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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Marriage Workshop Part 1

Marriage Workshop Part 1

Genesis 2:18-25

God brought Adam every animal for him to name and inspect. All of Gods other creations were not enough to be a suitable helper for him. God created woman so that man would have a suitable helper. To have a partner that would be compatible and that they could become one!

Marriage is such a mystery to the world in many ways. The world makes fun of marriage in every sitcom on tv and in the movies. There is no commitment in marriage. Infidelity is normal and there is no exclusive relationships. There is no unity.

Marriage is a glorious thing. there is nothing else like it on earth and God created marriage for a purpose. Marriage is something that we must protect. Marriage was designed by God for a specific purpose!

"What God has joined together let no man separate." 2 Thessalonians 3:5 -- we are called to persevere like Jesus in our marriage. It is a long term commitment and not a commitment that should be viewed lightly.

God uses our marriages to help us grow spiritually. We may have many trials in our marriage and we need to view those trials and difficulties as God teaching and molding us. Romans 14:19

Marriage has to take priority in our lives. We need to view our marriages with the same value that God does. If there is something that is testing your marriage or causing harm to your marriage, you need to sacrifice it. Whether it is a job, hobby, friends...etc. Nothing should come before your marriage.

Our spouses need to fill honored! They need to fill that they are the most important thing in our lives after our relationship with God! In what ways can I honor my spouse? How patient am I with my spouse? How much grace do I give my spouse? How often do I uplift my spouse?

God made them "Male and female". Go made us differently and for a purpose. Together we create the full image and personality of God. When we work through our differences and unify our strengths we become the full image of God.

God intends for us to be complete in our differences and Satan intends to use our differences against us. Satan's purpose is to divide our marriage and he wants us to be critical of our differences. We need to be thankful for the differences that our spouses have. They are a benefit and not hindrance. Part of honoring our spouse is embracing our differences.

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