God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Value of Unity in the Church

The Value of Unity in the Church

The early church was so united on Gods word and in their convictions that they turned the world upside down! We are going to have to imitate the first century church if we want to impact the world today!

Gods heart for the lost and desire to see the world saved has not changed. What has changed? The first century church was full of zeal and passion for seeing Gods Will for-filled in their life time! What has changed in Gods church today?

What elements are missing today that were present in the early church? One of them is unity! We have to get behind our leaders and be in complete unity with our brothers and sisters. Acts says repeatedly that the early church was "of one accord".

What God cares about is true unity. The word does not value unity. The world creates chaos and disunity. The early church was united in prayer. Prayer works and we need be unified in prayer as well. Not only praying about the same things but also praying more together and for each other.

The early church was united in purpose too. Everyday they meet together and broke bread together. They multiplied daily because they were united in purpose. Have we lost our unity in purpose?

Finally, the early church in Acts was united in faith. We need to step out on faith together and see what powerful things God will do.

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