God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, February 22, 2015



The inheritance for God's people was much more than just about getting a new piece of land. The promise land was broken down into sections that were given to every man. It was important to God that they posses the land. All of the land. The boundaries that were created were viewed as ownership in Gods land. This ownership gave them a physical relationship with God and confirmed that they were Gods people.

The inheritance was not given them without challenges. They had to cross the Jordan river and they had a to face Jericho and the many nations that were occupying the land that God was giving them. For the Israelites the thought of this new land brought with it opportunity not only to prosper financially but rather to have a closer relationship with God. This land would forever be known as the nation of Gods people!

The story of Joshua is story about trusting God. Several times Joshua calls his people to be "strong and courageous" and to trust God. Whether they were crossing a huge river or facing another hostile nation they were all called to be strong and courageous. God knew that taking over this land was going to be terrifying. God never intended it to be easy!

The same is true with us. We are called to be strong and courageous! We have to trust God every day in every situation. Life was not meant to be easy and having a relationship with God does not come without trials. When things are hard and we have are uncertain of what will happen in our lives. When life becomes terrifying and we do not know how we are going to get through our struggles or trials, God is there and wants us to rely and trust in him.

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