God's Free Word Book Store

Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Reason Jesus Came!

The Reason Jesus Came!

Luke 19:10 Jesus came to earth and had one purpose. You would think that if you and I just had one purpose, one goal in life we would do a pretty good job at it. If we focused on one thing and worked at doing it extremely well that we would be successful, right?

Acts 1:16 says that Jesus left behind 120 men. If we didn't know better we would say that Jesus failed. That Jesus spent his entire life calling people to follow him and even sacrificed his life in for filling that purpose and yet only 120 were left! The impact that Jesus had on the world at the time of his death was minuscule when compared to the population of the world.

During Jesus time, there were an estimated 200 million people in the world. 40 million in the Roman Empire and about 30,000 in Jerusalem. Why was Gods plan to send his son to 30,000 with small humble beginnings? Would Jesus have had more impact in Rome? By mans reasoning this seems to be the best way. God is God and he works in realms outside of our understanding!

Luke 4:31-37

This common through out his ministry. The moment the crowds start to gather and the buzz is created surrounding his ministry, Jesus leaves and withdraws. Jesus public ministry was a small portion of his life. Jesus spent more time in small groups and with people one on one! Why did he do it this way?

What was Gods plan here if Jesus did not care about pleasing large crowds. He did not care about popularity or fame.

Luke 5:1-5;6-11

Jesus drew the crowds and drew men to him but he spent a lot of time going out to meat the, where they lived. He went out and met them where they were and doing what they did. Jesus built relationships! Peter's life is change forever because Jesus spent time with him one on one!

When does peter get the heart that says immediately I'll follow you? When does peter become a disciple of Jesus? When Jesus got involved in his life. No Christian or disciple of Jesus was ever made because of a sermon! Jesus didn't preach and then leave. He preached, opened hearts, and then pored his life out into people.

Jesus set an example that we should follow! God calls us to poor out our lives into the lost as well! Who am I poring my life into? Who am I sharing with, serving, praying with, confessing to, laying my life down for...etc!

Jesus called ordinary men just like you and me. Jesus did not call the most influential men he could find. He didn't call the most smartest men he could find. Jesus called ordinary men and gave them extraordinary expectations! It's not like Jesus did not have a choice either. He could have called anyone to him! Jesus chose you!

With only a 120 the gospel was spread to several thousand with in months and then To the entire world with in a generation!

Matthew 28:18-20

Jesus plan to save the world was to make a disciple who makes a disciple! Jesus plan was to make a real disciple and not a part time follower!

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Monday, July 18, 2016

But What I Do Have I Give You!

But What I Do Have I Give You!

As disciples we get a glimpse of heaven from time to time. Even with those precious moments the world goes on around us. Sin goes on. Hatred and disunity run ramped! #blacklivesmatter and other movements were born out of problems with this world. How would Jesus respond to the problems of this day?

Galatians 3:26-29 as Christians we have a powerful force within us that demands unity! We cannot ignore the problems of this world. We must face them together in one voice! How should a disciple of Jesus respond in a spiritual way to the problems of this world?

Acts 3:1-10 in addressing the problems of this wold we cannot focus on them! Peter I counters a man with a lot of problems. He was homeless, jobless, penniless and crippled! Even Jesus in all his hearings never addressed or solved all the problems. What peter did give the begged is what he had...the Gospel! The gospel is the answer!

Do not focus on the problems this world but focus on the one thing that solves those problems. Only through Jesus can you solve and fix this world. Lordship in Jesus is the only way. The world will always have issues. Only eternity promises a sin free environment.

Ephesians 4:29

Acts 4:31-37

Jesus did not focus on the problems of this world but he did not ignore them either. The early disciples address the problems with in the fellowship and met the needs of the people around them! They cured poverty! There was no needy person among them! They focused on saving souls and responded the way Jesus would!

Addressing the problems of this world -- James 4:17; James 1:19-20 "human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires!"

How do you apply these two scriptures to the problems of today? All the problems are sin problems. Pride, anger, lack of love, selfish ambition...etc. We need more love. Jesus was love! 1 Peter 4:8. Love trumps sin! Where can I love more? Love builds unity. How many multitude of sins can I cover over? If I don't work on loving others then there will be no love to cover over my sins. "What I do have I'll give you", I can always give Love!

