God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Questions and lies!

Questions and lies!

Questions can change our lives! Many were asked or asked the question will you marry me? Life is never the same after that question. Will you come to church with me? Another life changing question. Do you want to study the bible? Life changing questions!

Kids start asking question as soon as they are able to talk. It's natural to have questions. We all ask questions. Eve was asked a question; "did God really say no"

Genesis 3:1-7; 23-24

Some of us read this and think, "yep, that's just like God, always telling us what we can't do". We have a distorted view of God and see him of just a God of do's and don'ts! God is a God of yes! God is a God of freedom!

Imaging some one offered you a beach house in Hawaii and gave you the freedom to stay as long as you wanted, to use it in anyway that you wanted, to swim, sunbath, surf, snorkel, enjoy the beautiful beach and spend endless time there free of charge! The only instructions where to not swim next to the rocks because there is an under current and you will surely drown if you do. What would you say to this? You would be excited to receive this gift! This is exactly what God offered Adam and Eve!

What did Satan ask? A question designed to create doubt! Satan is the father of lies and when he asks a question he is speaking a lie! When satan says "did he really say?" He is not trying to help you clear up a misunderstanding, he is really attacking a weakness and doubt that is already in your heart!!

Did God really say?....feel in the blank and it is always something that we are weak and struggling in! It is always something that we want to do and know is not right!

Eve's response to Satan's question is different than what God really said. She left out the part about being free to roam the garden and added a part about not touching the fruit! How many scriptures do we look at and change the meaning or soften what God is saying to benefit our own agendas and desires?! When Eve went and touch the fruit she made God out to be a lier in her own mind because she didn't die. This just created more justification in her mind to dismiss Gods instruction.

Twisting scripture and justifying our actions only helps Satan have more of a influence on our hearts!

Is the problem the lie satan asked or the lie that Eve answered? Both! Too many times we cast doubt and dissect Gods word with an alternative motive, when we want to justify our actions or convince our selves that it is ok to do what we want to do?

We need to know Gods word enough to know to not have half truths in our beliefs!

We need to thank God for the boundaries he has put in our lives and the hurt he is trying to save us from instead or trying to find a way around them! God is protecting us from so much and wants nothing but our best interest!

When we know Gods word we are able to reject those questions that satan throws at us and the lies he uses to deceive us!!!

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