God's Free Word Book Store

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Relying on God!

Relying on God!

Luke 4:1-13

Jesus could have turned the stone into bread or anything he wanted to. When satan tempted Jesus with this basic need, Jesus very carefully answered satan with Gods word!

Hunger is a need and we prepare our selves for it by packing a lunch, having money...etc. we prepare and have taught our selves in our minds to for fill this basic need.

Sin is an impulse many times and we prepare to satisfy our sinful desires in much of the same way. Jesus purposely suppressed and denied his basic need of hunger. Jesus had self control!

I need to realize that I have these desires and needs and I need to have a game plan to deny them at times!

Part of this preparation has to do with not relying on my self! Self reliance will only lead me to for filling my sinful desires and needs with out considering God.

Deuteronomy 8:1-3

God knows what he is going to do for us....he wants us to hunger for him and not rely on self!

When we rely on our selves God is going to humble us until We turn to him! Part of relying on God is relying on the brothers that God has put in my life! Am I open with them about my sin? No!

It is about making Jesus lord!

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