God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Call To Serve!

The Call To Serve!

1 Peter 4:10-11; John 6:1-9

All of us can have reasons not to serve or give. Jesus had many reasons not to give or to meet the needs of the people that needed him! Jesus was trying to have some family time. He slipped away and headed to a remote mountainside with his closest friends!

Jesus had good motives to slip away. Sometimes we want to slip away too. Many times for selfish reasons. Jesus spent most of his life giving and serving and wanted to slip away for a moment before the festival.

Jesus was outward and giving all the time. Jesus was willing to sacrifice his needs and wants for the needs of others! Jesus never gave into the feeling of growing weary!

To the disciples they did not have enough resources to help anyone! To Jesus what he had was enough for God to give.

Jesus let God multiply his efforts!

All we have to do is be willing to give and let God be responsible for multiplying. Our job is just to give and to serve! If I do not let God multiply then I will never have enough! God can use what ever we have and he will meet the needs. We just need to give and serve in what ever capacity we are able! It's up to God to make sure that what we have is enough!

John 6:11-13

Just like multiplication, anything times zero is zero. If we give nothing God will multiply nothing. If we give something, God will make it into whatever is needed!

Jesus did not divided the fish proportionately, he gave everyone as much as they wanted! Same with us if we give freely we will receive more that we started with. Giving to God gives us more than we had before!

Jesus gave until every need was met!

If you show up late to church your not showing up to give, your showing up to take! Gods church should be a place where everyone gives and everyone gets their needs met!

Proverbs 11:25

Jesus did not come to take but to give! That doesn't mean that it was easy for him. He had to pray continually for God to give him the strength to give and give! Jesus gave and gave until he took his last breath. It is finished was not said until he had exhausted his entire life!

The cross was the ultimate example Jesus has left us in giving up everything for us!

Sent from my iPad

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