God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, April 7, 2014

Meeting Each Other's Needs!

Meeting Each Other's Needs!

John 6:1-9

Spiritual maturity comes through serving and being outward focused. If all we are doing is receiving and not giving then we will not grow spiritually.

Jesus had many excuses not to be giving. He was tired and trying to get away from the crowds. Jesus was looking to get away and needed some space.

What is my attitude about serving? Do I make priority over my own needs like Jesus did?

Many needs around us go un met and the truth is that as long as there is someone in need then our work is not done yet. The temptation is to feel like "why bother".

The disciples didn't want to serve these people because the burden was too great and there were not enough resources to do it.

Jesus didn't let the lack of resources stop him from serving. He took the little that he had and allowed God to multiply it. Sometimes we have a huge problem that overwhelms us and and instead of giving what we do have we end up doing nothing at all. We should be like Jesus and give what we have and then allow God to multiply it!

John 6:11-13

I need to look for ways to give. Pray about my giving and ask God to give ways to serve!

Jesus gave too much. Jesus gave so much that there was left overs! Think about that for a minute. Every man took as much as they needed and Jesus provided more than enough!

Without a serving heart we can not be like Jesus!

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