God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, January 25, 2016

Come GROW with Us

Come GROW with Us

Joseph had a real relationship with a real God
  • Genesis 39:1-20. 
  • When temptation came, he's in a land where no one else knew God, nor worshiped Him, he Knew God was real. He spent time with Him not only when he needed God but also when he didn't. 
  • He knew it pleased the Lord to love Him and worship Him. 
  • We need to live our lives with God being real! Make the Lord known in the way you live your life and you'll talk about Him to others. 

Joseph was happy in the hands of that real God
  • Joseph is grateful for all the blessings. When temptation came around, he mentioned all he was grateful for. 
  • Pride can kill gratitude; it's easy to see all the thing you've done and therefore "deserve". But we don't see that from Joseph. Gratitude is the opposite. Joseph didn't blame the Lord for his misfortune. 
  • Perspective makes it hard to trust the outcome. When we are enslaved, in jail, or hardships, it's difficult to trust and be happy with The Lord's purpose. Later he was able to see the bigger picture and why the Lord allowed him to go through hardships. 
  • Joseph didn't need to know the promise but The Promiser. Trust God's plan when He calls us to go through hard times, when he asks more of me than I'm prepared to give. 
  • God's ultimate plan has nothing to do with this life. It's all in HEAVEN! 
  • I might say: "God why do you think so much of me that you've put me through this?" You know the Lord has overcome, has fought for me and when this story ends, cans I envision myself in Heaven. Heaven is His ultimate plan! 
  • "Come what may Lord." Anyone can have this faith and trust in the Lord. 
  • If I can't live happy in God's hands, with no matter what comes, then I'VE GOTTA KNOW GOD BETTER!
  • His long term plan is for us to make it to Heaven! 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Single in Christ

Single in Christ

God promises those of you who remain single in Christ better blessings than those who are married and have children!

Gods family grows not by sexual reproduction but through spiritual birth in faith! Marriage is temporary, marriage to jesus is eternal. To be single in christ is not to fall short of Gods best.

Isaiah 56:4-5 spoken to eunuchs. God promises those who remain single in christ better blessings than those who are married and have sons and daughters. This is not how we feel on the possibility of being single is it?

Genesis 1:28; 5:21; 26:3; 1 Samuel 24:21; Deuteronomy 25:6; ruth 4:9-10; Judges 11:36-38 -- physical offspring matters but it will come in Gods way and in Gods timing. God used marriage and offspring to preserve the names of the Israelites. Like today marriage and children were of great importance.

Isaiah 53:5-10

Jesus was a single man faithful to God to his death. Jesus had spiritual offspring. Spiritual offspring takes precedence over physical offspring through Jesus example.
John 3:3; Galatians 3:7;26; 1 Peter 1:2-3

1 Corinthians 4:15 Paul was a great father and never married. 1 Thessalonians 2:7
Matthew 22:30; 12:48-49; Luke 11:27

The church/kingdom last for ever, our physical relationships on earth are temporary. A great mother in Gods eyes is the the woman that hears the word of God and obeys it. The great father in Gods eyes is the same!

Matthew 19:8-12; 1 Corinthians 7:1-3;32-35; Matthew 22:30

Faithfulness to Christ is what will define my life! Not my marriage, not my kids, not my job and not my money. My relationship to Christ is ultimate and will define me regardless of my situation.

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A New Year: The Hope of Glory

A New Year: The Hope of Glory

The book of Kings has a narrative of "Hope" and "Glory" for Israel and how it was shattered. Israel was a nation formed by God to be a different nation separate from the rest of the world. Israel never truly for filled this calling and became like other nations and God ultimately ended up wiping Israel out.

Israel thought if we are suppose to be Gods people then why was the temple destroyed and why did he allow the nation of Israel to fall? God made a promise to David about the kings of Judah in 2 Samuel 7:11-16.

2 Kings 17:7-20 God explains the reason Israel had no hope and no glory but this was only momentary. God had a plan all along to restore Israel and create a spiritual kingdom that will never be destroyed!

Starting new is not just about starting over and moving forward but it is also about looking back and thinking about what needs to change and looking at what areas I need to grow in. This is what God was trying to get Israel to do in writing the book of Kings.

The book of Kings is a history book, but a theological one. Many of the Kings mentioned in the book of Kings are mentioned not because of physical success as leaders but for either spiritual successes or fallers. Jeroboam is spoken about over 21 times and referenced as the King that caused the people of Israel to sin.

4 kings in Judah were considered righteous and considered to be like King David. Asa, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, and Josiah. These kings were considered righteous because they repented, listened to those God put in their lives, they acted on faith, and they were all reformers and called Israel to change.

Like Israel, we need to understand the reasons for our past failures. What spiritual goals did you have last year for your self that did not happen and why?

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Striving With His Strength

Striving With His Strength

1 Corinthians 3:16-17 Just as Gods presence came in the form of a cloud and dwelled in the temple that Solomon built, Gods presence lives in me today. I have become the temple of God. Ephesians 2:22 the spirit continually builds us into a dwelling for the Holy Spirit.

Numbers 11:11-17; 24-25; God heard moses and chose leaders to help him lead the people of Israel.

Galatians 5:25 The spirit is moving and wants to do some awesome things and It is my job to just keep in step with Him! How is the spirit moving in my heart and my life?

1 Corinthians 12:4-7 What gifts has the spirit given me and what is the spirit calling me to do?

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Get Unstuck

Get Unstuck

Hebrews 12:1-2 Fixing our eyes on Jesus is the answer. Repenting of sin is the answer. Sin entangles us. Man was not meant to be the detangler. Jesus is the ultimate detangler.

Ephesians 3:20-21 Jesus can do more than we ask or imagine! Do you really believe that? This is true in ever Christian. It starts with looking to Jesus and relying on his power and strength!

We need Christ focused discipline! Our discipling needs to direct people towards Jesus. Who is Jesus? Humble, meek, powerful, selfless, authoritative, full of grace and mercy, the truth, servant, leader, obedient to his father, compassionate, loves unconditionally, forgiven, healer...etc. We need to call each other to be like Christ!

Proverbs 29:18 -- when our eyes are not fixed on Jesus we cast off Gods word and get entangled in sin.

Going from a man centered to a Christ centered life is the key. We have to start viewing each other the way God does. Ephesians 1:4-5 The creator of the universe chose me! 1 Corinthians 1:27; Acts 2:38; 2 Peter 1:3-5; 1 Corinthians 2:16.

How do you view the brothers and sisters in your life? Do you believe in them the way Christ believes in them!

Christ Focused Discipling:

Asking questions that lead a person away from their problems and back to Christ.Ephesians 4.

Hebrews 10 -- consider how to spur them on towards love.

Suggest what life would look like without the problem.

How would a day look walking with Jesus.....walking in step with the spirit.

Not everyone connects or grows the way we do, but Christ can help everyone mature, grow and "solve problems".

What am I looking for in my brothers and sisters? Am I looking for ways that they are like Christ?

1 Samuel 17:32-40 Saul was discipling David from his perspective and not from Gods perspective! David looked for Gods perspective and look to God to give him the ability and strength to do what God was calling him to do.

We need to lead from a step behind. If your in the front they see you instead of Jesus. Lead by serving and helping if they fall down. We can't fix everyone right now. God is the one who has to power to fix and change people and it is on His time!

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A Transformed Mind!

A Transformed Mind!

45% of Americans make New Years resolutions. A survey of the Americans that make resolutions found that the majority do not for fill those resolutions through out the year. Why? You can change the physical temporary but long term you have to change and transform your mind.

Romans 12:2 God calls us to be transformed. It is possible to change your mind! How do you do this?

I need to Rewind. Take a step back and review and look at the things that need to change. Evaluate the things in your mind that need to change and what you need to do to change your thinking. We need to reassess and vaulted the good things and the bad things.

Isaiah 44:18 We all have blind spots. There are areas in your life that you just cannot see and understand. I need people in my life that can help me find these blind spots and areas in my life that need to change! We need to help others get focused on Jesus and we need others to point us back to Jesus as well.

What area of my life can pride take me out spiritually? What are my blinds spots and who am I talking to and asking to help show me my blind spots in my life? Pride keeps us from renewing our minds.

Metanoia = means to change one's way of life resulting in penitence or spiritual conversion. Repentance starts with changing your mind. 2 Corinthians 7:10

I need to rewire. Romans 12:2 I need to break the patterns in my life that causes sin. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6

The Greek word Metanoia is found 56 times in the bible. One person repents and changes their minds and call others to repent and changes their minds.

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Being Led by the Spirit!

Being Led by the Spirit!

Romans 8:9-16 The spirit of God, Spirit of Christ, Spirit of Him who raised him from the dead. The world spirit is used several ways in this passage but they all mean the same thing. If you know the father and know God then you know the spirit. It's important to see how all three deities interact and are interchangeable.

The spirit is described in the context of families: children and fathers, brothers and sisters. Being lead by the spirit is being lead to Gods family. We were lead to God as our father. I need to continue to be lead to God in every area of my life. Everything should in my life should point to God, Jesus and the holy to spirit.

I did not receive a spirit that makes me a slave or gives way to fear. I was not given a spirit of timidity or weakness but of power and strength! God has chosen me with all of my mistakes and all of my weaknesses!

The spirit testifies that I am Gods son and a child of God! The spirit sets us free to cry out and call on our father!