Jesus died for me to break me free from the chains of sin that controlled my life. Jesus died for the world to break the world free as well. Jesus is the only answer! We need to bring Jesus to a hurting world!

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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Ultimate Father.

The Ultimate Father.

Fatherhood is a very tricky subject. You would think that the examples in the bible of fathers would be all good examples. The bible actually is full of faithful fathers whose children turned away from God or horrible fathers that's children turn to God. Many examples of what not to be like.

God as our father is the only Perfect example that we have. As fathers we need to seek God qualities in being a father!

God qualities:

Exodus 20:1-5

God is a jealous father. God is not jealous of something but jealous for us. His love is so deep for us. God is perfect, complete and without sin. To be jealous for us is different from being jealous of something!

Gods motive are always pure! Our jealous motives come from selfishness. Gods jealousy for us comes from an intense love for us!

2 Corinthians 11:2-3

Godly jealousy also comes from zeal. Fierce indignation from anything that would harm you. God is jealous for us because he knows what the world will do to us. His jealousy is based on knowing how sin will affect us. He knows what idolatry does to our lives! Gods jealous comes out of an intense desire to protect us from harm!

God disciplines us out of love!

Exodus 20:5-6

The word punishment here comes from the word "paqad" which means something will be taken care of and not forgotten. Exodus 4:31 uses "concerned" to translate the word "paqad". God is going to do what ever it takes to rescue us whether that be through punishment or discipline. Gods discipline comes from deep concern for us. Again God is love and even in punishment he is love!

Hebrews 12:9-11

God want us to share in his holiness! Gods discipline has one motive. It is not based in anger or frustration. Gods discipline is calculated and done intentional with one goal in mind; to help us grow closer to him! God discipline produces a harvest of righteousness!

Exodus 20:5-6

Every sin is fully accounted for and no sin goes unpunished; however, God is saying his grace, mercy and blessings will continue for a thousand (infinite) generations!

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Sunday, June 12, 2016

The Holy Spirit part 2

The Holy Spirit part 2

How to live by the Spirit? What is my role in living by the Spirit? How do I listen to the Spirit?

Romans 8:1-4 The law failed. Only Jesus death and resurrection made it as though we lived in perfect obedience! We can either live by the flesh or by the Spirit! A life lived by the spirit has its mind set on spiritual things. What is your mind set on?

Galatians 5:16-18 these two forces are in direct conflict with each other. They are going in two different directions. Which nature are you going to listen to? Galatians 5:19-25 Am I living a life to please the flesh or the Spirit? The fruits of the Spirit are just as obvious in your life as the acts of the flesh. Which best describes you?

What direction am I going? This passage is about direction in your life and not living a perfect life.

Romans 8:12-14 our job is to keep up with the Spirit. To follow! Romans 8:5 I need to set my mind on what the spirit desires and not what the flesh wants. What am I pursuing? What am I listening too? What am I watching? What am I allowing to influence my life?

Galatians 6:7-8 what am I planting? What seeds am I sowing? I cannot sow to the flesh and expect to reap the benefits of the spirit! Ways to sow to the spirit: serving others, practicing generosity, being open about my life, sharing the gospel...etc

John 15:5 I cannot produce the fruit my self. It's not about the actions, staying connected to God and staying in the vine will produce fruits of the spirit.

Romans 8:15-17

How to listen to the Holy Spirit? Isaiah 30:21 God promises guidance! God is not just interested in telling us between right and wrong but also wants to guide us through better and best! When we go to God even with the small things he loves us enough to give us the guidance we need!

Matthew 10:30 even the small things are important to God! God cares about every single detail in my life! Acts 8,10,13,15,16 the Holy Spirit guided the apostles on where to go and what to do.

2 Peter 1:20-21 the bible is the clear had and fast way that God communicates to us. The spirit is not going to speak to me in a way that is in direct conflict with the Bible. The more I study out the word of God the more capable I am to identify the spirit when it speaks to me.

2 chronicles 20:14-15 the spirit also speaks through people! Do I allow the spirit to speak? Who do you know if a person is speaking the truth from God? Test what they are saying but the bible.

