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Sunday, October 4, 2015

Who Is Jesus?

Who Is Jesus?

The deeper we get to know someone the deeper our conversations get. Shallow relationships will stay shallow until we allow our selves to become vulnerable and take the relationship to a deeper relationship.

Jesus was an expert at taking a new relationship to great depths. For us sharing our lives immediately with someone we do not know seems and feels awkward. For Jesus it was the way he lived!

John 1:1-5

From the beginning of John we see that Jesus was with God from the creation of the world and he was the power of God that created everything that we know to exist. Jesus is power and authority.

John 3:1-16

Jesus immediately turn upside down the social conventions of that time. Nicodemus was the best thing you could be at that time. A jew, a man, righteous, a pharisee, a man with power, a member of the jewish counsel! Any one else that would have met Nicodemus would have welcomed him with open arms!

Jesus takes all of what they knew and flipped it upside down. Jesus gives Nicodemus exactly what he needed at the moment. A challenge, a rebuke and an offer of salvation!

John 4:1-26

We see a similar and a very different interaction with the Women at the well as we did see when Jesus met Nicodemus. Once again Jesus turned upside down the social conventions of the day by even speaking to her. Unlike Nicodemus, the woman was the worst things you could be. She was a Samaritan, a women, a sinful women, the opposite of a Pharisee, she has no power and no influence. Nicodemus came and sought Jesus out and the woman accidentally bumped into Jesus at the well. Just like Nicodemus she is not able to stand on her own merit!

Jesus extends her hope in a hopeless situation. He offered her a chance to repent and salvation. Jesus looks beyond the things that we look at. He looks beyond, social status!

No matter who you are -- Nicodemus or the Women at the well -- you need Jesus! You must acknowledge that you are lost without Jesus! At no point in our lives are we ever enough. Even on our best day we are lost without Jesus!

This is more than knowing that you just need help. Jesus is not looking to self improve us. He is not looking to change a few areas in our lives and make us great. JEsus is looking for people who know they are lost without him in every situation and every circumstance!

The longer I am in a relationship with Jesus the more tempting it becomes for me to neglect the power of JEsus and to think that I do not need him! We need to know that we are lost without Jesus! How desperate are we for JEsus salvation? Do we wait until things are really bad before we call out to him and seek salvation?

Mediocre christianity is Satan's biggest trap! A mediocre christian does not believe that he or she is lost without Jesus!

1 Corinthians 15:10

Is the grace that Jesus freely gives received without effect? There is no way to be in touch with the grace Jesus offers and to not have effect. It will and should change your life!

Romans 4:17 -- We need to go out and live like we are! This is how Jesus grace has effect! God does not see us for who we are -- he sees us for who we are in him! Imagine what would happen in your life if you truly accepted Gods grace and then acted on it? What if everyone said "i am nothing without Jesus and then lived their lives like He is! We would turn the world upside down.

Sent from my iPad

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