God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, October 25, 2015



The world recognizes the value of training. Whether it is academic training, sports training, or training in the corporate wold. Training has value! Experience, teaching, knowledge, skills, learning, and development are just a few of the benefit to training.

The bible recognizes the value of training too! 1 Corinthians 9:25. The bible priorities spiritual training over physical training but they are both of value. 1 Timothy 4:8

One of the major roles of a father is to train. Ephesians 6:4

Spiritual training is the training that lacks the most in our society. We don't value spiritual training like we should! No one makes us train spiritually. We have to learn how to do it. We sometimes assume that training spiritually is a lot like physical training but they are very different.

In the bible the training that God gives is in direct contrast to the training that we give our selves physically. Physical training is performance training. You do what you do to reach a certain performance goal. God doesn't work that way!

How does God train?

1 Samuel 16:1-12

Saul was trained by performance training. On the outside he look like a king should look and the people of Israel rallied around him initially! Vs 7 God does not look at the outward things. God chose David because of his heart!

Gods training for David was to send him out into the field and take care of sheep! God did not train David in all the actions that he needed to do. God trains us in all the ways we need to be. There is a difference. We train for some type of action. God trains the hearts to help us become what we are suppose to be!

God trains in the little things!

1 Samuel 17:33-36

Goliath has been fighting and training from his youth! Goliath had all the worldly training that one could have! David recognized the training that God had given him and he had full confidence in God that he was meant for this moment! Do you recognize God's training? Do you try to stop it because it maybe something hard in your life and a struggle to go through? Do you say here God is training me and has plans to use this in my life for something big!

David did not stop being a shepherd because a lion came around! Do you stop being a christian when times get tough? David continued to be a what God called him to be regardless of what he was facing! How faithful are we in the little things that God puts us in charge of or gives us as a task to do?

How christian are you when nobody is watching? David was alone in the field for weeks with the sheep with no accountability.

Gods training never stops!

There is no breaks in shepherding. There are no breaks. When you eat lunch you eat lunch next to sheep. When you lay down at night you sleep with sheep. We don't follow Jesus 9-5. We follow Jesus 24hrs a day! Discipleship has no breaks! God's training never stops which is so different than worldly training!

Spiritual growth should only cease with death. God is training us in every situation in every day of our lives. We need to open our eyes to see and except God's training! God was training David to "be" a man after Gods own heart. He did not train David to do something that was after Gods own heart. There is a difference!

Hebrews 5:8 in the same way God training Jesus and Jesus learned obedience from God through his life. Being a carpenter, a son, a brother...etc!

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