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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Independent or In Dependence

Independent or In Dependence

John 8:31-36

Worldly freedom vs Godly freedom!

July 4 our nation celebrates independence. America is founded on freedom. But with all this "freedom" are we truly free. In America we mistake freedom with independence. Jesus came to redefine freedom! Not independence but in dependence on God is true freedom!!

True freedom leads to life, liberty and true joy and in the pursuit of happiness!

Galatians 5:1
John 15:11

Warnings about freedom:

1 Corinthians 8:9
Galatians 5:13
1 Peter 2:16

Freedom is not really free. Freedom comes at a cost. The world uses freedom to cover sin and do what ever they desire!!

2 Corinthians 3:17

I'm a more concerned about independence or righteousness?

Luke 4:14-21 Jesus's deceleration outlined three things that Jesus came to do!

-Proclaim freedom!
What am I still enslaved to? Jesus came to set me free.

-Recovery of site to the blind!
Jesus came to help heal spiritual blindness! What sins in my life am I blind to?

-Release! This is not the same as freedom. This is the moment when sin no longer oppresses us! What sins am I allowing to oppress me in my life?!

Galatians 3:22-29
John 8:31-32

If we do not add obedience to your faith then you are still in bondage and not set free!!

"IF" you hold to my teachings!" "IF" is conditional. We don't receive freedom until we hold to Jesus teachings. I must seek true freedom and not just for independence!

We have to hold to Jesus teachings and not mans teaching! No matter what laws are passed or what the religious world caves to we need to hold to Jesus teachings!

John 8:34-36 Jesus answered the Pharisees with the real answer to our issue! We're in bondage because we are in sin!! When the son sets you free....Jesus has the power to set us free!!

Further instructions on gaining true freedom!! James 1:21-25

Throw out the garbage in your life! Stop just listened my to the world but take action and do what it says!!

God's love language is obedience!

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