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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

8 Principals to change.

8 Principals to change.

An object does not move unless an outside force acts upon it. It's the same way for us spiritually! We can't change with out action.

How do you go from decision to change? I need help to change.

8 Principals to change.

#1 - I will not change based on my emotions only. Change happens not by emotion but only by decisions.

Romans 12:1-2

#2 - Remove all distractions and competing priorities. Spiritually I can not continue down the same path over and over agin and expect to see change. Matthew 6:33

Hebrews 12:1-3
Ephesians 4:15-16

#3 - Share your decisions and struggles.

To have true biblical change I need the body. I need relationships to grow spiritually! Self discipline comes from other discipline from others. I need discipleship to help create self discipline.

#4 - Give yourself a deadline or timeline.

#5 - Root your decisions in scripture.

Colossians 3:6

Memorize scripture is the way to root your self into Gods word! Gods word has to live in my heart. With Gods word my actions will be Gods actions.

#6 - Commit your decisions to prayer.

When I am trying to change something I have a need and prayer helps me connect with the power that God has given us.

#7 - Give your self to others.

Philippians 2; Galatians 5:13-14

No matter what it is that I think I need to change always comes down to selfishness. Serving other people will help me change selfishness that is rooted in my sinful nature!

#8 - Focus on the unseen and don't give up!

2 Corinthians 4:13-18

Focusing on what can be seen can be discouraging! I need to focus on what is not seen, to have faith, and in vision my self changing. What is unseen is permanent!

For example: to focus on the seen in your marriage you think about the past in your marriage, the failures in your own mother and fathers marriage...etc. to focus on the unseen I look at Jesus and his bride the church. I focus on the relationship and perfect partner I have in Jesus! I focus on the power Jesus has given me to change.

To focus on the seen with regards to purity, you focus on the past. The fact that you have always struggles with purity. The fact that the world is not a pure place...etc. To focus on the unseen you think about your body being the temple of God. You think about the fact that Jesus is in you. You have the holy spirit and you worship a holy God that calls you to be Holy. You are a new creation through Christ...etc.

Hebrews 12:1-3 focus on what is unseen!!!

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