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Sunday, May 10, 2015

Living HIStory

Living HIStory

Story of Hiroo Onoda: 26 years after WW2, Hiroo refused to accept that the war was over and continued to fight and kill anyone that came to the island of Lubang.

The war was won at the cross! The spiritual battle between God and Satan was fought and ended at when Jesus died and resurrected. Satan although defeated continues to fight and to destroy and attack as many souls as he can before his time ends!

Acts 3:1-10

This beggar was never healed by Jesus because he left work to be done for Peter and John. To show Gods power through them. In the same way God puts people in our lives today that need healing and God has a story to write for them and for us. The battle has already been won! We only need to surrender to Him!

Jesus ministry and life was marked by three things:

1.) Physical healing
2.) Saving souls
3.) Getting those Souls to Heaven

These things need to define us as well as followers of Christ! If these things do not describe your life then your life is not describing a christian life.

It starts with the healing of physical needs. The second that the beggar is healed and starts jumping up praising God, Peter and John start preaching Gods word and healing him spiritually!

Do I meet the physical needs of the people around me? If there is a need and Jesus was there he would meet it and because Jesus is not physically there it is my job as Christ ambassador to meet those needs in His name! I need to start doing more for the people that are hurting around me!

Acts 4:32-37; 4:4; 2:41, 47...etc Too many scriptures about the disciples and their work in meeting peoples physical needs and saving souls!

Acts 4:28-31

Paul in his ministry spent the majority of his time strengthening the church and making sure that the disciples made it to heaven. Who has a better chance of staying faithful because you are in their lives!? Too many of us are independent spiritually. How am I staying deeply involved in someone else's life spiritually?

Becoming a disciples is easy. Its just a decision to surrender and make Jesus Lord of our lives. Staying faithful and fighting through temptation is the hard part. How awful would it be to die after the war was over and already one?

Sent from my iPad

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