

Imaging some one offered you a beach house in Hawaii and gave you the freedom to stay as long as you wanted, to use it in anyway that you wanted, to swim, sunbath, surf, snorkel, enjoy the beautiful beach and spend endless time there free of charge! The only instructions where to not swim next to the rocks because there is an under current and you will surely drown if you do. What would you say to this? You would be excited to receive this gift! This is exactly what God offered Adam and Eve!

What did Satan ask? A question designed to create doubt! Satan is the father of lies and when he asks a question he is speaking a lie! When satan says "did he really say?" He is not trying to help you clear up a misunderstanding, he is really attacking a weakness and doubt that is already in your heart!!

Did God really say?....feel in the blank and it is always something that we are weak and struggling in! It is always something that we want to do and know is not right!

Eve's response to Satan's question is different than what God really said. She left out the part about being free to roam the garden and added a part about not touching the fruit! How many scriptures do we look at and change the meaning or soften what God is saying to benefit our own agendas and desires?! When Eve went and touch the fruit she made God out to be a lier in her own mind because she didn't die. This just created more justification in her mind to dismiss Gods instruction.

Twisting scripture and justifying our actions only helps Satan have more of a influence on our hearts!

Is the problem the lie satan asked or the lie that Eve answered? Both! Too many times we cast doubt and dissect Gods word with an alternative motive, when we want to justify our actions or convince our selves that it is ok to do what we want to do?

We need to know Gods word enough to know to not have half truths in our beliefs!

We need to thank God for the boundaries he has put in our lives and the hurt he is trying to save us from instead or trying to find a way around them! God is protecting us from so much and wants nothing but our best interest!

When we know Gods word we are able to reject those questions that satan throws at us and the lies he uses to deceive us!!!

Sent from my iPad

Tuesday, June 24, 2014



Everyone needs to be leaders in some way. We should be actively thinking of ways to lead and serve.

What does it mean to be a leader and who should we be leading? The role of leadership is spelled in the bible and defined as a servant.

We should be leading our families, co workers, friends wives...etc in the way God defined it!

Hebrews 13:20-21; 2 Timothy 3:16

God has equipped us with everything we need to be the leaders he has called us to be!

Leading at home....Ephesians 5:22-33; 6:1-3

Leading outside the home....Philippians 2:14-16

Jesus calls us to live a sacrificial life in every area.

How To be like Jesus to for fill these roles of leadership that God has called us to. How do we show the world the love of Christ through our lives?

2 Timothy 3:16-17

The bible will help us make decisions that will lead us to be like Jesus. We need to be in Gods word in order to know how to be like Jesus.

Hebrews 10:23-26

We need each other's help in for filling the roles of leadership God has giving us. We need to spur one another on and call each other higher!

When we spur each other on we are being concerned for each other. We need to also correct each other when we see sin in our lives. We have to be humble enough to allow correction so that we can benefit from it!

We need to set examples for others to look to and follow. Leading by example!

Hebrews 10:25

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Jesus will fix it!!

> Jesus will fix it!!
> Jesus knows exactly who I am!
> Can Jesus really fix what's going on in my life?
> John 5
> Heb 1
> Jesus has given us everything we need to overcome!
> Two kinda of people! The ones that understand their need for Jesus and the ones that don't.
> I have to put my self in a place where I can let Jesus help me.
> John 5:4
> This man put himself in the right place... Jesus asks him, "do you want to get healed?"
> It wasn't until he made that connection with Jesus!
> Just because we are believers and worship, doesn't mean we will be healed. It isn't until we connect with Jesus that we can be healed!
> Jesus tells me what to do sometimes and I don't listen/obey, therefore I don't heal.
> Stop sinning!! Things get worse when we don't stop.
> Stop the pride, the anger, impure thoughts, etc!
> I can take Jesus' message as someone who needs Jesus, or someone who doesn't want anything to do with him.
> Jesus has work to do with me; there is work to be done!
> • Understand the relationship that God and Jesus have.
> If we think we have it all together and don't need him: my intellect is overshadowed my personal relationship with Jesus/my need for Him.
> If my opinion holds more weight than Jesus, it's worse.
> Do I have a "prove" it to me mind set?
> If there's anything I have in my life that I feel restricted by, then I need to come to Jesus.
> I desperately need Jesus.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014



God doesn't require a talented singer or speaker for worship. He requires a willing heart that wants to worship and praise him!

When we sing songs to worship God, everyone should be lifting theirs voices and not just a few in the audience or on stage.

God had a heart for music. The whole book of psalms is a book of songs that were written to God!

Worship songs are used to stir our hearts. Music has that effect on us and it is good for us spiritually to cry out to God in song!

There are songs written by God all over the old testimate!

James 5:13; Revelations 5:9; 15:3; Ezekiel 33:30-32;



Your life was not your own...you were bought and paid for at a price. The medium of exchange for your life was Jesus blood

As disciples we need to wave the white flag everyday not just when we are cornered. Surrender through the world is usually by force. Through god our surrender should be voluntary.

He entrusted him self to him who judges justly.

I need to Surrender in my marriage, job, dating, finances, parenting....every aspect of my life!

What are you refusing to surrender?

We only have two choices God or satan. We either surrender to our own sinful natures or to God.




Baptized April 7, 1991, married for 20 years, three beautiful girls! Only by the grace of God!


What does the cross mean to me? 2nd chances!

Share about...

Walking away from God. Destroying my marriage.
Being impatient with my girls.
Short with my wife.

God is a God of second chances...third chances....4th chances....etc. As long as we choose to repent and strive to be different, God says "clean the slate...start over!"

2 Corinthians 5:14 For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15 And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

Father's Day

Father's Day

Father's Day can be a difficult time for some. Fathers come in many different forms. Some of us have very bad memories of our fathers or no memories at all.

The bible is filled with examples of fathers who had faith but we're not able to pass the convictions on to their children. The bibles filled with many examples of bad fathers and children that despised their fathers.

