God's Free Word Book Store

Friday, March 21, 2014

Spring Revival

Spring Revival

Every year spring allows us to start over. The clocks change, the flowers come out, and nature resets itself in many ways.

A revival is a similar event. Revivals bring change and call people back to God. A revival is for the spiritually dead. It is a call to wake up!

Barnes study in 1999 said that the divorce rate was significantly higher among conservative Christian groups than any other religion. The conclusion was that churches today really do help marriages or provide the resources to help marriages last.

The church is dead in many ways and needs a revival!

Acts 9:1-19

A revival is about 2nd chances! Paul needed redirection and a 2nd chance! God is a God of second chances!

Paul was convinced that he was right. Paul was living with convictions that his traditions were right. Paul later went into many cities and proved through scripture that Jesus was the son of God. What changed? The evidence was always there in scripture but Paul held to his own traditions and refused to see Gods word the way God intended it!

Paul was sincere, intelligent, religious and full of passion; however, fully wrong!

Do we try to deal with God on our own terms? "I want to worship God the way I want to worship God"! Many people today want to live their lives on their own terms. We cannot worship God the way we want, we must worship him the way he calls us to!

Paul new that following Jesus would separate him from all of his friends, cost him his Job, separate him from his family...etc! Paul needed a 2nd chance but understood it would cost him! Paul took advantage of the 2nd chance that God had giving him regardless of the cost he would have to pay.

Acts 9:20-22

Paul took advantage of his second chance immediately!

Acts 22:3-29

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