God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Jesus will fix it!!

> Jesus will fix it!!
> Jesus knows exactly who I am!
> Can Jesus really fix what's going on in my life?
> John 5
> Heb 1
> Jesus has given us everything we need to overcome!
> Two kinda of people! The ones that understand their need for Jesus and the ones that don't.
> I have to put my self in a place where I can let Jesus help me.
> John 5:4
> This man put himself in the right place... Jesus asks him, "do you want to get healed?"
> It wasn't until he made that connection with Jesus!
> Just because we are believers and worship, doesn't mean we will be healed. It isn't until we connect with Jesus that we can be healed!
> Jesus tells me what to do sometimes and I don't listen/obey, therefore I don't heal.
> Stop sinning!! Things get worse when we don't stop.
> Stop the pride, the anger, impure thoughts, etc!
> I can take Jesus' message as someone who needs Jesus, or someone who doesn't want anything to do with him.
> Jesus has work to do with me; there is work to be done!
> • Understand the relationship that God and Jesus have.
> If we think we have it all together and don't need him: my intellect is overshadowed my personal relationship with Jesus/my need for Him.
> If my opinion holds more weight than Jesus, it's worse.
> Do I have a "prove" it to me mind set?
> If there's anything I have in my life that I feel restricted by, then I need to come to Jesus.
> I desperately need Jesus.

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