Zachariah 7:12 God gets angry when he sends people and we do not,listen. The message is more important than the delivery. Someone may come to you in the wrong way or a way that offends you but is the message true? Listen to the message and don't focus on the delivery!

Just because it feels good to me does not mean it is from God. My feelings should be disregarded and my focus should be on the truth found in Gods word regardless of the cost or inconvenience of my flesh!

Ephesians 3:14-19 am I listening to the spirit? Psalms 143:8-10 be open to the spirits direction, evaluate the scriptures, evaluate the circumstances, seek advice, listen to the spirits impressions. The spirit will not always lead you to where you want to go.

Jesus went to God with his desire in the garden and yet he was open to Gods answer and direction.

Psalms 119:97-104 knowing the scriptures helps us become wiser and discern the will of God.

Acts 16:6 sometimes the spirit works through circumstances by opening or closing doors. Be careful, just because the door is open does not mean it's is from God. Proverbs 11:14; Romans 2:14-15; Philippians 4:6

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The Holy Spirit!

The Holy Spirit!

The spirit of God! Who is the Holy Spirit? How does it transform me? How do I listen to the Holy Spirit? How do I live by the Holy Spirit?

How important is the Holy Spirit? John 16:5-7 The advocate is the Holy Spirit and Jesus said it was better for Him to leave and the Holy Spirit to come. God's spirit was given to us to help us in ways that even the physical Jesus could not. Walking with the Spirit is better than walking with he physical Jesus.

Acts 2:38; Galatians 3:14;

The spirit coming to live in us is the one of the reason Jesus had to come and die.

John 4:24; 1 Corinthians 2:10-11; John 3:8; John 16:13

Who is the Holy Spirit? The spirit is the very should of God. God does not have a physical form and He is 100% God and 100% Spirit. God described the Spirit as a "He" and not an "It". Why is that important? The Spirit is not a thing. The Spirit is not a tool. The Spirit cannot be controlled or used. In the same way when we view a person as an object we abuse them. The Spirit is not an object. The Spirit is a being that deserves respect and worship!

Isaiah 63:10 The spirit can grieve. You cannot grieve and object.

Hebrews 10:27; Romans 8:11 Romans 15 The Holy Spirit raised Jesus from the dead! What kind of power does that convey? The power of the Spirit is beyond our understanding! With all that power, is there anything He cannot do? This powerful Spirit lives in me!!! Is there anything that He cannot change in my life?

Psalms 139:7-10 our humanistic view of the Spirit limits his divinity and in reality the Spirit is everywhere. We cannot escape Him and He wants to lead every aspect of our lives! There is not any area of our lives that the Spirit cannot impact.

Revelations 22:17 the Holy Spirit is one of the most important part of our relationship with God. The Spirit is full of power, truth, and the essence of God!

Acts 8:36-39 the Ethiopian Eunuch was baptized in one day and then Phillip left him, but God did not send the Eunuch home alone. God sent him back to Ethiopia with the Spirit!

Acts 2:38 -- the goal of repentance and baptism is so that you can become a pure vessel for the Spirit to live in! 1 Corinthians 6:9-11; Revelation 22:17; John 15:24-27; Titus 3:7. The Spirit transforms us as sinners into a pure and holy being that God can live in!

2 Corinthians 3:17-18 the Spirit is transforming me. The Spirit is the power that is allowing me to be more like Christ. It not about my power of what I do, it's about what the Spirit is doing through me! 2 Peter 1:3-9 also says to make every effort to but even our best effort is still short. We need the Spirit!

Galatians 5:22-23 the outcome of God living in you produces the fruits of the spirit! Love, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control!! If you are a Christian, God is living in you and transforming you into his likeness through these Godly characteristics!

1 Corinthians 2:10-16 we have received the Spirit so we can understand God more fully. Through the Spirit we have the mind of Christ! The Spirit revels who God is through scripture as well. Ezekiel 36:25-27

I need to learn to listen to the Spirit. The Spirit does not just take over and force us to do something that we don't want to do. I should allow myself to be moveable and be compelled by the Spirit. The spirit also speaks through other people in my life.

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Monday, June 6, 2016

Sowing and reaping!

Sowing and reaping!

Sowing seed and reaping a harvest. What you reap is based on what you sow!