Romans 12:3-10 The spirit leads us to a body of brothers and a body of believers. The spirit is trying to lead me to devote my self to brotherly love. In order to be led by the spirit I have to have sober judgment and not to think of myself above others.

The spirit brings us together and as a whole we portray the image of God! The Holy Spirit is not leading me to do anything that is contrary to Gods word. We can follow the spirit and test the spirit by Gods word.

How do you know if you are being lead by the spirit? Romans 8:12-14 says "Therefore". Therefore, what? If your lead by the spirit you are a sin killer. You are a killer of the flesh! The spirit will never lead you to the flesh. As a man we have a killer instinct and we need to use it to kill the flesh. To put to death the sin in our lives!

Today what sin is alive in my life? What sin is thriving, vibrant and robust in my life? KILL IT! We do it with the sword. The word of God! You want to fight? You want to be a man? Then be led by the spirit and put to death the sin in your life!

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Presenting Everyone Mature in Christ

Presenting Everyone Mature in Christ

Who needs discipling the most. Who need maturity in Christ? Ephesians 4:11-15 Everyone needs to grow. We all need someone in our lives to challenge us and to call us higher. If I really believed this then I would be laying my self bare and calling on my brothers to help me!

Discipling is not meant to be just relative to problems in our lives. I should be seeking discipling from my brothers to be proactive. All proactive and all reactive is dangerous. Being a disciple means that we seek discipling daily and in all situations.

Reactive discipling only happens after sin. Proactive discipling helps prevent sin and creates spiritual growth. All sins can be forgiven but not all consequences can be avoided! Un checked sin in my life WILL LEAD TO DEATH!

1 Corinthians 4:17 is an example of primary discipleship. Someone that we connect to one on one. Timothy and Paul had this type of relationship. 1 Corinthians 11:1 the person that God is using in my life is not meant to be perfect. I should follow what every aspect of his life that represents Christ.

We all have large amounts of needs regardless of whether we think we are in sin or not. True character growth will not come until we admit our needs and the need for discipleship! Timothy had Paul, Silas, his mother...etc. Timothy had multiple relationships that led him and called him higher. 2 Timothy 1:5, Acts 17:14, Acts 19:22, and Acts 20:4.

What is my life filled up with? Proactive or reactive discipling? I need to seek both!

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Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Holy Spirit!

The Holy Spirit!

Imagine that God came and gave us three books to get to know him. These books tell us all about God. What makes him happy, what makes him sad, what makes him mad and what he requires of us. As you start reading the first two books and it transforms your life and who you are. Now imagine your so excited about the first two but you just leave the third book on a shelf and don't read it. Who would do that?

God wrote one book, the bible, but with three themes. God the father, the son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit! If God intended to show himself to us as God the father, the son and the Holy Spirit, then what am I missing?

Knowing God is impossible without knowing him as the Holy Spirit! Who is the Holy Spirit? How can He change your life?

Where is God? What immediately do you think of? Heaven? We associate God the father as being in heaven. We think of Jesus in the same way. Jesus was taken up into heaven. We may believe God is involved in our lives but we view as though he does so from a distance!

John 14:25-27

God is not just in heaven. The spirit has been left with us. We have Gods spirit with us all the time. He is close to each one of us! We need to visualize the spirit as He works in our lives!

The spirit is always working. We cannot take credit for Gods works. No matter how talented we are or how much we are able to do this or that, God spirit is what works in our lives. We need to trust in God by believing in the Holy Spirit!

We need to listen for the Spirit. What is God prompting in your heat? What is God speaking to you through your conscience and the people around you?

If you had to chose one or the other which would you choose? The Holy Spirit of Jesus? Who would you rather have with you? Who would you rather talk to? Most would say Jesus.

John 16:5-11

Jesus says that we are better off with him leaving and the spirit coming to be with us. Gods spirit was sent to us to be with us forever! How should I view Gods spirit that lives inside of me?

Three years the disciples were with Jesus and lived with him daily and yet they still fell to win and denied him and abandoned Jesus. One encounter with the Holy Spirit in Acts 2 and the disciples went to their grave proclaiming Jesus as Lord!

How Important is the holly spirit to me? One is not better than the other. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one but God designed the spirit to be a gift for us.

The whole purpose for Jesus forgiving our sins and presenting us holy to God is so that His spirit can live inside of us. God wants to come live with me! God wants to live with me every single moment and every day! Without the blood of Jesus God would not be able to live in us. God is too holy to be present with sin.

Acts 19:1-7

Paul determined whether or not someone was converted and received salvation based on whether or not they received the Holy Spirit. How important is the Spirit?



Colossians 3:15; 1 Thessalonians 5:18; Jude 1:5; Titus 3:1; 2 Timothy 1:6; 2 Peter1:12; 1 Corinthians 4:17

We need to be reminded to be thankful.

Luke 17:11-15

Grateful people are faithful people. This is why gratitude is so important. How hard is it for me to just follow instructions? We live in a have it now generation. We don't like to wait. Jesus sent them away. He could have healed them instantly but sent them away to see the priest. Why?

Only one returned with gratitude. Grateful people go the extra mile!

Luke 17:16-19

The samaritan -- the guy who hates Jews was the one that came back. He had a truly grateful heart. The samaritan came back and threw himself at Jesus's feet. When was the last time I just threw my self at Jesus's feet? True gratitude and thankfulness comes with action!

1 Corinthians 15:10

What does Gods grace compel you to do? What moves me? These are questions that need to be asked to test whether the grace of Jesus is having an effect in my life! There is so much to grateful for in Christ.

Deuteronomy 4:7-8

Make a list of things you are grateful for. Call and thank the people that have helped you in your life.

Grateful people stand out! Luke 17:18. The grateful person stands out and the ungrateful person stands out too.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

2 Corinthians 4:1-6

2 Corinthians 4:1-6

Jesus reflects Gods glory perfectly! Jesus is the radiance of God. As a church it is our job to portray Christ the way God intended him to be portrayed! Too many are still blind and we do not recognize who Jesus really is.

What image of Jesus am I portraying to the world through my life? My life is on display to the world and I can portray Jesus in a false light and not honor God with my life! The first thing to do is not distort the truth, the word of God!

Paul refused to edit the word of God or distort the truth to attract followers. Too many churches today carter to the wants of their membership rather than giving them what God intended for them to receive. We cannot apologize for what Gods word says but set forth the truth plainly to the people around us.

By watering down Gods word we limit the power the word of God has on someones life. We must refuse to distort the word of God even when the topics may go against the mainstream thought of the day.

We need to rest in the power of God. We are too anxious and too unsettled. We need to be still and know that God is God. He is in control! Only God can save. Only God can make light shine out of darkness and only God can open the eyes of the blind. All we have to do is announce that Jesus is Lord. We need to live our lives in a way that honors God and confirms Jesus is the son of God. God will do all the rest.

We just need to do what God calls us to do and leave the rest up to Him!

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Monday, November 9, 2015



James 1:13-15

Temptation provides us an opportunity for us to do right just as much as it gives us the choice to do wrong! Temptation is not a bad thing. God gives us choice. Every time we overcome and defeat temptation we become a little more like Jesus! Temptation is the point in time when we can either walk in the light or wallow in the darkness. Temptation gives us a chance to show God who we are devoted to! God uses temptation to make us stronger.

Romans 12:2

Our minds are not to conformed but transformed!

We should plan for temptation. We all know it is coming. Why don't we plan for temptation. Why are we surprised when it comes! Temptation catches us off guard!

Temptation is the starting point for all sin. Unchecked temptation will destroy every aspect of your life! There is no such thing as a small temptation. They all start small and will lead to something bigger if unchecked!

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2 Corinthians 4:1-6

2 Corinthians 4:1-6

Jesus reflects Gods glory perfectly! Jesus is the radiance of God. As a church it is our job to portray Christ the way God intended him to be portrayed! Too many are still blind and we do not recognize who Jesus really is.

What image of Jesus am I portraying to the world through my life? My life is on display to the world and I can portray Jesus in a false light and not honor God with my life! The first thing to do is not distort the truth, the word of God!

Paul refused to edit the word of God or distort the truth to attract followers. Too many churches today carter to the wants of their membership rather than giving them what God intended for them to receive. We cannot apologize for what Gods word says but set forth the truth plainly to the people around us.

By watering down Gods word we limit the power the word of God has on someones life. We must refuse to distort the word of God even when the topics may go against the mainstream thought of the day.

We need to rest in the power of God. We are too anxious and too unsettled. We need to be still and know that God is God. He is in control! Only God can save. Only God can make light shine out of darkness and only God can open the eyes of the blind. All we have to do is announce that Jesus is Lord. We need to live our lives in a way that honors God and confirms Jesus is the son of God. God will do all the rest.

We just need to do what God calls us to do and leave the rest up to Him!

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Thursday, November 5, 2015



James 1:13-15

Temptation provides us an opportunity for us to do right just as much as it gives us the choice to do wrong! Temptation is not a bad thing. God gives us choice. Every time we overcome and defeat temptation we become a little more like Jesus! Temptation is the point in time when we can either walk in the light or wallow in the darkness. Temptation gives us a chance to show God who we are devoted to! God uses temptation to make us stronger.

Romans 12:2

Our minds are not to conformed but transformed!

We should plan for temptation. We all know it is coming. Why don't we plan for temptation. Why are we surprised when it comes! Temptation catches us off guard!

Temptation is the starting point for all sin. Unchecked temptation will destroy every aspect of your life! There is no such thing as a small temptation. They all start small and will lead to something bigger if unchecked!

