God's Free Word Book Store

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Attitude of gratitude!

Attitude of gratitude!

Luke 17:11-19

This story is not about the healing of the ten with leprosy but about the response of the one that came back and gave thanks to Jesus.

This guy was a Samaritan! What implications does his nationality have on this story?

The other nine probably rushed to be with their family and enjoy the blessing they had just received! This Samaritan chose to go back and give praise to God before he did anything else!

Romans 1:24-30

Foolish hearts and hardening of the heart starts with not having gratitude for God. Knowing who God is and not acknowledging him! The descent into sin starts with an ungrateful heart!

So why doe we struggle with living in gratitude? Not just having gratitude but living a life of gratitude! It comes to us not think our sinful nature is really that bad. For example if you got a traffic ticket and some offered to die for you so you didn't have to pay it we would think that was crazy. We don't see all sin as deserving death. If we did we would appreciate Gods grace in every aspect of our lives!

How do I feel for what God has giving me in my life? The world wants us to be discontent and not great flu for what we have. When we lack gratitude we start to rly on our own strength to get what we want instead of trusting God and relying on him!!


1.) Make a list of the things you are great full.
2.) Pray and thank god for what you have and refrain from asking God for things you want all the time.
3.) thanking people in your life and taking time out to show them your gratitude.

Jesus never commanded the other 9 to return; however, in his response to the one that returned we see that it was implied that they should have gave praise to God and showed gratitude.

There is a disconnect sometimes between us feeling grateful and then actually living in gratitude. It requires action for us to be truly grateful!

Luke 17:17

Jesus said "your faith has made you well". Does this mean that the other 9 were not healed. The word used here means literally saved. This guys gratitude brought him not only physical healing but rather salvation spiritually!

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