God defines the word father for us and he adores the father son relationship. He wants us to call him father. When God chooses to define himself he does it with the word father!

Father is who God is on a the simplest and most basic level. God has been the father for us that our earthly fathers could never be.

Genesis 4:1-8

The first father and sons in the bible. Adam has one role in this scripture....he laid with his wife. As Cain and Abel try to resolve their problems, Adam is absent. Adam could have been an uninvolved fathers.

God is not an uninvolved father. God is right there with us always. He is always involved in our lives and wants to hear from us and have a relationship with him!

James 4:8

Genesis 7:11-13

Noah made sure his kids and their wives were saved. Noah had a radical message about flooding in the desert and he was able to convince his children to listen to him. Noah had influence on his children. You can't have influence on your children without time invested!

1 Timothy 2:3

Genesis 22:1-3

Abraham taught his son how to sacrifice to The Lord. Abraham taught his son about being obedient to God even when you have to make tough decisions that do not make sense.

In the same way God teaches us through suffering and hard times. Through real life situations.

Acts 17:24-27

Genesis 25:24-28

Isaac was a father who played favorites. He liked Esau more because of who he was. God does not have a favorite. No kore who we are or what type of personality we have God loves each of us just as much!

Deuteronomy 26:18-19

I am Gods treasured possession, I am his favorite with out showing favoritism!

Genesis 27:27-29; 36-40;

There was no need to Isaac to give all his blessing to one son. He could have blessed both but he choose to play favorites.

Genesis 49

Until Jacob blesses all twelve sons there was only one line of gods people. Now Jacob becomes Israel and blessed all his sons and all their sons and daughters become Gods people.

Celebrate today that God is the perfect father and he wants a relationship with me!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014



Things change. The current becomes the past and things fade. Things important today are not always as important in the future.

Spiritually we are called by God to remember! 232 times the bible uses the word remember!

Deuteronomy 6:20-25

Every one who physically were there in Egypt is now dead. Moses challenges the next generation to pass the stories on to their children. To never forget and remember!

Why do we remember? Is God the great I Am or the great I was? How do I view God? As the I Am or I was? Our challenge is to remember and believe that it can happen again today and then remember the new miracles. Remembering spiritually is a building process!

God never intended for us to remember so we could look back and long for the "good ole days". Not to live in the past, but to be inspired about the great things to come!

Gods name "I Am" is the answer to any faithless question we have. I'm not able....God says "I Am"!

Romans 8:11

We learn about what God has done in the past to inspire us about what God can do in the future!

What miracles have happened in my own life. What miracles is God doing today? What areas of my life do I need healing in? Have faith, remember and be inspired!

Romans 8:12-15

The same power and spirit living in me is working in the present and not the past! How do I live like this and show that I believe? By repentance!

Something's change but God is not one of them. The same God that was working in biblical times is the same God who is working today!

Tools for overcoming temptation.

Tools for overcoming temptation.

The word!

2 Timothy 3:16-17

God wants to equip me with the right tools. It's not just about having tools, we need to have the right tools and know how to use them! Knowledge is not enough either! I have to make the connection from my mind to my heart!

Ephesians 4:12 am i allowing people to teach me.
1 Timothy 4:7 put in the time to train myself.

Relying on God!

Relying on God!

Luke 4:1-13

Jesus could have turned the stone into bread or anything he wanted to. When satan tempted Jesus with this basic need, Jesus very carefully answered satan with Gods word!

Hunger is a need and we prepare our selves for it by packing a lunch, having money...etc. we prepare and have taught our selves in our minds to for fill this basic need.

Sin is an impulse many times and we prepare to satisfy our sinful desires in much of the same way. Jesus purposely suppressed and denied his basic need of hunger. Jesus had self control!

I need to realize that I have these desires and needs and I need to have a game plan to deny them at times!

Part of this preparation has to do with not relying on my self! Self reliance will only lead me to for filling my sinful desires and needs with out considering God.

Deuteronomy 8:1-3

God knows what he is going to do for us....he wants us to hunger for him and not rely on self!

When we rely on our selves God is going to humble us until We turn to him! Part of relying on God is relying on the brothers that God has put in my life! Am I open with them about my sin? No!

It is about making Jesus lord!

Emotionally connected to God!

Emotionally connected to God!

When we don't deal with our emotions, we have moods wings, we escape through sin, we get stuck!

Psalms 7:1; psalms 9:1-2; psalms 18:1-2; David expressed his emotional through psalms. When we get emotionally connected with God then we are able to connect emotionally with other people.

Psalms 16 when we feel emotionally connected to God and see others get emotionally connected with God we are able to connect emotionally to each other!

Find your Wilderness

Find your Wilderness

Matthew 4:1-11

God is a renewable power that never goes empty! The call of the wild spiritually that can only be quenched by God!

The wilderness is our mission in life. Jesus was lead into the wilderness! Our wilderness is life's struggles and challenges. Satan is out to attack us and destroy us.

Enter the wilderness with God and his power! I have been chosen for this purpose to battle the evil one and to be victorious! Life's struggle is not our only foe. Gods word is my weapon to fight with! Am I using Gods word to fight?

I should not be scared to take the hard path! I should not be scared of the wilderness because this is where God works the most! Have faith and rely on God!

Strong powerful men of God never ask "if" but "how"!have faith and just do it!

When Jesus left the wilderness he was on fire and went on to do some really miraculous things! That same power lives in me!

Tempted or tested?

Tempted or tested?

Matthew 4:1-7

The spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted?

Tested or tempted? Tempted is to be enticed to sin or to do something bad. Tested is an opportunity to prove what you have learned. Jesus was tested but the devil and Jesus was found strong and fully capable of living a sin free life.

Am I being tempted or tested? I am going to be tested and either found to be a man or a mouse...lol the power, the same spirit, everything that was in Jesus lives in me know! I need to man up when dealing with sin in my life!!

Jesus had to obey the father just like we do. God had a plan for his life and Jesus obeyed and submitted himself to God in the same way he is calling me to obey and submit as well!

Jesus used the bible to defend himself from temptation!