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Sunday, October 25, 2015



The world recognizes the value of training. Whether it is academic training, sports training, or training in the corporate wold. Training has value! Experience, teaching, knowledge, skills, learning, and development are just a few of the benefit to training.

The bible recognizes the value of training too! 1 Corinthians 9:25. The bible priorities spiritual training over physical training but they are both of value. 1 Timothy 4:8

One of the major roles of a father is to train. Ephesians 6:4

Spiritual training is the training that lacks the most in our society. We don't value spiritual training like we should! No one makes us train spiritually. We have to learn how to do it. We sometimes assume that training spiritually is a lot like physical training but they are very different.

In the bible the training that God gives is in direct contrast to the training that we give our selves physically. Physical training is performance training. You do what you do to reach a certain performance goal. God doesn't work that way!

How does God train?

1 Samuel 16:1-12

Saul was trained by performance training. On the outside he look like a king should look and the people of Israel rallied around him initially! Vs 7 God does not look at the outward things. God chose David because of his heart!

Gods training for David was to send him out into the field and take care of sheep! God did not train David in all the actions that he needed to do. God trains us in all the ways we need to be. There is a difference. We train for some type of action. God trains the hearts to help us become what we are suppose to be!

God trains in the little things!

1 Samuel 17:33-36

Goliath has been fighting and training from his youth! Goliath had all the worldly training that one could have! David recognized the training that God had given him and he had full confidence in God that he was meant for this moment! Do you recognize God's training? Do you try to stop it because it maybe something hard in your life and a struggle to go through? Do you say here God is training me and has plans to use this in my life for something big!

David did not stop being a shepherd because a lion came around! Do you stop being a christian when times get tough? David continued to be a what God called him to be regardless of what he was facing! How faithful are we in the little things that God puts us in charge of or gives us as a task to do?

How christian are you when nobody is watching? David was alone in the field for weeks with the sheep with no accountability.

Gods training never stops!

There is no breaks in shepherding. There are no breaks. When you eat lunch you eat lunch next to sheep. When you lay down at night you sleep with sheep. We don't follow Jesus 9-5. We follow Jesus 24hrs a day! Discipleship has no breaks! God's training never stops which is so different than worldly training!

Spiritual growth should only cease with death. God is training us in every situation in every day of our lives. We need to open our eyes to see and except God's training! God was training David to "be" a man after Gods own heart. He did not train David to do something that was after Gods own heart. There is a difference!

Hebrews 5:8 in the same way God training Jesus and Jesus learned obedience from God through his life. Being a carpenter, a son, a brother...etc!

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The Call To Serve!

The Call To Serve!

1 Peter 4:10-11; John 6:1-9

All of us can have reasons not to serve or give. Jesus had many reasons not to give or to meet the needs of the people that needed him! Jesus was trying to have some family time. He slipped away and headed to a remote mountainside with his closest friends!

Jesus had good motives to slip away. Sometimes we want to slip away too. Many times for selfish reasons. Jesus spent most of his life giving and serving and wanted to slip away for a moment before the festival.

Jesus was outward and giving all the time. Jesus was willing to sacrifice his needs and wants for the needs of others! Jesus never gave into the feeling of growing weary!

To the disciples they did not have enough resources to help anyone! To Jesus what he had was enough for God to give.

Jesus let God multiply his efforts!

All we have to do is be willing to give and let God be responsible for multiplying. Our job is just to give and to serve! If I do not let God multiply then I will never have enough! God can use what ever we have and he will meet the needs. We just need to give and serve in what ever capacity we are able! It's up to God to make sure that what we have is enough!

John 6:11-13

Just like multiplication, anything times zero is zero. If we give nothing God will multiply nothing. If we give something, God will make it into whatever is needed!

Jesus did not divided the fish proportionately, he gave everyone as much as they wanted! Same with us if we give freely we will receive more that we started with. Giving to God gives us more than we had before!

Jesus gave until every need was met!

If you show up late to church your not showing up to give, your showing up to take! Gods church should be a place where everyone gives and everyone gets their needs met!

Proverbs 11:25

Jesus did not come to take but to give! That doesn't mean that it was easy for him. He had to pray continually for God to give him the strength to give and give! Jesus gave and gave until he took his last breath. It is finished was not said until he had exhausted his entire life!

The cross was the ultimate example Jesus has left us in giving up everything for us!

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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Spiritual Training

Spiritual Training

The world recognizes the value of training. Whether it is academic training, sports training, or training in the corporate wold. Training has value! Experience, teaching, knowledge, skills, learning, and development are just a few of the benefit to training.

The bible recognizes the value of training too! 1 Corinthians 9:25. The bible priorities spiritual training over physical training but they are both of value. 1 Timothy 4:8

One of the major roles of a father is to train. Ephesians 6:4

Spiritual training is the training that lacks the most in our society. We don't value spiritual training like we should! No one makes us train spiritually. We have to learn how to do it. We sometimes assume that training spiritually is a lot like physical training but they are very different.

In the bible the training that God gives is in direct contrast to the training that we give our selves physically. Physical training is performance training. You do what you do to reach a certain performance goal. God doesn't work that way!

How does God train?

1 Samuel 16:1-12

Saul was trained by performance training. On the outside he look like a king should look and the people of Israel rallied around him initially! Vs 7 God does not look at the outward things. God chose David because of his heart!

Gods training for David was to send him out into the field and take care of sheep! God did not train David in all the actions that he needed to do. God trains us in all the ways we need to be. There is a difference. We train for some type of action. God trains the hearts to help us become what we are suppose to be!

God trains in the little things!

1 Samuel 17:33-36

Goliath has been fighting and training from his youth! Goliath had all the worldly training that one could have! David recognized the training that God had given him and he had full confidence in God that he was meant for this moment! Do you recognize God's training? Do you try to stop it because it maybe something hard in your life and a struggle to go through? Do you say here God is training me and has plans to use this in my life for something big!

David did not stop being a shepherd because a lion came around! Do you stop being a christian when times get tough? David continued to be a what God called him to be regardless of what he was facing! How faithful are we in the little things that God puts us in charge of or gives us as a task to do?

How christian are you when nobody is watching? David was alone in the field for weeks with the sheep with no accountability.

Gods training never stops!

There is no breaks in shepherding. There are no breaks. When you eat lunch you eat lunch next to sheep. When you lay down at night you sleep with sheep. We don't follow Jesus 9-5. We follow Jesus 24hrs a day! Discipleship has no breaks! God's training never stops which is so different than worldly training!

Spiritual growth should only cease with death. God is training us in every situation in every day of our lives. We need to open our eyes to see and except God's training! God was training David to "be" a man after Gods own heart. He did not train David to do something that was after Gods own heart. There is a difference!

Hebrews 5:8 in the same way God training Jesus and Jesus learned obedience from God through his life. Being a carpenter, a son, a brother...etc!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Who Is Jesus?

Who Is Jesus?

The deeper we get to know someone the deeper our conversations get. Shallow relationships will stay shallow until we allow our selves to become vulnerable and take the relationship to a deeper relationship.

Jesus was an expert at taking a new relationship to great depths. For us sharing our lives immediately with someone we do not know seems and feels awkward. For Jesus it was the way he lived!

John 1:1-5

From the beginning of John we see that Jesus was with God from the creation of the world and he was the power of God that created everything that we know to exist. Jesus is power and authority.

John 3:1-16

Jesus immediately turn upside down the social conventions of that time. Nicodemus was the best thing you could be at that time. A jew, a man, righteous, a pharisee, a man with power, a member of the jewish counsel! Any one else that would have met Nicodemus would have welcomed him with open arms!

Jesus takes all of what they knew and flipped it upside down. Jesus gives Nicodemus exactly what he needed at the moment. A challenge, a rebuke and an offer of salvation!

John 4:1-26

We see a similar and a very different interaction with the Women at the well as we did see when Jesus met Nicodemus. Once again Jesus turned upside down the social conventions of the day by even speaking to her. Unlike Nicodemus, the woman was the worst things you could be. She was a Samaritan, a women, a sinful women, the opposite of a Pharisee, she has no power and no influence. Nicodemus came and sought Jesus out and the woman accidentally bumped into Jesus at the well. Just like Nicodemus she is not able to stand on her own merit!

Jesus extends her hope in a hopeless situation. He offered her a chance to repent and salvation. Jesus looks beyond the things that we look at. He looks beyond, social status!

No matter who you are -- Nicodemus or the Women at the well -- you need Jesus! You must acknowledge that you are lost without Jesus! At no point in our lives are we ever enough. Even on our best day we are lost without Jesus!

This is more than knowing that you just need help. Jesus is not looking to self improve us. He is not looking to change a few areas in our lives and make us great. JEsus is looking for people who know they are lost without him in every situation and every circumstance!

The longer I am in a relationship with Jesus the more tempting it becomes for me to neglect the power of JEsus and to think that I do not need him! We need to know that we are lost without Jesus! How desperate are we for JEsus salvation? Do we wait until things are really bad before we call out to him and seek salvation?

Mediocre christianity is Satan's biggest trap! A mediocre christian does not believe that he or she is lost without Jesus!

1 Corinthians 15:10

Is the grace that Jesus freely gives received without effect? There is no way to be in touch with the grace Jesus offers and to not have effect. It will and should change your life!

