God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, August 17, 2014



The reality and idea of freedom is a very valuable thing. It's what we want and desire the most! Lack of freedom promotes anger and resentment!

John 8:31-33

When someone offers you freedom they are really saving your a slave. The Pharisees refused to see reality that they were slaves!

Jesus mission was to bring freedom and to set prisoners free! Yet in the gospels there is not one story of jesus going into prisons to set any one free. What kind of freedom is Jesus offering?

John 8:34

Freedom from sin!

Romans 6

I am a slave, a prisoner and satan wants to be my master! Slavery that sin puts us in
Is far worst than anything else in this world. Marriages destroyed by sin! Families and children hurt by sin! Relationships destroyed by sin! Dreams crushed by sin. Suicides taken by the guilt of sin! Sin creates doubt and not trust. It isolates us!

Any of us who saw physical slavery or oppression could not just sit and watch with out doing something about it! Then why do I not have the same indignation about the slavery of sin and oppression?!

Every person freed from physical slavery still is a prisoner to sin. Sin has caused more oppression and has killed more people than any other thing in this world!

Romans 8:18-24

Romans 8:25

What a simple answer! Jesus Christ! All of us who have been baptized into Christ have been set free!

What should we do with this freedom that God has given us?!

Romans 6:19-23

Since we have been freed from the slavery of sin, God ask that we chose to be a slave to righteousness!

Giving up our freedom takes trust and humility! Making Jesus lord requires us to trust and obey God!

Galatians 5:13-14

Surrender your freedom not to sin but to serve your brothers and sisters! Unity is expensive and one of the cost of unity is Freedom!!!

Jesus gave up his freedom for God and chose to give up his life for me!

Do I lay down my life and lay down my freedom for my brothers and sisters? For the people around me!

I can't give away what it don't have. I have to be set free from sin in order to offer my Freedom to righteousness!!

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