1 Corinthians 10:1-13

I am not the exception. I need to battle sin the way Jesus did. Not the way Israel did. These people (the Israelites) failed because they did not have Jesus! I have Jesus and the power to be victorious over my sin!

Jesus was not willing to put God to the test an yet we try to test God everyday by giving into sin!

Satan's offer

Satan's offer

Matthew 4:8-11

Satan offered Jesus all of Satan's dominion (the world) for worshiping him instead of God. Satan was offering Jesus all that the world has to offer...the very things that I chase after every day in our pursuit of "success."

Worldly success is a lie that will only pull me further away from God!

No matter how much wealth or success I accumulate it will all be worthless in the end! The most valuable asset I have is time. What am I doing with the time that I have on earth? Am I using the time that God has given me to glorify him?!

What am I serving? What am I worshiping? My job? Money? My selfish desires?

Jesus as the role model.

Jesus as the role model.

Colossians 3:3 Our spiritual story starts when we are baptized. Our new beginning! We have the opportunity to write a story that is pleasing to God! What story am I writing?

Matthew 4:1-11

Jesus relied on God with all his heart. He also knew what his purpose was. He saw the bigger picture so that sin did not have the same appeal. He knew what was more important and he knew the true value of his relationship with God.

We cannot fight temptations with the weapons of this world! You can't fight pride with pride. You have to fight pride with humility and humility will always win. The same goes for other sins as well.

1 Corinthians 2:2 all we need to know is Jesus Christ and his crucifixion. The early Christians did not have the bible. The message was one message. Jesus is the Christ and he died for me.

Romans 8:35-39

Monday, April 7, 2014



Something's you just can not fix and change. Even small problems can leave us feeling hopeless and causes us to give up. Satan attacks us for the purpose of making us loose hope. When I loose hope satan has won!

When there is no hope sin reigns and spirals out of control.

1 Corinthians 15:16-19

What am I putting my hope in? Hope in anything in this life is useless! Life changes in a blink of an eye. Am I going to put my hope in something that is so unpredictable and unable to provide me security? Hope in Christ is the only true hope!

There is not hope in this life. God created heaven to give us hope in something more than this life!

God out in each one of us the longing for something more in life. That is Heavenly longings that God has planted in each of us. God never intended for us to be full here on earth.

Three ways we can respond to unfulfilled longings:

We are not content with what we have. We are always looking for something better and nothing is ever good enough!

Or we train our selves to stop wanting. We give up. We become bitter and angry with life.

Or there is the Christian perspective that God intended us to have. We see that every signal need has a corresponding fulfillment. For ever longing and for ever desire there is something to fulfill it temporarily. The desire that is there is designed to help us think of heaven and the day where there will be no more longing!

I need to recognize my leggings for heavens and focus on God when those longings come! Consider heaven and consider what reality is in heaven! No time! No more longings! No struggles! Complete peace! Rest in heaven! No need for faith in heaven! Pure pleasure!

Revelations 4:6

We all need help!

We all need help!

None of us are really self made or completely independent! We need help in one way or another.

Mark 2:1-12

Here we see a man who desperately needed help. Spiritually we are just as helpless. We are blind and crippled spiritually!

Jesus knew this man wanted physically healing but Jesus knew what he needed. Jesus saw the bigger issue in this mans life!

To Jesus telling the man to walk was easier than forgiving sin. To us we think the exact opposite. We focus one the physical issues in our lives and neglect the more important spiritual things.

When we realize we need help, we will do what ever it takes to get that help! This paralytic did what ever it took to find healing. His faith in Jesus knew that if he could just meet Jesus he would find healing.

This man would not have gone through what he went through to see Jesus if he did not believe that Jesus had the power to heal him!

In many ways this paralytic was lucky that he had a need that he could see. Jesus will give us all the help we need but he never made it easy. We have to be willing to do what ever it takes to be with Jesus!

Jesus is the source of the saving power in this story but this man needed the help of others around him to reach that power. Today many religious people acknowledge the saving power of Jesus but refuse to allow other people to help them get to that power. Getting to Jesus is not something we can do on our own. We need help. God uses people around us to help us reach him.

Am I humble enough to allow people to help me?! Admitting that I need help is the first step!

Meeting Each Other's Needs!

Meeting Each Other's Needs!

John 6:1-9

Spiritual maturity comes through serving and being outward focused. If all we are doing is receiving and not giving then we will not grow spiritually.

Jesus had many excuses not to be giving. He was tired and trying to get away from the crowds. Jesus was looking to get away and needed some space.

What is my attitude about serving? Do I make priority over my own needs like Jesus did?

Many needs around us go un met and the truth is that as long as there is someone in need then our work is not done yet. The temptation is to feel like "why bother".

The disciples didn't want to serve these people because the burden was too great and there were not enough resources to do it.

Jesus didn't let the lack of resources stop him from serving. He took the little that he had and allowed God to multiply it. Sometimes we have a huge problem that overwhelms us and and instead of giving what we do have we end up doing nothing at all. We should be like Jesus and give what we have and then allow God to multiply it!

John 6:11-13

I need to look for ways to give. Pray about my giving and ask God to give ways to serve!

Jesus gave too much. Jesus gave so much that there was left overs! Think about that for a minute. Every man took as much as they needed and Jesus provided more than enough!

Without a serving heart we can not be like Jesus!

Give Up Everything You Have!

Give Up Everything You Have!

Luke 14:33 Jesus called us to give up everything to be a disciple and we can't go to heaven unless we are his disciples!

Luke 14:25-27

My love for God has to be clearly more than anything else in my life. I love God so much that the only other world to describe my other relationships is hate.

God is trying to help us not be selfish! God wants us to be happy and he knows that by denying myself it will lead to true happiness.

Too many churches today teach a happiness gospel that God just wants us to all be happy. They miss the whole message of Christ that true happiness that comes from self denial.