Romans 4:17 -- We need to go out and live like we are! This is how Jesus grace has effect! God does not see us for who we are -- he sees us for who we are in him! Imagine what would happen in your life if you truly accepted Gods grace and then acted on it? What if everyone said "i am nothing without Jesus and then lived their lives like He is! We would turn the world upside down.

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Monday, September 28, 2015

Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus?

Today communicating with real people is no longer done face to face. In our social media world it is not uncommon to have "friends" that you never meet face to face. This has its negatives but there are some positives.

What is the most important relationship that we have on this earth that we will never meet face to face? JESUS! Our relationship with Jesus should be real and deep and yet we are not able to communicate face to face.

Technology has brought our world closer together but at the same time has driving us further and further apart. There is a lot of superficial relationships in social media.

The fact that we don't see Jesus face to face is one of the biggest obstacles that we have in having a real relationship with him.

Who is Jesus? This is a question that should end with a relationship with Him!

Luke 7:1-10

The first thing we need to come to Jesus with is humility!

The centurion was not a jew and yet he humbled himself before a jew. He had all authority from Rome to lord over anyone in Israel and yet he understood who Jesus was. How do I approach Jesus with humility?

The jews came to Jesus and argued that the centurion deserved to be healed! Sometimes we can come to Jesus with the same attitue that we edeserve something! Pride is what convinces us that we deserve something. Humility is what helps us to see that we don't deserve anything!

The second thing we need in a relationship with Jesus is Lordship!

The jews did not respect Jesus as their Lord. They came to him almost as if they were ordering him and telling him what to do. Lordship is a huge part in our relationship with Jesus. We cannot have a relationship with him without Lordship! Do we look at Jesus as the master and us as the slave? Lordship is all about who has authority in your life. If I am living my life and doing the things that I want or am I allowing Jesus to be Lord and does he direct my decisions and actions?

The centurion never met Jesus face to face and he knew who he was. He knew that Jesus had complete authority over his life. Lordship is also about surrender! Surrendering is key. God does not want to take over, he want us to surrender voluntarily!

The third thing we need in a relationship with Jesus is faith!

Faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see! The centurion has full faith in Jesus and has never met or seen him! When we understand who we are in humility and when we surrender to Jesus in Lordship the more easy it is for us to put our faith in him! It is impossible to have faith if you know everything and no one has authority over you.

We need to believe with blind faith while we wrestle for the reason why! True faith gets up and does something. Lack of faith gets up and does something too. Running around doing something is not a sign of faith. Why you are doing what you are doing is the beginning of faith if the reason is Jesus!

Faith leads us to salvation. The cross of Christ is about humility, Lordship, and faith! Jesus called us friend when he could have called us servants. Jesus surrendered to God and his will for his life!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Honor The Lord

Honor The Lord

Mark 14:3-9; John 12:1-8

How do we honor Jesus today? How welcome is Jesus in my home? Would Jesus feel comfortable in my home. Would he agree with the things that are said, what is watched on TV, the relationships dynamics in your marriage....etc? Would Jesus have freedom to go through your home and see everything? Would you feel that you needed to hide something?

Honoring Jesus in your home means making Jesus lord of your life and allowing Jesus into every aspect of your life!

In order to honor Jesus in your home you have to honor him in your heart! Mary anointed Jesus with the most valuable thing she had! She used the costly perfume with out a thought to its cost or value. Jesus was worth her very best!

What am I offering Jesus? Am I giving him my best? Jesus call nothing more than everything we have! Really honoring Jesus is giving up everything for him!

Honoring Jesus is to also honor his church! Honoring Jesus is to honor other brothers and sisters.

When you really start honoring Jesus with your life the world is going to ridicule you. Persecution and criticism will come! Mary received that criticism and she did not care. She did not allow other people to keep her from honoring Jesus!

I need to honor Jesus now. There is no better time. Honoring Jesus should be my top priority! It takes a daily decision to honor him! I need a daily relationship with God.

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Sunday, September 13, 2015

What If

What If

What if I could change X in my life? What if I could erase the past? What if I could meet Jesus face to face? There are a lot of What if's?

Deuteronomy 7:12-14

What is God saying here? If we are willing to do things Gods way, if we are willing to lead our families the way God calls us...we will be blessed. Think about what we have in the kingdom of God. Isn't it special? The fellowship, the counseling, the friendships, the parenting classes...etc.

What if you really lived it? Matthew 7:1-5 To really live it, we need to deal with our own hearts and our own sin first. To really live it we have to remove all hypocrisy from our lives.

What if you stayed consistent? Be consistent with our devotionals. Be consistent with quite times. Be consistent with discipling. James 4:17 -- not being consistent is sin.

What if your family was super encouraging? 1 Peter 4:8. What would you say is the over riding spirit in your home? Is it love?

What makes a home an oasis? Humility. Saying I'm sorry and being willing to humble out and admit when we are wrong. Believing in each other is another thing that helps make a home an oasis. Honesty. Being able to speak freely from the heart.

What if you really shared your story? Psalms 78:4 The language in our homes should be filled with Gods story and what he has done in our lives! How have you seen God work in your life and in your family?

What if you really valued your relationships?

Ecclesiastes 9 -- What path am I on? If I continue doing what I am doing now where will I be? Will i have any regrets?

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The Value of Unity in the Church

The Value of Unity in the Church

The early church was so united on Gods word and in their convictions that they turned the world upside down! We are going to have to imitate the first century church if we want to impact the world today!

Gods heart for the lost and desire to see the world saved has not changed. What has changed? The first century church was full of zeal and passion for seeing Gods Will for-filled in their life time! What has changed in Gods church today?

What elements are missing today that were present in the early church? One of them is unity! We have to get behind our leaders and be in complete unity with our brothers and sisters. Acts says repeatedly that the early church was "of one accord".

What God cares about is true unity. The word does not value unity. The world creates chaos and disunity. The early church was united in prayer. Prayer works and we need be unified in prayer as well. Not only praying about the same things but also praying more together and for each other.

The early church was united in purpose too. Everyday they meet together and broke bread together. They multiplied daily because they were united in purpose. Have we lost our unity in purpose?

Finally, the early church in Acts was united in faith. We need to step out on faith together and see what powerful things God will do.

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Who is Jesus

Who is Jesus

Peter was explaining the question of "who is Jesus" in Acts 2. Peter's response was that he was a man accredited by God but yet was also the son of God. God defined Jesus and who he was by the miracles that he performed.

Jesus lead a life of preaching teaching and healing people physically and spiritually. That is who Jesus was and is.

Matthew 4:1-11 Satan is known as the tempter and he does not only attack the week. Satan uses multiple lies in trying to tempt Jesus.

The first lie can be summed up in the statement "look out for number one". Look out for your self. take care of your self! Independence. Take care of your self because no one else will. Self reliance and independence is that same thing as saying God is not going to take care of me. When we insist on taking care of our selves and without trust that God will provide, we are hurting God!

Jesus had a basic and real need for food and yet he fully trusted God that he would provide. When the Israelites were in the desert God fed them. The spirit lead Jesus out into the desert to be tempted. Jesus had to trust God that he would provide.

The difficult part of this is when we are suffering for a time. None of us give in to temptation immediately. Any one that loves God tries to resist temptation on some level. It is when we struggle through something over time that we struggle the most. Jesus was in during temptation for 40days and yet he fully trusted God.

Temptations become the strongest when we are in a desert. We need to develop a deep conviction that God will meet our needs!

Matthew 4:5-7 Satan's second lie. Do what you want and God will take care of you. Satan comes to us and tries to twist Gods word. Satan has not stopped manipulating scripture from Jesus time till now. Satan uses this tactic on us today.

Gods love is unconditional and yet forgiveness is conditional. God teaches us that we need to repent. We cannot live the way we want and think that Gods grace and mercy will always be there. Romans 6.

Satan's third lie is to build your life based on material things. Satan offered Jesus an empty promise. None of the kingdoms that Satan offered to Jesus never belong to him.They belong to God. Satan is always offering us an empty promise. What does not belong to God in this world? Satan has nothing to give. He only takes and steals.

Sin has never for filled anyone. Sin has never for filled a promise or brought satisfaction to anyone. Sin on leads to regret! Sin has never given true happiness to anyone either.

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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Have Your Cake and Eat It Too!!

Have Your Cake...Eat It Too!!

Being pleasing to God and approved by men! Can you really eat your cake and still have it? We live in a world where we are told that we deserve to have our cake and eat it too and eat our cake and always have it.

Romans 14:16-18

God calls us to a life that is suppose to be set apart from the world. We are suppose to be different than the people around us. This does not mean that we are sinless or that we should become judgmental. Our example should be should should lead others to God.

How can I be pleasing to God and approved by men! Living a life that pleases God does not mean that I am judgmental of the world. I will never have the impact for God and be approved by men if I am self righteous and judgmental. Jesus had compassion on the world and yet he called them to live a better life!

The ingredients to spiritual cake: R+P+J (HS) = Cake

Holy Spirit

Stuff can make you happy temporarily but it can never make you joyful. We need the right ingredients to make the cake that God intends for us to make. We need to follow Gods recipe in order to create the life that God intends for us to create.

The world is trying to sell me counterfeit cake!. It is possible to please God and be approved by men! How to please God and be approved by men?

Romans 12:1-2
Philippians 4:18
Colossians 3:20
Hebrews 13:21

What am I pursing in my life? What are my priorities? Are they inline with Gods priorities? Everyday I am facing two options. The cake that God is offering or the cake that the world is offering. One is everlasting and fully satisfying, the other is temporary and leaves me empty and unfulfilled.

