God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, May 10, 2015



Gods story is the greatest story ever told! Gods story goes far beyond history. It includes history, the present, the future, and the heavenly realms!

Ephesians 6:12

For us our story has a lot to do with struggles. Our struggle is not against flesh and blood. It's not of physical things. It is purely spiritual. Satan rules the darkness and his story is just the opposite. While Gods story is about saving us, Satan's story is about how best to destroy us! At every turn Satan is there!

Satan is not Gods equal. He is s not the other side of the coin. Satan does not have the power that God has so he has to undermine God in every way he can! He does this through lies and deceit!

The lowest point of Gods story is the death of His one and only son!

Mark 2-3

All through these two chapters the religious people of the day question Jesus and eventually plotted to kill him because of the way he lived his life. They questioned him on forgiving sin, fasting, and the sabbath!

Jesus is attacked all through out the gospel! Jesus was under attack from the moment his ministry began! Mark 12:1-12 A parable that sums up Gods story and relationship with the Israelites!

Everyone of us has had a lowest point in their lives as well! Gods lowest point was made necessary by our lowest points! An all powerful God chooses to show his power and love by his sacrifice for us! God could have written His story any way he wanted to. God chose to sacrifice His Son because there was no better way to show his love for me!

Mark 14:10-11; 15:15; 33-34; 37

The highest point of Gods story is the resurrection of His one and only son!

The cross arrives at the perfect time! The New Testament writers of the episcopal wrote about Jesus resurrection more that his physical death. The high point in n Gods story is our salvation.

1 Peter 2:21-25; Acts 2:23-24;

Jesus took on the full punishment for my sins but God did not abandon him to the grave! Through Jesus resurrection I am able to live a new life!

1 Corinthians 15:54-57 God has triumphed over death! Death is what we fear the most but through God we are able to not fear! Because Jesus did not stay in the grave and resurrected we have hope in death and the start of a new life!!

Sent from my iPad

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