Luke 14:28-32

We need to give up our comfort zone. God wants us to count the cost because God has a mission for us and he knows that it will be challenging us! God uses two concepts, building and battling in war. Why building? Matthew 28:18-20 making and building disciples. Why battling? 2 Timothy 3:12

Giving up your control!

Luke 14:33-35

My struggle in this world really is a control issue. Either I try to control things myself and or give control over to God who is really in control any way. Giving up everything I have is not a burden but really the release of a burden! It's about making Jesus Lord of my life!

Solomon's demise!

Solomon's demise!

Deuteronomy 7:3-4; 17:16-20

1 Kings 3:1-14; 4:20-26; 6:2; 38; 7:1; 9:3; 10:14-15; 11:1-11

Even though Solomon was in sin God continued to bless him until he turned his heart away from God. Solomon's wives pulled him away from God.

Solomon did not see the damage that his choices were causing to his relationship with God over time. His choices ultimately hardened his heart and he lost his love for God!

If Solomon who was the wisest man that ever lived could not walk the line, then why should I think that i will be any different!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Let's K.I.S.S. In our marriage.

Let's K.I.S.S. In our marriage.

Ephesians 5:1-2, 25-27

I am called to be an imitator of Gods love. "Agape" love. Unconditional love! I need to love my wife's weaknesses and her strengths (not sin).

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Substitute your name in this scripture for each characteristic described. Jesus is the only name that truly fits; however, we need to be like Jesus.

I need to work hard to forgive quickly and not hold any record of wrongs.

Practicals from our marriage. Take responsibility for our own spiritual walk with God. We do not rely on each other to help make us spiritual. We are both committed to our own times with God. We pray together daily.we accept each other where we are at. The goal of marriage is not to think alike but to think together.

We need to believe that our children are affected positively and negatively by our marriages! We need strong marriages to help raise our kids to know God.
It is a learning process to understand our biblical roles as husband and wife.

My goal and my role as a husband is to see both of us in the arms of Jesus.

Marriage and Parenting

Marriage and parenting and how they impact each other.

Ephesians 6:1-3

When you are training a child they must first learn that they are an individual and under authority. Just like our kids, we are under authority too. Under the authority of God and our kids need to know that. We teach then how to submit to Gods authority through submitting to our authority.

We need to live the life that we call our children to live. We are their primary example.

Obedience is to obey the first time!

Kids do need a process of appeal. 4 different parenting styles. Dictatorship, authoritative, permissive and indifference. The worst style is a dictatorship and the best style is the authoritative style which uses communication. The appeal has to be done in a respective way and in the process of being obedient.

Spanking is politically incorrect but biblically mandated! Spanking should always be done with communication.

Character development is so important in who you children will grow up to become!
Making too many rules is a mistake. It takes a lot of time to communicate and build character than it is to just set a bunch of rules.

Eye contact is important too. Unless you have eye contact you are not reaching your kids hearts and they are not focusing on what you are trying to teach them.

It's important to get input from others about what they see in your kids. Other people are not going to be sentimental and can see your children in a way that you don't. Input in what your kids strengths and weaknesses is very important.

Proverbs 20:11

Another signs of how our kids are doing is based on the friends that they are choosing.

You don't want to set a standard higher than they can attain or a standard so low that they don't need Gods help to attain it!

No area should be hands off in our kids development. Especially the sexual area!

Your marriage has to always be center stage! No matter how demanding raising your children it may be, your marriage always has to be first priority!

The "Love Sandwich" in communicating with our kids. Like a sandwich your have three parts. First the bread by encouraging your kids then the meat in addressing what every needs to be addresses and then the last piece of bread in closing with how much God loves them and how he is going to help them.

Proverbs 1:7-19

Peer pressure is simply living in the fear of man rather than in the fear of God.

Developing a shepherding relationship is important with our older kids. My vulnerability and verbal encouragement is huge in developing a shepherding relationship with your kids! Deal with broad themes and do not nitpick everything. Chose your battles.

Friday, March 21, 2014

The Importance of Family Devotionals

The importance of Family Devotionals

(Purpose of this lesson is to communicate the importance of having consistent family devotional times as well as present tips for family devotional)

These are challenges that all people face, but especially as teens.

  • Dating

  • Marriage

  • Sex

  • Social media

  • Drugs/alcohol

  • Pornography

  • Self-Image

  • Peer pressure/bullying

  • Respect

  • Responsibility

  • Anger

  • Depression

  • Rebelliousness

2009 Lifeway Survey – 2900 Christians, 90% had “desire to please and honor Jesus in all I do”; only 19% read Bible daily

Stands to reason that the % of families who have consistent family devotionals is lower.

One of our main goals this year is to get consistent, dynamic, vulnerable, bonding, open communication, Bible centered family times.  We want these times to become the norm, not the rarity.  If you are having them consistently every week, that is great and you can help the families/parents that are having a difficult time.

Why are family devotionals important?

  • God Commanded Us to Teach Our Children

Deuteronomy 6:5-9

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

  • God Tells Us That It Will Have A Long Term Impact

Proverbs 22:6

Start children off on the way they should go,
    and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

What are the benefits of family devotionals?

  • Increase closeness with your spouse

  • Increase closeness with children

  • Build your faith in God’s promises; individually and as a family

  • Build effective communication

  • Increase desire to seek God

  • Advance spiritual growth

  • Provide insight for living life

  • Provide comfort/encouragement

  • Prepare us to share our faith

  • Build a Christ centered home

If we know family devotionals are important and their significant benefits, we should strive to be consistent in having them.

Deuteronomy 4:9-10

Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them. 10 Remember the day you stood before the Lord your God at Horeb, when he said to me, “Assemble the people before me to hear my words so that they may learn to revere me as long as they live in the land and may teach them to their children.” 

Some reasons we may not have consistent family devotionals:

  • We forget

  • We let them fade from our heart and replace with something else

We are all in different spiritual conditions. No matter where we may be, we can begin training within our households.

Our goal is to establish a consistent time to have family devotionals.  Talk with your family and decide on a day and time.  This will be your priority.  If teens have a lot of homework, work around it, work ahead of time.  