Galatians 6:7-10

When a scripture opens with "do not be deceived" it means that in our nature we are deceived on this subject. God is very clear that he will not be mocked and what ever you sow, you will one day reap! It's not up for debate! What ever we invest in we will receive in return. What ever we sacrifice, give to, or commit to.

It is a promise! If I sow righteousness I will reap righteousness in my life! The converse is true, if I sow unrighteousness I will reap unrighteousness! Same is true athletically, academically, in our marriage, at work, and in every other aspect of our lives!

Too many times we try to reap a harvest where we have never sown. Some how we think that we can reap a harvest from where we have not shown and that is how we try to mock God. The great thing about sowing in God is that we receive so much more than we deserve. We can sow in a small area and God delivers a harvest that is multiplied expeditiously.

It's not cause and effect. God provides so much more and conversely when we sow in the wrong areas we reap too much of what we really don't want or need. When we sow in the spirit we reap the spiritual and when we sow in the flesh we reap all the damaging consequences of the flesh!

John 12:24

Sowing in the spirit requires self sacrifice. Galatians 6 also talks about that harvest coming at the proper time. Sometimes we have to wait. It does not depend on our time but it depends on Gods time! 2 Peter 3:8

We reap blessings only from the right kind of seed. We reap when we trust in the Lord of the harvest. If a farmer gives up on the harvest a week after he sowed the seed, he reaps nothing! We must trust God and allow the harvest to come in its due time.

Jesus learned obedience and patience in God by his suffering. Jesus sowed relentlessly for years without reaping. His life was filled with suffering and his harvest was reaped after his death.

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Sunday, June 5, 2016

Jesus perspective on leadership.

Jesus perspective on leadership.

Matthew 20:20-28

The world has a view of leadership that is in direct conflict with Jesus view. In Jesus view their is no personal ambition. Why do I lead? Why am I seeking a role in leadership? Why am I serving? These are the questions we have to ask to check our motives.

With Jesus there is no positional leadership. In Jesus view of leadership we should not be concerned where we sit or where we fit in. Jesus view of leadership is without worldly authority. As followers of Christ we lead by serving. We lead by example.

We need to lead with a sense of serving and sacrificing! It should cost me something to lead. There should be some level of sacrifice in leading. Vs. 28 -- tells us that Jesus is the example we should follow. WWJD!

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Monday, May 23, 2016

Vanishing Series -- Forginess

Vanishing Series -- Forginess

Vanishing through hidden sin. Hidden sin causes the important things in our lives to vanish. To erode from the inside out! The damaged that sin does is not just to the committer. The consequences are often times great for the one the sin was committed against! Our doesn't just effect us but has a domino effect to the people around us!

This is why the offer of grace from God is so refreshing! We all love to hear about Gods grace. To receive Gods grace. We are always very excited to receive forgiveness from God. Sometimes it is hard to have that same enthusiasm over giving grace. Receiving grace is one thing but giving grace to another is completely different.

We all have a sinful desire to hold a grudge. To give grace and mercy we have to put to death our sinful nature. We all love the unconditional love that God lavishes on us but his grace at the same time is conditional.

Matthew 6:12; 14-15

God is watching how I forgive others! Gods grace and mercy is conditional and depends at some level on how I forgive others. Tough teaching! If I forgive I will be forgiven. If I chose not to forgive I will not be forgiven!

Matthew 18:21-27

How many times is seventy seven times? How much money was forgiven by the master? Each quantity is infinite! There is no way the servant could have paid the debt back. The servant who is owed a reasonable debt refuses to forgive! God promises torment for the one that refuses to show grace, mercy, and forgiveness. Jesus uses this story to show what we are like when we have been forgiven billions and refuses to forgive others the small infractions that are committed against us!

So what is forgiveness as defined by God? A conscience and deliberate action to forgive regardless of whether or not the person receiving our forgiveness deserves it or not! Unconditional forgiveness with complete disregard for justice or fairness!

Why would I forgive?

God commands it.
Forgiveness makes you happier.
Forgiveness saves relationships.
Forgiveness strengthens marriage.
Forgiveness heals wounds.

