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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Ephesians 2

Ephesians 2

Perspective is a very important thing and you need to have the right perspective when studying out any passage of scripture. Paul writes this letter from jail. In prisoned and while sitting in a jail cell, Paul writes a passionate letter of how strong and powerful God is. Paul does not allow his circumstance to sway his faith and convictions!

After explaining how powerful God is, Paul starts chapter two with "as for you". In comparison to Gods great power and strength, Paul confirms how powerless mankind is. We are powerless!

"Dead in your sins" can become a religious saying that looses meaning. With out God we are dead in our sins! Death is final -- there is no coming back. Death is inevitable. Death = powerless. We cannot influence or affect our world, self, love ones...etc. No one can help you either. Nothing can be done to change death!

Part of the power of God is being able to remember who we are and from where we have come from!

Am I dead in sin today? Powerless and trapped in this world unable to break free? Either you are dead in sin or alive in christ. Either you are in death or have been in death!

What God did for us is change the rules. Death was final and then it was not. We were destined to perish and then he provided a savior. Life to death has all was been the natural progression. By grace God changed the rules so that we have the opportunity to go from death to life!

Death was final and then God said it wasn't!

Jesus went first. He took the punishment for sin. He conquered death for us so that we would know that we have nothing to fear! Death Jesus showed us that death can be conquered, that death has no sting!

Because of the cross God is now able to live inside of us. God has made what is unholy -- holy and can now rest in us! I am being built into the temple of God! Everyday I should become more and more like Jesus!

Through the power of the cross we are now united with God in a way that we never could have been! Praise God for his endless grace and mercy!!!

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