If we already have established devotionals, great. If not, let’s begin.

Additional Scriptures for Study:

Ephesians 6:4

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.

2 Timothy 3:14-15

14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, 15 and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 

Genesis 18:18-19

18 Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed through him. 19 For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just, so that the Lord will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.”

Joshua 24:14-15

14 “Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your ancestors worshiped beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. 15 But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

Psalm 78:1-7

My people, hear my teaching;
    listen to the words of my mouth.
I will open my mouth with a parable;
    I will utter hidden things, things from of old—
things we have heard and known,
    things our ancestors have told us.
We will not hide them from their descendants;
    we will tell the next generation
the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord,
    his power, and the wonders he has done.
He decreed statutes for Jacob
    and established the law in Israel,
which he commanded our ancestors
    to teach their children,
so the next generation would know them,
    even the children yet to be born,
    and they in turn would tell their children.
Then they would put their trust in God
    and would not forget his deeds
    but would keep his commands.

Spring Revival

Spring Revival

Every year spring allows us to start over. The clocks change, the flowers come out, and nature resets itself in many ways.

A revival is a similar event. Revivals bring change and call people back to God. A revival is for the spiritually dead. It is a call to wake up!

Barnes study in 1999 said that the divorce rate was significantly higher among conservative Christian groups than any other religion. The conclusion was that churches today really do help marriages or provide the resources to help marriages last.

The church is dead in many ways and needs a revival!

Acts 9:1-19

A revival is about 2nd chances! Paul needed redirection and a 2nd chance! God is a God of second chances!

Paul was convinced that he was right. Paul was living with convictions that his traditions were right. Paul later went into many cities and proved through scripture that Jesus was the son of God. What changed? The evidence was always there in scripture but Paul held to his own traditions and refused to see Gods word the way God intended it!

Paul was sincere, intelligent, religious and full of passion; however, fully wrong!

Do we try to deal with God on our own terms? "I want to worship God the way I want to worship God"! Many people today want to live their lives on their own terms. We cannot worship God the way we want, we must worship him the way he calls us to!

Paul new that following Jesus would separate him from all of his friends, cost him his Job, separate him from his family...etc! Paul needed a 2nd chance but understood it would cost him! Paul took advantage of the 2nd chance that God had giving him regardless of the cost he would have to pay.

Acts 9:20-22

Paul took advantage of his second chance immediately!

Acts 22:3-29

Guarding Your Identity!

Guarding Your Identity!

Matthew 16:13-19

This is a major turning point in Jesus ministry and development in the disciples he has been teaching for the last three years. Vs 21 explains that after this event Jesus started to prepare his disciples for the cross.

It's easy to see Jesus miracles and understand that he is from God if we are willing to believe. What is hard for many of us is to believe that he would chose a sinner like me and use me in the ways that he wants to use my life!

1 Peter 2:9-10

My identity in Christ is important. I need to remember who I'am in Christ and know that through Jesus I can be the man that God calls me to be!

God sees people in one of two ways. In the light or in the darkness. God loves both people the same. Scripture says that while we were still sinners God sent his son to die for us. It's not about where we come from, our financial status, education level...etc. God is only concerned with whether we are saved or not saved!

My identity is based on this. Either I have mercy or no mercy! Based on my identity my life should reflect one of the two people. If I am saved then my life should reflect that.

God is the only one who knows my value. He created me and he is the only one who knows what I am worth! Regardless of the mistakes that we make in our lives God sees us differently than we do.

When I forget who I am then I am forgetting God. There is no way to separate it.
My identity should produce righteous living!

1 Corinthians 4:1 entrusted with the secrets of God.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Spiritual growth

Spiritual growth

Romans 12:6-8; 1 Corinthians 12:14-15

Spiritual maturity is obtained by finding out what gifts I have, where I'm needed and how I can serve in using them.

What gifts has God giving me? How am I using them?

Mark 1:19-20; Mark 3:17 ;Luke 9:51-56; John 19:25-27 johns life transformed!

John wrote about love more than all the other gospels. No where in the bible does the topic love come up more than in the books of John!

1 John 3:16

John was made a passionate man, but god made him a compassionate man.

When Kings Go Off To War!

At the time that kings go to war!

I am in a battle! A war! A spiritual war and the stakes are high! My family is at stake. The ruler of the world (satan) has declared war on my family!

2 Samuel 11:1-27

David stayed home and chose not to go in to battle. When you stop fighting is when satan attacks! As a husband and father we can learn some strong things about David's life!

When David should have been leading his army in battle he was passive and let Joan do the job God had given to him!

The 3 N's


Neglecting my family comes in many forms but most of all is when I stop investing and put the time in for my marriage and family. Meeting my wife's needs. Being there for my kids. Neglect spiritually by not reading Gods word and not leading my family spiritually.


Not caring, no concerns, out of touch and with no desire! Lack of conviction! I need to fight for my wife and stand up to her with convictions to protect her. My kids need emotional connection and I can not allow my self to be unemotional and unconnected!


Being naive and not seeing the spiritual struggle that my family is in! I am called to be different from the world and to lead my family to be different from the world. I have to be in touch with where my family is at spiritually!

As a father I am accountable to God for the influence he has given me over my wife and kids!

The pain of avoiding conflict!

The pain of avoiding conflict!

Avoiding conflict starts with conflict.

2 Samuel 6:5, 16, 20-23

Because of avoiding conflict david and his wife had no children together.

2 Samuel 13

Not dealing with sin is avoiding conflict.

David's sons were in conflict and David does not deal with it. One of David's sons rapes his daughter and David does nothing. As a result one of David's son kills another son! Not dealing with conflict breads sin and destruction!

Initially it is easier to avoid conflict but in the long run it is harder to deal with. Conflict is seasonal and recurring! When we are in the season of conflict we need to follow it through until the end of it! God gave his people times of war and times of peace! If conflicts are not passing then we need to seek help!

