God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, June 1, 2015

Who is Helen Keller? Everyone knows Helen Kellers

Who is Helen Keller? Everyone knows Helen Kellers name.Who is Ann Sullivan? Not many people recognize Ann Sullivan and yet she was the teacher that help Helen Keller achieve the great things she achieved in her life.

Great teachers can have a huge impact on our lives. Jesus was the greatest teacher that ever lived! Matthew 7:28 More often than not people were more amazed by Jesus teachings than the physical elements he was able to manipulate in his miracles.

Matthew 7:-28-29

Peopel were amazed by Jesus teaching because he taught with authority. Was it hat he was more strict and had more convictions about Gods word? Luke 11:46; 13:14 tells us that the Pharisees were too strict. What gave Jesus such power and authority was the way he lived his life!

Jesus could have came down and taught the same things and if he did not live the life that he lead no one would have remembered his name. Jesus came teaching from the old testament and in many ways teaching over and over again to people that knew the old testament and what it taught. What made Jesus different was he spoke the truth and then lived it in his life!

We would never listen to a personal trainer, no matter how knowledgable they were, that was over weight and did not live the life that they preached. Same thing with Jesus. Jesus was able to lead and teach the way that he did because of the life that he lived!

John 13:14-15

Jesus taught by example and called everyone who wants to be a disciple to do the things that he did.

The Pharisees memorized the entire old testament and yet Jesus called them hypocrites because they did not live the life that he did. Am I focused more on knowing the right answers or living them?

Mark 6:6-7;34-36

Not everything that Jesus said was written down. Why? The majority of the gospel is about the way Jesus lived. Jesus taught through the way he lived! Vs 34 -- "he began to teach many things." We think we need to be taught XYZ but God knows that what we need is to see the life that Jesus lived. My life should reflect the same thing. It is not about what I say but about what I do and the example that I set!

If my christianity is just about words. To say the right words at the right time or know the right things I am just becoming religious.

John 12:47-50

Although Jesus's words will judge us and hold us accountable his life and the way he lived it ultimately provides us salvation and grace! We have salvation, grace and mercy because of the way Jesus lived his life and the death that he chose to surrender to!

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