God's Free Word Book Store

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

When Kings Go Off To War!

At the time that kings go to war!

I am in a battle! A war! A spiritual war and the stakes are high! My family is at stake. The ruler of the world (satan) has declared war on my family!

2 Samuel 11:1-27

David stayed home and chose not to go in to battle. When you stop fighting is when satan attacks! As a husband and father we can learn some strong things about David's life!

When David should have been leading his army in battle he was passive and let Joan do the job God had given to him!

The 3 N's


Neglecting my family comes in many forms but most of all is when I stop investing and put the time in for my marriage and family. Meeting my wife's needs. Being there for my kids. Neglect spiritually by not reading Gods word and not leading my family spiritually.


Not caring, no concerns, out of touch and with no desire! Lack of conviction! I need to fight for my wife and stand up to her with convictions to protect her. My kids need emotional connection and I can not allow my self to be unemotional and unconnected!


Being naive and not seeing the spiritual struggle that my family is in! I am called to be different from the world and to lead my family to be different from the world. I have to be in touch with where my family is at spiritually!

As a father I am accountable to God for the influence he has given me over my wife and kids!

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