Dealing with conflict is beneficial. David did not deal with conflict and just passed it on to his children. David gave instructions to his son Solomon to kill all the people that he had issues with! Instead of dealing with his problems on his own he handed his son Solomon a hit list to have him deal with the conflict.

How am I avoiding conflict in my marriage? What about with my kids?

The pain of avoiding discipline!

The pain of avoiding discipline!

Job 5:17; Psalms 94; Proverbs 3:11-13; Proverbs 5; Proverbs 12:1; Proverbs 19:18; Proverbs 13:24

Hebrews 12:4-13

Discipline is for Gods people! Inside the kingdom of God there is discipline! God is my legitimate father and has the right to discipline me! As a Christian we cannot avoid discipline. I need Gods discipline to grow. My job is to endure Gods discipline, not run away from it!

God does not discipline us out of anger but out of love! God disciplines us so that we can share in Gods holiness! Discipline is not meant to be pleasant. I need to work at this so that I can strength in my weak and feeble knees!

We were born to love!

We were born to love!

We live in a culture today where the world has used biblical terms and redefined them to where they do not have the same meaning! Watered down definitions.
"Born Again" and "love" are good examples of this.

1 Peter 1:22-2:1-3

Sometimes we need to reject our culture and the status quo!

1 Peter 1:17-21

The American definition of love is strictly a feeling and you can't make a heart feel something it does not feel! This is not the definition of Love as God defines love!

There is no such thing as saving faith apart from obedient faith!

Romans 1:5; 10:16; 16:26; 2 Thessalonians 1:8; John 3:36; acts 6:7

This does not mean that true Christians never disobey God but it does mean that there is no such thing as a chronic disobedient Christian who does not live their life according to Gods word!

The God of the small and big problems.

The God of the small and big problems.

2 Kings 6:1-7; 8-23; 24-7:2

Questions the Israelites had after being exciled. Am I still forgiven? Does God still Love us? Are we Gods people? Do we still have a relationship? What does God want from us now?...etc

Elisha use a miracle to solve a problem that for us seemed insignificant but to the guy who lost the axe, it was a huge problem!

God is the everyday, even in small things; all powerful God!

Regardless of how small we think a problem is we need to rely on God with it! When we do things on our own and we succeed we are training ourselves to do things on our own and when bigger problems come we try to do those things as well and before we know we are doing everything on our own strength and God is out of the picture!

When the big problems come do we believe that God is bigger?!

I need to rely on God in EVERYTHING!!!

Vs 24-31 we tend to blame God for our big problems.

Right in the hour of their greatest need when they needed God the most they turned their back on God and he was only one day a way from providing a miracle.

Complete and total deliverance was only a day away!

Trusting God in the small problems helps us trust God in the tough problems!

2 kings 7:9 today is a day of good news! God is big enough! God can solve all my problems big and small! Who am I sharing this with?

The pain of not reconciling!

The pain of not reconciling!

2 Samuel 14:13-15; 2 Corinthians 5:13-21

Reconciliation is so important to god! As a disciple I am an ambassador to Gods reconciliation! Our children learn how to reconcile conflict from us. They need to be taught by me to learn how to reconcile conflicts. With out reconciliation the heart hardens!

Ephesians 4:26 there needs to be urgency in conflict resolutions!

2 Samuel 14:33 physical touch is important in the reconciliation process!

I'm sorry, please forgive me, I forgive you and I love! This is reconciling! Reaffirmation is such an important part of reconciliation. Reconciliation is not complete unless both parties are ready to reaffirm the relationship.

David was a bad example of reconciliation but we have Jesus as our example and he is the ultimate example of reconciliation!

Attitude of gratitude!

Attitude of gratitude!

Luke 17:11-19

This story is not about the healing of the ten with leprosy but about the response of the one that came back and gave thanks to Jesus.

This guy was a Samaritan! What implications does his nationality have on this story?

The other nine probably rushed to be with their family and enjoy the blessing they had just received! This Samaritan chose to go back and give praise to God before he did anything else!

Romans 1:24-30

Foolish hearts and hardening of the heart starts with not having gratitude for God. Knowing who God is and not acknowledging him! The descent into sin starts with an ungrateful heart!

So why doe we struggle with living in gratitude? Not just having gratitude but living a life of gratitude! It comes to us not think our sinful nature is really that bad. For example if you got a traffic ticket and some offered to die for you so you didn't have to pay it we would think that was crazy. We don't see all sin as deserving death. If we did we would appreciate Gods grace in every aspect of our lives!

How do I feel for what God has giving me in my life? The world wants us to be discontent and not great flu for what we have. When we lack gratitude we start to rly on our own strength to get what we want instead of trusting God and relying on him!!


1.) Make a list of the things you are great full.
2.) Pray and thank god for what you have and refrain from asking God for things you want all the time.
3.) thanking people in your life and taking time out to show them your gratitude.

Jesus never commanded the other 9 to return; however, in his response to the one that returned we see that it was implied that they should have gave praise to God and showed gratitude.

There is a disconnect sometimes between us feeling grateful and then actually living in gratitude. It requires action for us to be truly grateful!

Luke 17:17

Jesus said "your faith has made you well". Does this mean that the other 9 were not healed. The word used here means literally saved. This guys gratitude brought him not only physical healing but rather salvation spiritually!

Wants vs Needs

Wants vs Needs

Many people came to Jesus for physical healing and Jesus did not heal everyone. Jesus is more concerned for spiritual healing. We can't always get what we want but God will give us what we need!

Have it your way is the philosophy of the world.

Jesus does not specialize in giving us what we want but in what we need!

John 6:1-15

Jesus gave them free food which is what they wanted...free food! The crowd gores and they meet him on the other side of the lake. Jesus is about to give the crowd what they need.

John 6:25-27

Why am I following Jesus? What need am I trying to meet. Is it what I want or what I need? Jesus addresses what the crowd wants and how it is opposed to what God wants from them.

John 6:28-40

Jesus is not worried about anything but eternity. Vs. 31 the crowd tries to quote scripture to justify what they want.