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Sunday, August 9, 2015

The Power of Spiritual Thinking

The Power of Spiritual Thinking

The Power of Positive Thinking

THe statement of "The power of positive thinking" Does not include God but it does not exclude God either. God calls us to positive spiritual thinking and God gives us great power in positive thinking. Positive thinking alone is not enough without God.

What happens to positive thinking when life deals us negativity? Spiritual thinking addresses the positive and negative in our lives

Ephesians 4:17-19

Sin darkens our understanding. Sin breeds darkness and dark times that engulfs us in negativity and death. Sin creates confusion as well. Spiritual thinking provides clarity!

Sin breeds and leads to more sin. Sins progression if left unchecked will lead us to complete darkness.

Ephesians 4:20-24

Jesus brightens! Jesus shines brightness into every dark corner! Vs. 23 -- we need to renew our minds through Jesus! We start in darkness and have to search for Jesus and follow the light in order to get out of the darkness.

Through Jesus we are recreated. Jesus has taken something broken and made it anew!

Ephesians 4:25-32

Vs 25 "therefore" is a transition that makes us look back and see that it is because of Jesus and the light that he brings to our lives!

What I feed my soul is what is going to come out in my life. If I feed my heart the word of God and if I feast on Jesus and his goodness then my life will show good things, positive things!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Ephesians 1

Ephesians 1

A letter to the church in Ephesians. Not just a letter to a church but rather a form of communication to teach and instruct all christians. Most of the letters written in the New Testimate are problem solving letters. Letters that address sin and problems in the church.

Ephesians is the broadest of all the letters and does not address any person specifically or any problems specifically. The letter was written and meant for everyone to read and apply to their life.

Ephesians is a great book to study as an introductory book for someone learning about God for the first time. It is also a very deep and profound book. No matter who you are or what stage of life you are in, the book of Ephesians will help you focus your attention on the glory of God!

Paul describes himself as an apostle of Christ, a servant of Christ, and an ambassador in chains. He asserts his authority and then humble acknowledges his true role in Christ.

Ephesians 1:1-10

God chose us before the world was even created! God had us in mind as he created everything we see today! His love for us is unmeasurable! He blesses us with grace and mercy through Jesus. He gives us redemption through Jesus blood.

We are in debt with sin and bound for death and God redeems (purchases) us with the blood of Jesus!

God laves us with grace! He gives us more than we need and guarantees that it will never run out!

Ephesians 1:11-22

Paul charges us to beg God in prayer. To fall on our knees and cry out to God! If we believe that God has all authority and power. That he actually rose Jesus from the dead, then how would my prayer life reflect that? God listens to us and want to grant us everything through Jesus.

We are no longer foreigners to God. We have been reconciled through Jesus and are now legitimate children of God. Through Jesus God has adopted us a true sons!

Ephesians 2

Ephesians 2

Perspective is a very important thing and you need to have the right perspective when studying out any passage of scripture. Paul writes this letter from jail. In prisoned and while sitting in a jail cell, Paul writes a passionate letter of how strong and powerful God is. Paul does not allow his circumstance to sway his faith and convictions!

After explaining how powerful God is, Paul starts chapter two with "as for you". In comparison to Gods great power and strength, Paul confirms how powerless mankind is. We are powerless!

"Dead in your sins" can become a religious saying that looses meaning. With out God we are dead in our sins! Death is final -- there is no coming back. Death is inevitable. Death = powerless. We cannot influence or affect our world, self, love ones...etc. No one can help you either. Nothing can be done to change death!

Part of the power of God is being able to remember who we are and from where we have come from!

Am I dead in sin today? Powerless and trapped in this world unable to break free? Either you are dead in sin or alive in christ. Either you are in death or have been in death!

What God did for us is change the rules. Death was final and then it was not. We were destined to perish and then he provided a savior. Life to death has all was been the natural progression. By grace God changed the rules so that we have the opportunity to go from death to life!

Death was final and then God said it wasn't!

Jesus went first. He took the punishment for sin. He conquered death for us so that we would know that we have nothing to fear! Death Jesus showed us that death can be conquered, that death has no sting!

Because of the cross God is now able to live inside of us. God has made what is unholy -- holy and can now rest in us! I am being built into the temple of God! Everyday I should become more and more like Jesus!

Through the power of the cross we are now united with God in a way that we never could have been! Praise God for his endless grace and mercy!!!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Is God enough?

Is God enough?

Is God really enough? Do you need God plus _________blank to be satisfied or happy? Do you really want to go to enough-ness in your life?

Example: American Idol

Mark 4:1-12

This scriptures is about the kingdom of God and the struggle Israel had with idolatry. Exodus 20:3-6, God equates idolatry here to hatred. Idolatry = hatred towards God.Psalm 135:15-18, When we create idols we put our trust in them. Isaiah 46:7, Things that we rely on can be considered idols. Deuteronomy 32:17-18, Idolatry is also forget about who God really is in our lives. 1 Corinthians 10:14, we need to run from idolatry! Idolatry is a spiritual danger that we need to flee from.

Idolatry has always been a struggle for man since the beginning of time. Even today the lure of material wealth and what the world has to offer is a great temptation that leads to idolatry!

Mark 4:13-20

The first soil, shows the idol of distraction or sin. The second soil, is the idol of self gratification and sin. When things get tough they walk away because God is not pleasing anymore. The third soil, is the idol of worrying. We worry about the things that matter the most to us which can be an idol. Do i worry about my relationship with God? Yet we worry about so many other things that we are concerned about or care about!

Matthew 6 shows us that needing clothing is not bad but is the worrying about clothes, food and shelter as being bad. When we worry about these things we are saying that you have to be the provider and take control when God should be our provider!

We are constantly being dragged away from God to something when we give into idols! If we trust in anything other than God it is idolatry!

The idol of wealth: Money can buy a bed but not rest, can buy a house but not a home, can buy a clock but not time, can buy treasures on earth but not treasures in heaven. Money can buy a lot of things but it is deceitful. Money promises us less worry.

It's Not About Me

It's Not About Me

There is more to loving God than saying "I love God". There has to be a life style of love and God has giving us a model for what this life style should look like in Jesus!

Philippians 2:1-8

Paul is basically telling the Philippians church that "it is not about you". This phrase is what I need to adopt in order to be more like Jesus. "It's not about me"! Self denial is so important to please God and truly love Him!

Gods wisdom is completely opposite of the worlds wisdom! The world tells you to look out for number one. To look out for you because no one else will! Self centeredness and selfishness has no place in a relationship worth God!

Everything that God has done for me in my life has been for a reason. God has blessed me so that I can bless other people. In return I need to lay down my life for the people around me! "it's not about me"!

That's what Jesus did. He said "if it is for him/her I will lay down my life!" When we lay down our lives for each other we created brotherhood!

John 13:34-35

Jesus shared this with his disciples right after he washed the disciples feet and before he ultimately went to the cross and died for them!

I can live a quote un quote right life but Jesus says that the one thing that will set me apart and make me know as a disciple is my love for my brothers. My love for the people around me.

Independent or In Dependence

Independent or In Dependence

John 8:31-36

Worldly freedom vs Godly freedom!

July 4 our nation celebrates independence. America is founded on freedom. But with all this "freedom" are we truly free. In America we mistake freedom with independence. Jesus came to redefine freedom! Not independence but in dependence on God is true freedom!!

True freedom leads to life, liberty and true joy and in the pursuit of happiness!

Galatians 5:1
John 15:11

Warnings about freedom:

1 Corinthians 8:9
Galatians 5:13
1 Peter 2:16

Freedom is not really free. Freedom comes at a cost. The world uses freedom to cover sin and do what ever they desire!!

2 Corinthians 3:17

I'm a more concerned about independence or righteousness?

Luke 4:14-21 Jesus's deceleration outlined three things that Jesus came to do!

-Proclaim freedom!
What am I still enslaved to? Jesus came to set me free.

-Recovery of site to the blind!
Jesus came to help heal spiritual blindness! What sins in my life am I blind to?

-Release! This is not the same as freedom. This is the moment when sin no longer oppresses us! What sins am I allowing to oppress me in my life?!

Galatians 3:22-29
John 8:31-32

If we do not add obedience to your faith then you are still in bondage and not set free!!

"IF" you hold to my teachings!" "IF" is conditional. We don't receive freedom until we hold to Jesus teachings. I must seek true freedom and not just for independence!

We have to hold to Jesus teachings and not mans teaching! No matter what laws are passed or what the religious world caves to we need to hold to Jesus teachings!

John 8:34-36 Jesus answered the Pharisees with the real answer to our issue! We're in bondage because we are in sin!! When the son sets you free....Jesus has the power to set us free!!

Further instructions on gaining true freedom!! James 1:21-25

Throw out the garbage in your life! Stop just listened my to the world but take action and do what it says!!

God's love language is obedience!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Luke 15

In Luke 15 Jesus tells three stories in response to the Pharisees being self righteous.

Luke 15:1-32

Jesus gives three stories back to back in a row on the same topic. In the first two stories the people loose a sheep or coin and then they go looking for the lost item. The third story is a little different. How many of the 99 sheep that were left behind were jealous. How many of the 9 coins that were left behind were jealous? None. Only the brother is jealous.

This was a direct analogy of the Pharisees and they way were looking down on the sinners that Jesus was drawing near to him.

