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Sunday, May 10, 2015

Motherly qualities in God!

Motherly qualities in God!

There are many many Godly women in the bible that were used to do powerful things to for God.

Genesis 1:27

"Man" is made in the image of God. "Man" being just as much mankind and includes women. There is a side of Gods character that is directly connected to the good qualities and characters of a mother!

Every good masculine quality reflects the character of God and every good feminine qualities reflect the character of God as well!

To say that the image of God is only masculine is incorrect. God is both perfectly masculine and perfectly feminine. Although this is true, God chose to associate himself and distinguish himself as a father to us!

1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

A mother has pure motives! They give and give without expecting anything in return. Mothers always find forgiveness for their children. Mothers poor themselves out physically and emotionally for their children! Mothers love unconditionally. There is not a better example on earth of unconditional love than the example God has given us in our mothers!

Mothers are constantly sacrificing what is best for them for the needs of their children! Paul used the example of a mother to describe his relationship with the church in Thessalonica.

What we want most in a God is a God that loves unconditionally. We want a God that loves like a mother. Who loves us at our worst like a mother would! Romans 5:6

God calls all of us live out these examples. Am I loving unconditionally? Am I poring my self out emotionally and physically for the people around me?

A mother holds nothing back!

An infant wants only what they need. As kids grow up they start wanting more and more things that they do not need. Children grow older and want more and more of the things that they do not need. A mother never holds back from giving her children what they need. God is the same way!

I can make a long list of what I've wanted in life that I have not received but there is nothing that I have not received that I needed. Like a mother God gives us exactly what we need! God holds nothing back and always supplies us with what we need!

A mother does what ever it takes!

1 Thessalonians 2:9-12

Paul worked when he did not have too. Paul was not a burden to the church. Paul did what ever it took. Mothers work when they don't have too, they are not a burden, and they do what ever it takes. Moms become what ever their children need her to be. God is for us what ever we need God to be. He meets all of our needs!

God is a God that does what ever it takes, how does what ever we need when we need it! He knows what we need and what we don't need. God will be what ever it takes because he loves us like a mother loves her children!

When we needed someone to take the blame for our sin and need to be saved he supplied a way for us to have life when we deserved death!

Sent from my iPad

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