What am I waiting for? Has Jesus not blessed me enough already? Has he performed enough miracles in my life already?

John 6:41-66

When god says no he is not going to give us what we want, how do we respond? Do I grumble and complain about what I don't get or do I focus on what I need that God is trying to give me?

The problem is that I don't like being told no and I am not content with what God has given me!

Is God enough in my life? The answer to this question determines how grateful I am for my relationship with God.

We need to stop focusing on finances, relationships, material things....etc Trust that God will take care of all of these things on His time.

John 6:67-69

Jesus is the only way! Is this my attitude? Do I believe this wholeheartedly?

Monday, February 10, 2014

Fwd: The God of the small and big problems.

The God of the small and big problems.

2 Kings 6:1-7; 8-23; 24-7:2

Questions the Israelites had after being exiled. Am I still forgiven? Does God still Love us? Are we Gods people? Do we still have a relationship? What does God want from us now?...etc

Elisha use a miracle to solve a problem that for us seemed insignificant but to the guy who lost the axe, it was a huge problem!

God is the everyday, even in small things; all powerful God!

Regardless of how small we think a problem is we need to rely on God with it! When we do things on our own and we succeed we are training ourselves to do things on our own and when bigger problems come we try to do those things as well and before we know we are doing everything on our own strength and God is out of the picture!

When the big problems come do we believe that God is bigger?!

I need to rely on God in EVERYTHING!!!

Vs 24-31 we tend to blame God for our big problems.

Right in the hour of their greatest need when they needed God the most they turned their back on God and he was only one day a way from providing a miracle.

Complete and total deliverance was only a day away!

Trusting God in the small problems helps us trust God in the tough problems!

2 kings 7:9 today is a day of good news! God is big enough! God can solve all my problems big and small! Who am I sharing this with?

Fwd: The pain of not reconciling!

The pain of not reconciling!

2 Samuel 14:13-15; 2 Corinthians 5:13-21

Reconciliation is so important to god! As a disciple I am an ambassador to Gods reconciliation! Our children learn how to reconcile conflict from us. They need to be taught by me to learn how to reconcile conflicts. With out reconciliation the heart hardens!

Ephesians 4:26 there needs to be urgency in conflict resolutions!

2 Samuel 14:33 physical touch is important in the reconciliation process!

I'm sorry, please forgive me, I forgive you and I love! This is reconciling! Reaffirmation is such an important part of reconciliation. Reconciliation is not complete unless both parties are ready to reaffirm the relationship.

David was a bad example of reconciliation but we have Jesus as our example and he is the ultimate example of reconciliation!

Fwd: The pain of avoiding conflict!

The pain of avoiding conflict!

Avoiding conflict starts with conflict.

2 Samuel 6:5, 16, 20-23

Because of avoiding conflict david and his wife had no children together.

2 Samuel 13

Not dealing with sin is avoiding conflict.

David's sons were in conflict and David does not deal with it. One of David's sons rapes his daughter and David does nothing. As a result one of David's son kills another son! Not dealing with conflict breads sin and destruction!

Initially it is easier to avoid conflict but in the long run it is harder to deal with. Conflict is seasonal and recurring! When we are in the season of conflict we need to follow it through until the end of it! God gave his people times of war and times of peace! If conflicts are not passing then we need to seek help!

Dealing with conflict is beneficial. David did not deal with conflict and just passed it on to his children. David gave instructions to his son Solomon to kill all the people that he had issues with! Instead of dealing with his problems on his own he handed his son Solomon a hit list to have him deal with the conflict.

How am I avoiding conflict in my marriage? What about with my kids?

Fwd: The pain of avoiding discipline!

The pain of avoiding discipline!

Job 5:17; Psalms 94; Proverbs 3:11-13; Proverbs 5; Proverbs 12:1; Proverbs 19:18; Proverbs 13:24

Hebrews 12:4-13

Discipline is for Gods people! Inside the kingdom of God there is discipline! God is my legitimate father and has the right to discipline me! As a Christian we cannot avoid discipline. I need Gods discipline to grow. My job is to endure Gods discipline, not run away from it!

God does not discipline us out of anger but out of love! God disciplines us so that we can share in Gods holiness! Discipline is not meant to be pleasant. I need to work at this so that I can strength in my weak and feeble knees!

Fwd: At the time that kings go to war!

At the time that kings go to war!

I am in a battle! A war! A spiritual war and the stakes are high! My family is at stake. The ruler of the world (Satan) has declared war on my family!

2 Samuel 11:1-27

David stayed home and chose not to go in to battle. When you stop fighting is when satan attacks! As a husband and father we can learn some strong things about David's life!

When David should have been leading his army in battle he was passive and let Joan do the job God had given to him!

The 3 N's


Neglecting my family comes in many forms but most of all is when I stop investing and put the time in for my marriage and family. Meeting my wife's needs. Being there for my kids. Neglect spiritually by not reading Gods word and not leading my family spiritually.


Not caring, no concerns, out of touch and with no desire! Lack of conviction! I need to fight for my wife and stand up to her with convictions to protect her. My kids need emotional connection and I can not allow my self to be unemotional and unconnected!


Being naive and not seeing the spiritual struggle that my family is in! I am called to be different from the world and to lead my family to be different from the world. I have to be in touch with where my family is at spiritually!

As a father I am accountable to God for the influence he has given me over my wife and kids!

Fwd: Spiritual growth

Spiritual growth

Romans 12:6-8; 1 Corinthians 12:14-15

Spiritual maturity is obtained by finding out what gifts I have, where I'm needed and how I can serve in using them.

What gifts has God giving me? How am I using them?

Mark 1:19-20; Mark 3:17 ;Luke 9:51-56; John 19:25-27 Johns life transformed!

John wrote about love more than all the other gospels. No where in the bible does the topic love come up more than in the books of John!

1 John 3:16

John was made a passionate man, but god made him a compassionate man.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

8 Principals to change.

8 Principals to change.

An object does not move unless an outside force acts upon it. It's the same way for us spiritually! We can't change with out action.