1 Timothy 1:12-17

This is the way a true leader of God should view himself. When we have the heart of Paul there is no room for self righteousness or judgmental attitudes.

Ephesians 5

Ephesians 5

Before God defines our roles as husband and wife he says to submit with one another in reverence in Christ!

As a husband it is my job to present my wife radiant. If my wife is not radiant I need to take responsibility regardless of whether I am right or wrong. Jesus never said to the church, I've done all I can do for you!

Prideful areas I need work on:
Pride loves to talk, revealing in every self exalting form of self-expression. Pride uses conversation as broadcast time.

Humility has never found someone it couldn't learn something from!

Who is Helen Keller? Everyone knows Helen Kellers

Who is Helen Keller? Everyone knows Helen Kellers name.Who is Ann Sullivan? Not many people recognize Ann Sullivan and yet she was the teacher that help Helen Keller achieve the great things she achieved in her life.

Great teachers can have a huge impact on our lives. Jesus was the greatest teacher that ever lived! Matthew 7:28 More often than not people were more amazed by Jesus teachings than the physical elements he was able to manipulate in his miracles.

Matthew 7:-28-29

Peopel were amazed by Jesus teaching because he taught with authority. Was it hat he was more strict and had more convictions about Gods word? Luke 11:46; 13:14 tells us that the Pharisees were too strict. What gave Jesus such power and authority was the way he lived his life!

Jesus could have came down and taught the same things and if he did not live the life that he lead no one would have remembered his name. Jesus came teaching from the old testament and in many ways teaching over and over again to people that knew the old testament and what it taught. What made Jesus different was he spoke the truth and then lived it in his life!

We would never listen to a personal trainer, no matter how knowledgable they were, that was over weight and did not live the life that they preached. Same thing with Jesus. Jesus was able to lead and teach the way that he did because of the life that he lived!

John 13:14-15

Jesus taught by example and called everyone who wants to be a disciple to do the things that he did.

The Pharisees memorized the entire old testament and yet Jesus called them hypocrites because they did not live the life that he did. Am I focused more on knowing the right answers or living them?

Mark 6:6-7;34-36

Not everything that Jesus said was written down. Why? The majority of the gospel is about the way Jesus lived. Jesus taught through the way he lived! Vs 34 -- "he began to teach many things." We think we need to be taught XYZ but God knows that what we need is to see the life that Jesus lived. My life should reflect the same thing. It is not about what I say but about what I do and the example that I set!

If my christianity is just about words. To say the right words at the right time or know the right things I am just becoming religious.

John 12:47-50

Although Jesus's words will judge us and hold us accountable his life and the way he lived it ultimately provides us salvation and grace! We have salvation, grace and mercy because of the way Jesus lived his life and the death that he chose to surrender to!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Motherly qualities in God!

Motherly qualities in God!

There are many many Godly women in the bible that were used to do powerful things to for God.

Genesis 1:27

"Man" is made in the image of God. "Man" being just as much mankind and includes women. There is a side of Gods character that is directly connected to the good qualities and characters of a mother!

Every good masculine quality reflects the character of God and every good feminine qualities reflect the character of God as well!

To say that the image of God is only masculine is incorrect. God is both perfectly masculine and perfectly feminine. Although this is true, God chose to associate himself and distinguish himself as a father to us!

1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

A mother has pure motives! They give and give without expecting anything in return. Mothers always find forgiveness for their children. Mothers poor themselves out physically and emotionally for their children! Mothers love unconditionally. There is not a better example on earth of unconditional love than the example God has given us in our mothers!

Mothers are constantly sacrificing what is best for them for the needs of their children! Paul used the example of a mother to describe his relationship with the church in Thessalonica.

What we want most in a God is a God that loves unconditionally. We want a God that loves like a mother. Who loves us at our worst like a mother would! Romans 5:6

God calls all of us live out these examples. Am I loving unconditionally? Am I poring my self out emotionally and physically for the people around me?

A mother holds nothing back!

An infant wants only what they need. As kids grow up they start wanting more and more things that they do not need. Children grow older and want more and more of the things that they do not need. A mother never holds back from giving her children what they need. God is the same way!

I can make a long list of what I've wanted in life that I have not received but there is nothing that I have not received that I needed. Like a mother God gives us exactly what we need! God holds nothing back and always supplies us with what we need!

A mother does what ever it takes!

1 Thessalonians 2:9-12

Paul worked when he did not have too. Paul was not a burden to the church. Paul did what ever it took. Mothers work when they don't have too, they are not a burden, and they do what ever it takes. Moms become what ever their children need her to be. God is for us what ever we need God to be. He meets all of our needs!

God is a God that does what ever it takes, how does what ever we need when we need it! He knows what we need and what we don't need. God will be what ever it takes because he loves us like a mother loves her children!

When we needed someone to take the blame for our sin and need to be saved he supplied a way for us to have life when we deserved death!

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Perseverance is a theme that we see in the bible over and over again!

1 Corinthians 9:24-27

Don't just run aimlessly. Run for the prize. We can persevere through many things but am I persevering with a purpose? What is my purpose and what is my prize?

You hear that your spiritual life is not a sprint but a marathon. This is partially true and partially false. With God we run a sprintathon! We don't need to pace our selves and yet the race is like a marathon in length. We need to run with every ounce of our being all of the time! This is only possible with God!

Story -- Kayla Montgomery -- State champion who ran with Multiple Sorosis -- She ran because she still could. Every moment she was able to run was a blessing. Perseverance was a blessing to her!

Never Give Up!

1 Timothy 4:15-16

"Persevere and IF you do you will be saved". Paul is very clear that perseverance is key to our salvation. Persevere in what you believe. Persevere in the the way you live your life! Persevere and push through when life is hard. Persevere through temptation...etc.

Life and doctrine are equally important! A life for Jesus demands perseverance.

Running the race is not about a sinless life where you never fall down. The key is running with everything we have and when we fall we get back up quickly and run with everything we have again!

Its About How You Finish The Race!

Its not about how you start a race but how you finish! No one remembers how won the first lap or who came in last place after the 2nd lap. The only won remembered is the won who came in first place and crossed the finish line in the last lap!

2 Timothy 4:6-8

The christian life is about how you finish and not how you start. My start was an ugly one. Full of sin and destruction! All that matters is the end of the end. If I run with perseverance and finish the race I will get the prize!

Death is the end. The prize is eternal life! I need to dream about heaven. No matter when my race is scheduled to end I need to be able to say, I finished it! None of us know when we will die or when our race will end. We need to live everyday able to say, "I finished it"!

Am I poured out, giving everything I have and able to finish the race leaving nothing behind!? Grace is what allows me to get back up, dust my self off and continue to run and to never give up!

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Living HIStory

Living HIStory

Story of Hiroo Onoda: 26 years after WW2, Hiroo refused to accept that the war was over and continued to fight and kill anyone that came to the island of Lubang.

The war was won at the cross! The spiritual battle between God and Satan was fought and ended at when Jesus died and resurrected. Satan although defeated continues to fight and to destroy and attack as many souls as he can before his time ends!

Acts 3:1-10

This beggar was never healed by Jesus because he left work to be done for Peter and John. To show Gods power through them. In the same way God puts people in our lives today that need healing and God has a story to write for them and for us. The battle has already been won! We only need to surrender to Him!

Jesus ministry and life was marked by three things:

1.) Physical healing
2.) Saving souls
3.) Getting those Souls to Heaven

These things need to define us as well as followers of Christ! If these things do not describe your life then your life is not describing a christian life.

It starts with the healing of physical needs. The second that the beggar is healed and starts jumping up praising God, Peter and John start preaching Gods word and healing him spiritually!

Do I meet the physical needs of the people around me? If there is a need and Jesus was there he would meet it and because Jesus is not physically there it is my job as Christ ambassador to meet those needs in His name! I need to start doing more for the people that are hurting around me!

Acts 4:32-37; 4:4; 2:41, 47...etc Too many scriptures about the disciples and their work in meeting peoples physical needs and saving souls!

Acts 4:28-31

Paul in his ministry spent the majority of his time strengthening the church and making sure that the disciples made it to heaven. Who has a better chance of staying faithful because you are in their lives!? Too many of us are independent spiritually. How am I staying deeply involved in someone else's life spiritually?

Becoming a disciples is easy. Its just a decision to surrender and make Jesus Lord of our lives. Staying faithful and fighting through temptation is the hard part. How awful would it be to die after the war was over and already one?

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Gods story is the greatest story ever told! Gods story goes far beyond history. It includes history, the present, the future, and the heavenly realms!

Ephesians 6:12

For us our story has a lot to do with struggles. Our struggle is not against flesh and blood. It's not of physical things. It is purely spiritual. Satan rules the darkness and his story is just the opposite. While Gods story is about saving us, Satan's story is about how best to destroy us! At every turn Satan is there!

Satan is not Gods equal. He is s not the other side of the coin. Satan does not have the power that God has so he has to undermine God in every way he can! He does this through lies and deceit!

The lowest point of Gods story is the death of His one and only son!

Mark 2-3

All through these two chapters the religious people of the day question Jesus and eventually plotted to kill him because of the way he lived his life. They questioned him on forgiving sin, fasting, and the sabbath!

Jesus is attacked all through out the gospel! Jesus was under attack from the moment his ministry began! Mark 12:1-12 A parable that sums up Gods story and relationship with the Israelites!

