God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, July 19, 2015

It's Not About Me

It's Not About Me

There is more to loving God than saying "I love God". There has to be a life style of love and God has giving us a model for what this life style should look like in Jesus!

Philippians 2:1-8

Paul is basically telling the Philippians church that "it is not about you". This phrase is what I need to adopt in order to be more like Jesus. "It's not about me"! Self denial is so important to please God and truly love Him!

Gods wisdom is completely opposite of the worlds wisdom! The world tells you to look out for number one. To look out for you because no one else will! Self centeredness and selfishness has no place in a relationship worth God!

Everything that God has done for me in my life has been for a reason. God has blessed me so that I can bless other people. In return I need to lay down my life for the people around me! "it's not about me"!

That's what Jesus did. He said "if it is for him/her I will lay down my life!" When we lay down our lives for each other we created brotherhood!

John 13:34-35

Jesus shared this with his disciples right after he washed the disciples feet and before he ultimately went to the cross and died for them!

I can live a quote un quote right life but Jesus says that the one thing that will set me apart and make me know as a disciple is my love for my brothers. My love for the people around me.

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