How do you go from decision to change? I need help to change.

8 Principals to change.

#1 - I will not change based on my emotions only. Change happens not by emotion but only by decisions.

Romans 12:1-2

#2 - Remove all distractions and competing priorities. Spiritually I can not continue down the same path over and over agin and expect to see change. Matthew 6:33

Hebrews 12:1-3
Ephesians 4:15-16

#3 - Share your decisions and struggles.

To have true biblical change I need the body. I need relationships to grow spiritually! Self discipline comes from other discipline from others. I need discipleship to help create self discipline.

#4 - Give yourself a deadline or timeline.

#5 - Root your decisions in scripture.

Colossians 3:6

Memorize scripture is the way to root your self into Gods word! Gods word has to live in my heart. With Gods word my actions will be Gods actions.

#6 - Commit your decisions to prayer.

When I am trying to change something I have a need and prayer helps me connect with the power that God has given us.

#7 - Give your self to others.

Philippians 2; Galatians 5:13-14

No matter what it is that I think I need to change always comes down to selfishness. Serving other people will help me change selfishness that is rooted in my sinful nature!

#8 - Focus on the unseen and don't give up!

2 Corinthians 4:13-18

Focusing on what can be seen can be discouraging! I need to focus on what is not seen, to have faith, and in vision my self changing. What is unseen is permanent!

For example: to focus on the seen in your marriage you think about the past in your marriage, the failures in your own mother and fathers marriage...etc. to focus on the unseen I look at Jesus and his bride the church. I focus on the relationship and perfect partner I have in Jesus! I focus on the power Jesus has given me to change.

To focus on the seen with regards to purity, you focus on the past. The fact that you have always struggles with purity. The fact that the world is not a pure place...etc. To focus on the unseen you think about your body being the temple of God. You think about the fact that Jesus is in you. You have the holy spirit and you worship a holy God that calls you to be Holy. You are a new creation through Christ...etc.

Hebrews 12:1-3 focus on what is unseen!!!

Fwd: After baptism, now what?

After baptism, now what?

As a new Christian, what should their focus be? Jesus! They need deep roots and it is important for us to help them develop deep roots!

The worst thing we can do is leave a new Christian alone. We need to surround them and spend more time with them in prayer and having quite times together.

They need deep friendships. We need to train them to initiate new relationships in the church.

Get them started on their mission. Evangelism and their purpose are vital to helping them establish a healthy spiritual life.

Train them in discipleship and openness and what it should look like.

Teach them early on that the kingdom is not just one more thing added to their lives but should be the number one priority in their life!

Fwd: Failure is not an option!

Failure is not an option!

How do you go from a dozen apostles to the worlds largest religion? A shaky start...Matthew 28:16...some doubted!

Jesus did not even pause and commanded them to "go" and make disciples! Doubt can be overcome with doing and being obedient! Jesus did not even address the doubt.

Matthew 28:18-20

The gospel was spread through the disciples. Jesus had all the power and authority and he has given that authority to us.

Jesus gave us a promise! He will be with us always to the very end of the age! How could God not be with us if we are obeying his word and for-filling his will! Jesus is saying go and I will take care of you, go and I am with you, go and I will carry you! Fear will not prevail.

Fwd: King David

King David

Prophet translate "Mouth piece of God", to know Gods word in OT times you needed to speak with a prophet.

Israel wanted a king and inquired to see what God would say and went through the prophet Samuel. God gives Israel what they wanted to teach them a lesson. David was the first King that God chose for his people.

Three kingdoms make up 20% of the OT. Saul, David and Solomon. To be the King that God chose David spent years being the anointed one but not the King. God worked on David, molding his heart to the point that he was able to be the king that God wanted.

Even in his shepherding deputies God was teaching David how to care for people and lead.

Spending time with God should lead me to say, "I'll do it!" This is what David did with Goliath.

Psalms 23:1-6

1 Samuel 16:7-

God chose "a man after his own heart"' no one else has God described in this way. God lead David to this point. God is leading me to have his heart.

David was anointed and then had to wait 15years to actual take over his throne! What faith David had to trust God through all the trouble that came after him.

I need to learn to walk with God and allow him to lead. Too many times I try to lead my own life. I need to follow!!

2 Samuel 15:13-37

Fwd: 1 Samuel

1 Samuel

1 and 2 Samuel written from 1100 BC to 600 BC. The story of Gods people.

1 Samuel 1:1-17

Hanna's need brought her to God. Hanna had one need and that need was a son! Hanna cried out to God and poured her soul out to the Lord.

When I have a deep need that makes me feel bitter or trapped, where does it bring me? Where do I turn?

Hanna knew that her problem was one that could only be resolved by God.

1 Samuel 1:21-27

Hanna's blessings brought her to God as well! When God blesses me does that turn me to The Lord. Do I forget God when he answers my prayers? My great fullness for what God has given me should be evident in how I give praise to Him!

1 Samuel 2:18-21

Samuel learned that God came first no matter what because of Hanna's example!

1 Timothy 4:16

The way I live can positively impact everyone around me!

1 Corinthians 15:33

Conversely the way I live can impact the people around me in a negative way!

Fwd: According to your faith.

According to your faith.

Mathew 9:27-31

The quest? These blind men were on a quest. For sight? No, they asked for mercy! Why am I here today? What quest am I on?

These guys wanted healing and were willing to follow Jesus until they got it! What ever the need may be, I need to be on a quest for mercy!

Jesus did not heal them immediately. But asked them "do you believe that Jesus is able to do this". Do I believe that Jesus has the power to give me what I need?

Is God able? This is the only question that is important!

Imitating their faith:
     They asked!
     Faith needs to be persistent. ( they asked all day long )
     They did not doubt (Isaiah 35 prophesied that the messiah would heal the blind)
     They waited for Jesus to heal them
     They shared their faith with others.

I need to be on a continual quest. When Jesus heals or provides in one way I need another quest. Is my faith going to be one that asks, persist, does not doubt, waits for Jesus to work and shares His power with others?!