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Saturday, March 22, 2014

Marriage and Parenting

Marriage and parenting and how they impact each other.

Ephesians 6:1-3

When you are training a child they must first learn that they are an individual and under authority. Just like our kids, we are under authority too. Under the authority of God and our kids need to know that. We teach then how to submit to Gods authority through submitting to our authority.

We need to live the life that we call our children to live. We are their primary example.

Obedience is to obey the first time!

Kids do need a process of appeal. 4 different parenting styles. Dictatorship, authoritative, permissive and indifference. The worst style is a dictatorship and the best style is the authoritative style which uses communication. The appeal has to be done in a respective way and in the process of being obedient.

Spanking is politically incorrect but biblically mandated! Spanking should always be done with communication.

Character development is so important in who you children will grow up to become!
Making too many rules is a mistake. It takes a lot of time to communicate and build character than it is to just set a bunch of rules.

Eye contact is important too. Unless you have eye contact you are not reaching your kids hearts and they are not focusing on what you are trying to teach them.

It's important to get input from others about what they see in your kids. Other people are not going to be sentimental and can see your children in a way that you don't. Input in what your kids strengths and weaknesses is very important.

Proverbs 20:11

Another signs of how our kids are doing is based on the friends that they are choosing.

You don't want to set a standard higher than they can attain or a standard so low that they don't need Gods help to attain it!

No area should be hands off in our kids development. Especially the sexual area!

Your marriage has to always be center stage! No matter how demanding raising your children it may be, your marriage always has to be first priority!

The "Love Sandwich" in communicating with our kids. Like a sandwich your have three parts. First the bread by encouraging your kids then the meat in addressing what every needs to be addresses and then the last piece of bread in closing with how much God loves them and how he is going to help them.

Proverbs 1:7-19

Peer pressure is simply living in the fear of man rather than in the fear of God.

Developing a shepherding relationship is important with our older kids. My vulnerability and verbal encouragement is huge in developing a shepherding relationship with your kids! Deal with broad themes and do not nitpick everything. Chose your battles.

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