Everyone of us has had a lowest point in their lives as well! Gods lowest point was made necessary by our lowest points! An all powerful God chooses to show his power and love by his sacrifice for us! God could have written His story any way he wanted to. God chose to sacrifice His Son because there was no better way to show his love for me!

Mark 14:10-11; 15:15; 33-34; 37

The highest point of Gods story is the resurrection of His one and only son!

The cross arrives at the perfect time! The New Testament writers of the episcopal wrote about Jesus resurrection more that his physical death. The high point in n Gods story is our salvation.

1 Peter 2:21-25; Acts 2:23-24;

Jesus took on the full punishment for my sins but God did not abandon him to the grave! Through Jesus resurrection I am able to live a new life!

1 Corinthians 15:54-57 God has triumphed over death! Death is what we fear the most but through God we are able to not fear! Because Jesus did not stay in the grave and resurrected we have hope in death and the start of a new life!!

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Job 31:1-4

Job 31:1-4

Revelation 2:20-29

God is patient but he is not tolerant! God does not tolerate sexual sin! God will work with me through my purity but he will not tolerate it. It also says that God give pure men authority over the nations! How can you have authority over anything through impurity. We feel defeated when we struggle with sexual sins.

What is purity? Unmixed, unpolluted, 100% with no additives. Sexual purity is saving all sexual gratification for the covenant of marriage. Purity in general is a relationship with God when God alone is enough! Genesis 2:4-7; 18-25. All sin is a lie from satan that telling us that God is not enough and that we need something else! The same with Adam. He was with God, walking with him and God was not enough!

Why absolute purity? There is only a union in marriage when there is total and complete commitment.

Satan is at was and attacking what God created to be pure!

1 Corinthians 6:16-18

All sin is not the same. Sexual sin is in a different category. Sexual sin is a sin against our own bodies and our bodies are the temple of God!

Ephesians 4:19; Proverbs 5:6-7; 7:21-23

Sexual Cycle......Negative Emotions = Disconnect/Isolation = Preoccupation/Ritual = Acting Out = Regret/Vow = Time = back to Negative Emotions.

Hebrews 3:12 -- Turning away starts at Disconnecting/Isolation! Instead of disconnecting and isolation we need to encourage one another and connect.

Help Cycle.....Emotions = Connect= Surrender = Help = Victory = Confidence = time = back to Emotions!

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Sunday, April 19, 2015

Lessons from the early church of Christ!

Lessons from the early church of Christ!

Acts 4:8-13

Peter and the apostles were unschooled ordinary men! Because the walked with Jesus they new scripture. I need to spend time in Gods word! Being close to Jesus through Gods word! People should view us the same way, in awe that we are unschooled ordinary men who fell in love with Gods word just by having a relationship Jesus!

The last time Peter was confronted by the religious authorities was two months earlier in the court yard where he denied Jesus three times. Peter grew spiritually through Gods word and his love for Jesus to become me a man who stood up to the religious authorities and held his conviction and in Gods word!

It doesn't take a long time to change and grow! I have to be committed to studying Gods word! What is my personal plan of growth in Gods word? Daily study is important!

Acts 4:23-31

Praying was essential for the early church. Their power came from prayer. I'm not praying enough! There is always a good time to pray and always good to pray about everything!

The early church was completely United! One of the biggest obstacles to Godly convictions is our own opinions! We need to stop trust in other things and rely solely on Gods word!!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Life through Jesus

Ephesians 2:1-10

It's important that we never forget about the depths that God saved us from. We should never forget life we on we lived away from God and the sin that was rampant in our lives! By not forget we see Gods mercy. We are able to see how much grace has been given to us.

Paul did not describe us as sick or hurt. He describes us as dead! We were dead in our transgressions. Only through Christ have we been able to live and have a new life! How grateful should we be?

God sees me as a disciple. God sees me as blameless as Jesus! Praise God that I am not seen anymore for who I really am. Praise Jesus for his sacrifice and love for me. Praise Jesus for interceding for me and allowing me to have a relationship with God!

Romans 12:2; Galatians 4:6-7

No matter what is going on in my life God has given me hope through Jesus! I am no longer a slave to sin. I am no longer trapped in circumstance. I have been redeemed!

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125 Billion spent last year on training and development but company's in the US. Corporate America see a huge benefit in training and personal development. Life coaches, conferences, classes, mentoring and consulting are many of the tools that were used. A lot of these things can be directly connected to discipleship.

As a church we need to put as much value in our spiritual development in the same way. As disciples of Jesus we are called to help each other in these ways. Counseling, coaching, teaching, mentoring and training each other through Gods word! If the business world values these things enough to spend 125 billion, how much more should we value discipleship.

People in the world are attending conferences and training sessions and spending countless dollars trying to better them selves in many different areas in their life! In Gods church we have these resources for free in our brothers and sisters.

God also places a huge value on discipleship, one another relationships and accountability. The fist step in valuing these things is having the heart that is willing to learn and willing to imitate! The challenge is to maintain this heart. If we are going to be learners we also have to be qualified counselors and teachers.

We need to have vision for each other. We need to help each other dream spiritual dreams and encourage each other. Sometimes someone else can dream for you in a way that you never would be able to dream for your self.

Jesus inspired and gave his disciples vision. He lead them and gave them confidence.
If we have hearts to learn and hearts to teach our lives will mirror the disciples in the early church. It starts with all of us saying I am willing to learn and I am prepared to teach.


Do you believe in a God that can do anything? Is there anything that is too big for your God?

1 Samuel 22:1-2

David's "mighty men" were a group of guys who fully earned that title. Their courage and faith earned them this title. They were fiercely loyal to David and to God. Am I a mighty man for God?

The story did not start with the mighty men on top. They learned their courage and faith through many struggles and hard times! David pulled together a bunch of distressed, in debt, and discontented group of men!

2 Samuel 21:20-22

Not only did David face his own giant he also taught his mighty men to face their giants as well. Davids brother did not back down when this giant taunted Gods people. Am I facing the giants in my life? With God it is possible to defeat any giant that may oppose God and threaten my relationship with Him.

Living HIStory

Living HIStory

The land that Israel owned was everything to them. It was a physical thing that gave them an emotional connection to God. During the excile they lost that connection with God and lost the land that God had given them. The promise land meant everything to them and devastated the nation.

Generations of sin and generations of one evil king after another lead to God excelling Israel and removing them from their land. The kingdom is divided into the north and south. The start of Israel's down fall began with idolatry. When Israel returned they immediately rebuilt the temple of God. The rebuilding of the wall was really the final piece of coming back home and returning to God and to a relationship with him.

Nehemiah 8:18-19; 9:1-3

Israel was moved by Gods word and by confessing! Am I moved by Gods word? There is a power in Gods word that will impact my life by just reading it! There is a power in Gods word of reading scriptures to meet a specific need or to receive a specific instruction, but there is also a power in Gods word in just reading it with out an agenda. Bluntly reading Gods word has a power in it that we need in our relationship with God. Israel was reading Gods word in this way!

Israel understood at this point who they were before God. Do I understand who I am before God? Confessing sins help you realize who you really are before God. Worship recognizes how full God is and confessing recognizes how empty we are. Confession and worship go together.

Nehemiah 9:38

Israel made a decision before God. Having a relationship with God cause you to make a decision. You cannot be in a relationship with God and be on the fence. Like Israel we need a binding commitment to love and serve God. Romans 6:2 Paul explains that our binding commitment is to die to sin. If you want to change anything in your life you need to speak it out loud and right it down. You need to make a binding commitment with God and others!

What commitments should I make to God this week? What commitments should I make today? Say it out loud! Make it public! Allow your self to be held accountable!

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Living HIStory

Living HIStory

400+ years of silence from God between the Old Testimate and the New Testimate. The New Testimate starts with John the Baptize just as the Old Testimate had prophesied!

Isaiah 40:3-5; Mathew 11:11

Even Jesus reiterated the significance and importance of John the Baptist in HIStory! What made John the Baptist so great? Out of all the prophets and people before John the Baptist he was the greatest? Abraham, Moses, David and his mighty men, Solomon...etc. John the Baptists was greater than all the other men that had come before him!

There is not much written in the gospel about John the Baptist. You would think that there would be more written about him. So what made John the Baptist so great?

Matthew 3:1-12

This is the lesson that John came to preach and this is what made him great. It was not the belt he wore or the diet he ate but the words that came off his lips. The message that God wanted to delivery to his people and break the silence for over 400 years!

John preached the message of repentance and baptism! This was what made him so great. He was the messenger that God chose to prepare the hearts of Gods people before Jesus!

How important is repentance? We can not be saved without repentance! True repentance! Not an apology and deceleration of change but rather an action of change!

After John the baptist, Jesus preached the same thing. "Repent for the kingdom of God is near" Repentance is the first message of the gospel. Without it we cannot have a relationship with God!

Luke 13:1-5

Everyone will perish without repentance! Repentance does not care who you are, what you have done, or how religious you are. We all must repent in the same way! What did Jesus say to the Pharisees? Whether you have only sinned once or a million times, you need to repent or you will perish.

Repentance must come first. Just like John the baptist came first and laid the ground work for the message of Jesus. We also need to put repentance first to lay the ground work for us to to do what God wants to call us to do.

Although repentance is important, we cannot be saved by repentance! We must have grace! Repentance does not save but it is the beginning. Grace cannot do its work without a start of repentance. Repentance is like a spark. A spark never kept anyone warm but without a spark there will never be a fire!

