God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, May 10, 2015



Perseverance is a theme that we see in the bible over and over again!

1 Corinthians 9:24-27

Don't just run aimlessly. Run for the prize. We can persevere through many things but am I persevering with a purpose? What is my purpose and what is my prize?

You hear that your spiritual life is not a sprint but a marathon. This is partially true and partially false. With God we run a sprintathon! We don't need to pace our selves and yet the race is like a marathon in length. We need to run with every ounce of our being all of the time! This is only possible with God!

Story -- Kayla Montgomery -- State champion who ran with Multiple Sorosis -- She ran because she still could. Every moment she was able to run was a blessing. Perseverance was a blessing to her!

Never Give Up!

1 Timothy 4:15-16

"Persevere and IF you do you will be saved". Paul is very clear that perseverance is key to our salvation. Persevere in what you believe. Persevere in the the way you live your life! Persevere and push through when life is hard. Persevere through temptation...etc.

Life and doctrine are equally important! A life for Jesus demands perseverance.

Running the race is not about a sinless life where you never fall down. The key is running with everything we have and when we fall we get back up quickly and run with everything we have again!

Its About How You Finish The Race!

Its not about how you start a race but how you finish! No one remembers how won the first lap or who came in last place after the 2nd lap. The only won remembered is the won who came in first place and crossed the finish line in the last lap!

2 Timothy 4:6-8

The christian life is about how you finish and not how you start. My start was an ugly one. Full of sin and destruction! All that matters is the end of the end. If I run with perseverance and finish the race I will get the prize!

Death is the end. The prize is eternal life! I need to dream about heaven. No matter when my race is scheduled to end I need to be able to say, I finished it! None of us know when we will die or when our race will end. We need to live everyday able to say, "I finished it"!

Am I poured out, giving everything I have and able to finish the race leaving nothing behind!? Grace is what allows me to get back up, dust my self off and continue to run and to never give up!

Sent from my iPad

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