God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Absolute truth and absolute grace!

Absolute truth and absolute grace!

The important thing about questions is the answer! Questions stem from the need for an answer. When we ask questions we a looking for truth! There are some truths that we don't want to hear!

God only brings truth. Sometimes we get angry with God over what is true.

John 18:28

Jesus came into this world to tell us the truth about everything. Jesus lived a human life and experienced everything that we experience to help us know the truth!

Pilate ask, "what is truth?" This is not a question that Pilate wants answered. Pilates questions is an answer in his mind. It's the attitude, what's truth...how do we even know. This question was full of doubt!

Everybody has an opinion, how do we know what truth is. If the truth does not fit our agenda then we question whether it is the real truth.

Pilate represents the wisdom of the world. He was roman, advanced, educated, new age, forward thinking...Jesus was narrow thinking, closed minded and traditional in the mind of Pilate.

Absolute right and wrong to the world is closed minded and narrow thinking. Satan likes to use this and back us into an either/or corner. You can't believe the bible and have common sense. We have to be blindly faithful and foolish minded. The truth is that christianity is true and reasonable!

The world attacks the idea that there is absolute truth!

Jesus teaches that there is absolute truth that never changes. Truth that is true for and old lady and a teenage boy, one size fits all truth. Jesus is truth! John 1:14, 17; John 3:21; 4:23-24; 7:28; 8:31-32; 14:6-7;

Satan does not need to convince us that God is a liar, he just needs to convince us that there is another truth!

God is complete truth and grace all at the same time! He is both without any conflict! With the sinful woman caught in adultery, Jesus was 100% truth and 100% grace all the time!

Sin has been punished, every single sin has been punished. There is nothing that I have gotten away from or hidden for God. There is no sin that was not accounted for. I have not gotten away with anything! Either I am punished for my sin or Jesus is punished for the sins that I have committed!! Jesus received death that was meant for me. This is the power of the cross! Complete absolute truth and complete absolute grace and mercy!

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