What role does repentance play in my life! Am I on fire for God? If I am not its not because there is not enough grace to keep me on fire it is because there was no spark of repentance to get the fire going. What role does repentance play in my personal life?

Where do I need to repent the most. What areas in my life do I need to repent the most? Am I looking for specific areas in my life where I am wrong? We should always be repenting of something! There should never be a time when we are not actively repenting of something!

1 Corinthians 15:10

With all the repentance in the world we are still not saved unless we have grace! What role does grace play in my life? We all need forgiveness but grace cannot be without effect. Repentance leads to grace and grace leads to more repentance. Grace cannot just be a feel good idea!

2 Corinthians 5:14; Titus 2:11-12

Grace also requires action and compels us to more repentance. When we try to change without grace we fail. When repentance and grace are brought together...then we are able to truly change and honor God with our lives!

Grace teaches us to say no and repent by teaching us to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives! Grace allows us to become a person that we never would have been possible to become. It allows us to become like Jesus!

So how do you receive grace from God? Acts 2:38!

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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Exodus 3:4-6

Exodus 3:4-6

We need to find our strength and confidence from God! We cannot rely on our own strength! Some things we do we may do well and God has given us a talent in a certain area. The challenge is to always depend on God even when we think we can do it on our own!

At one time in Moses life he was rich, a man of authority, in many ways he was royalty. He was put in charge of many things in Egypt and now 40years later he finds himself in the desert with little to nothing. Moses is at a point in his life where he does not have the strength and confidence he once had.

God is forcing Moses to reply on him. The calling is not watered down or made easy. The standard and challenge for Moses is the same. God wants us to accept his calling by trusting in him and getting our strength from Him! It was no different for Moses.

Exodus 4:10-16

Even when Moses had no faith and no security in bing able to do anything that God was calling Him to do, God provided a way through Aaron! It angered God that Moses did not trust and believe in Him. It angers God when we do not accept Gods calling out of fear or insecurity. Romans 8:31 if God is for us who can be against us!!

Moses felt incapable in performing the task that God was calling him to do. God did not suggest and use Aaron to let Moses out of doing what he needed to do. He provided Aaron to help Moses accomplish what God wanted him to accomplish.

Moses felt incapable because he was relying his own strength and his own abilities! God loves to chose people like Moses to show His power in our lives!

God would not accept any of Moses excuses. Chapter 5 shows Aaron speaking to Pharaoh and by chapter 8 Moses was speaking to Pharaoh and honoring the calling that God has given him!

Galatians 2:20-21; 5:22-26

We can do all things through Christ because we are a new person in Christ. Through the cross we can live by the spirit and our lives will show the fruits of the spirit.



The inheritance for God's people was much more than just about getting a new piece of land. The promise land was broken down into sections that were given to every man. It was important to God that they posses the land. All of the land. The boundaries that were created were viewed as ownership in Gods land. This ownership gave them a physical relationship with God and confirmed that they were Gods people.

The inheritance was not given them without challenges. They had to cross the Jordan river and they had a to face Jericho and the many nations that were occupying the land that God was giving them. For the Israelites the thought of this new land brought with it opportunity not only to prosper financially but rather to have a closer relationship with God. This land would forever be known as the nation of Gods people!

The story of Joshua is story about trusting God. Several times Joshua calls his people to be "strong and courageous" and to trust God. Whether they were crossing a huge river or facing another hostile nation they were all called to be strong and courageous. God knew that taking over this land was going to be terrifying. God never intended it to be easy!

The same is true with us. We are called to be strong and courageous! We have to trust God every day in every situation. Life was not meant to be easy and having a relationship with God does not come without trials. When things are hard and we have are uncertain of what will happen in our lives. When life becomes terrifying and we do not know how we are going to get through our struggles or trials, God is there and wants us to rely and trust in him.

Marriage Workshop Part 1

Marriage Workshop Part 1

Genesis 2:18-25

God brought Adam every animal for him to name and inspect. All of Gods other creations were not enough to be a suitable helper for him. God created woman so that man would have a suitable helper. To have a partner that would be compatible and that they could become one!

Marriage is such a mystery to the world in many ways. The world makes fun of marriage in every sitcom on tv and in the movies. There is no commitment in marriage. Infidelity is normal and there is no exclusive relationships. There is no unity.

Marriage is a glorious thing. there is nothing else like it on earth and God created marriage for a purpose. Marriage is something that we must protect. Marriage was designed by God for a specific purpose!

"What God has joined together let no man separate." 2 Thessalonians 3:5 -- we are called to persevere like Jesus in our marriage. It is a long term commitment and not a commitment that should be viewed lightly.

God uses our marriages to help us grow spiritually. We may have many trials in our marriage and we need to view those trials and difficulties as God teaching and molding us. Romans 14:19

Marriage has to take priority in our lives. We need to view our marriages with the same value that God does. If there is something that is testing your marriage or causing harm to your marriage, you need to sacrifice it. Whether it is a job, hobby, friends...etc. Nothing should come before your marriage.

Our spouses need to fill honored! They need to fill that they are the most important thing in our lives after our relationship with God! In what ways can I honor my spouse? How patient am I with my spouse? How much grace do I give my spouse? How often do I uplift my spouse?

God made them "Male and female". Go made us differently and for a purpose. Together we create the full image and personality of God. When we work through our differences and unify our strengths we become the full image of God.

God intends for us to be complete in our differences and Satan intends to use our differences against us. Satan's purpose is to divide our marriage and he wants us to be critical of our differences. We need to be thankful for the differences that our spouses have. They are a benefit and not hindrance. Part of honoring our spouse is embracing our differences.

Marriage Workshop Part 2

Marriage Workshop Part 2

Our cultures definition of what it takes for a marriage to last a life time is different than what God would define it. Marriage today in our world is more of a legal contract that is seeing as a financial benefit than as a matter of love. God said, "it is not good for man to be alone." God created a helper but it has a different meaning that just someone who helps. The same word is used to describe Jesus.

It was not Adam who felt alone and asked God for a helper. It was God who saw man's need and ordained that it was not good for man to be alone! It takes God to make a marriage meaningful and useful. On of the greatest failures in marriage is seeking advice from the world instead of seeking spiritual Godly advice.

God said, "I hate divorce!" Divorce should not be an option except for extreme circumstances involving infidelity. The world views divorce as a legal way to end the marriage commitment. God never intended it to be this way.

1 Peter 3:1-7 Wives are called to not give into fear and the husbands are called to be considerate to their wives. Our spiritual lives can be hindered if we are not treating our spouses the way God intended us too. Couples don't fall out of love so easily, they fall out of repentance instead! Sin will always separate you from your spouse. No relationship brings out our own faults like the relationship with our spouses and we need to embrace repentance so we can grow in our characters.

God uses the troubles and issues in our marriage with our spouses to refine and purify our hearts and characters. When we are completely humble and gentle with each other there is room for growth. We become more intimate and vulnerable with each other. We are able to be who we really are.

Your marriage needs accountability and discipleship. We need to be open with other people where we are at in our marriages. Open about our struggles...etc. "The heart is deceitful above all things" and we are not able to objectively see our own situations and short comings. We need other people in our lives. God can use godly people around us to speak to us and challenge us to be more like God.

Marriage is a divine reality that takes work! it is not easy! It takes a lot of grace and mercy given and received! Communication is key. We need to be open about our feelings and open to hear the areas we need to change in. We need to grow as listeners to be able to understand what our spouses need.

Communication is a big part of intimacy. It really matters how we speak to each other. We need to be quick to listen and slow to speak in all situations. Listening is more important than speaking! Communication can help you stop issues before they become bigger problems.

Divorce should not be a discussion. It should be viewed as a four letter word and not a back door. You should never use the word divorce period!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Marriage Workshop 02/15

Marriage Workshop

Genesis 2:18-25

God brought Adam every animal for him to name and inspect. All of Gods other creations were not enough to be a suitable helper for him. God created woman so that man would have a suitable helper. To have a partner that would be compatible and that they could become one!

Marriage is such a mystery to the world in many ways. The world makes fun of marriage in every sitcom on tv and in the movies. There is no commitment in marriage. Infidelity is normal and there is no exclusive relationships. There is no unity.

Marriage is a glorious thing. there is nothing else like it on earth and God created marriage for a purpose. Marriage is something that we must protect. Marriage was designed by God for a specific purpose!

"What God has joined together let no man separate." 2 Thessalonians 3:5 -- we are called to persevere like Jesus in our marriage. It is a long term commitment and not a commitment that should be viewed lightly.

God uses our marriages to help us grow spiritually. We may have many trials in our marriage and we need to view those trials and difficulties as God teaching and molding us. Romans 14:19

Marriage has to take priority in our lives. We need to view our marriages with the same value that God does. If there is something that is testing your marriage or causing harm to your marriage, you need to sacrifice it. Whether it is a job, hobby, friends...etc. Nothing should come before your marriage.

Our spouses need to fill honored! They need to fill that they are the most important thing in our lives after our relationship with God! In what ways can I honor my spouse? How patient am I with my spouse? How much grace do I give my spouse? How often do I uplift my spouse?

God made them "Male and female". Go made us differently and for a purpose. Together we create the full image and personality of God. When we work through our differences and unify our strengths we become the full image of God.

God intends for us to be complete in our differences and Satan intends to use our differences against us. Satan's purpose is to divide our marriage and he wants us to be critical of our differences. We need to be thankful for the differences that our spouses have. They are a benefit and not hindrance. Part of honoring our spouse is embracing our differences.