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Friday, March 21, 2014

Guarding Your Identity!

Guarding Your Identity!

Matthew 16:13-19

This is a major turning point in Jesus ministry and development in the disciples he has been teaching for the last three years. Vs 21 explains that after this event Jesus started to prepare his disciples for the cross.

It's easy to see Jesus miracles and understand that he is from God if we are willing to believe. What is hard for many of us is to believe that he would chose a sinner like me and use me in the ways that he wants to use my life!

1 Peter 2:9-10

My identity in Christ is important. I need to remember who I'am in Christ and know that through Jesus I can be the man that God calls me to be!

God sees people in one of two ways. In the light or in the darkness. God loves both people the same. Scripture says that while we were still sinners God sent his son to die for us. It's not about where we come from, our financial status, education level...etc. God is only concerned with whether we are saved or not saved!

My identity is based on this. Either I have mercy or no mercy! Based on my identity my life should reflect one of the two people. If I am saved then my life should reflect that.

God is the only one who knows my value. He created me and he is the only one who knows what I am worth! Regardless of the mistakes that we make in our lives God sees us differently than we do.

When I forget who I am then I am forgetting God. There is no way to separate it.
My identity should produce righteous living!

1 Corinthians 4:1 entrusted with the secrets of God.

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