True forgiveness comes from us when Gods grace works powerfully in our lives. It's not because we are good at letting things go or are a forgiving person. We have the power to forgive when we see the power of Gods grace and mercy in our own life!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Seven Churches and Seven Golden Lamp Stands

The Seven Churches and Seven Golden Lamp Stands

Revelations chapters 1-3 gives a very descriptive and accurate description of who Jesus is and a very accurate description of each of the seven churches.

Revelations 1:9-20

Jesus at his most glorious! Eyes of fire! Face shinning like the sun! Sword coming out of his mouth! His voice sounded like a trumpet! Jesus in this form is hard to ignore! It doesn't matter what you believe or who you are, when Jesus comes at you like this, you listen! Jesus tells John to write this down. Jesus commanded John to to write down that the seven churches he is about to talk about are the seven lamp stands.

Jesus addresses each church with:

  1. His authority

  2. Their strengths

  3. Weaknesses

  4. Gives them a warnings

  5. Blessings

Each church in the list got an accurate picture of who Jesus is and also an accurate description of who they are and what they need to change! Each church had good qualities and also many things that they needed to repent of.

Revelations 2:1-7 The Church in Ephesus

Jesus claims his authority by saying he held the stars in his hands. Jesus commends them for their hard work, perseverance, and not tolerating wickedness. Jesus exposes their weakness of forsaking their first love. Jesus blesses them with the promise that if they repent they will be given the right to eat from the tree of life!

Revelation 2:8-11 The Church in Smyrna

Jesus claims his authority by saying he is the first and the last...no one before him or after him! Jesus claims his authority before instructing the church in Smyrna. Between the first and the last Jesus became us, lived like us and died like and was victorious over death through the resurrection! Smyrna was not perfect but Jesus does not point out their faults. Jesus encourages them. When your poor and afflicted you need encouragement - not a rebuke. Jesus blesses them by saying if they repent they will not be hurt by the second death (judgment day).

Revelation 2:12-17 The Church in Pergamum

Jesus shows his authority by coming with a double edge sword. Pergamum was surrounded by sin and giving into to some of the temptations around them. Jesus commends them for resisting temptation but also condemns them for worshiping other gods. Repent and Jesus promises them the bread of life and a new name!

Revelations 2:18-29 The Church in Thyatira

Jesus shows his authority by coming with blazing eyes and bronze feet! The church in Thyatira did a lot of good deeds and Jesus commended them for their love, faith, and service. However, the church had this against them, they tolerated sexual immorality. God always deals harshly with sexual sin. This is the only one where Jesus devides the church into two groups. The ones that will be judged and the ones that will not. In Gods eyes sexual sin demands judgment!

Revelations 3:1-6 The Church in Sardis

Jesus commands authority by holding the spirits in his hands and subduing the the spiritual world. Jesus condemns them for falling asleep spiritually and charges them to repent of face judgment! Jesus commends a few followers who have not strayed and have remained faithful. Jesus blesses them with the promise that they will be clothed in white and will walk with Him and he will call them out by name.

Revelations 3:7-13 The Church in Philadelphia

Jesus shows his authority by showing his holiness and lineage to David as the messiah. Jesus also displays his power by saying only he has the authority to open and shut eternity. Jesus commends them for not denying His name and acknowledges that they have been weak. Jesus promises that if they remain faithful He will punish the ones that have been tormenting them. Jesus encourages them to stay strong and reassures them that He is coming soon! Jesus blesses them with the promise that He will give them an eternal home in the temple and make them the new Jerusalem!

Revelations 3:14-21 The Church in Laodicea

Jesus claims his authority by confirming that he only is the ruler over all creation and the one true witness of God! Jesus condemns them for being luke warm. To God being luke warm is worst than being cold. Jesus also condemns them for being arrogant in what God has given them. Jesus also gives them an open invitation to come back to him, to knock at the door and seek him. Jesus blesses them with the promise that if they repent they will be able to sit with him in glory on his throne!

Reading the letters to the seven churches makes you wonder what about me? You have to ask your self the following seven questions:

  1. If Jesus where to come to me, what would he say?

  2. How would he come to me?

  3. What authority would he claim to get me to listen to him?

  4. What would he commend me for?

  5. What would he condemn me for?

  6. What call to repentance would he have for me?

  7. What unique blessing would he promise me?

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Vanishing Series

•Light & Darkness: our nature is to desire to be in the dark.

John 3: 19-20

Why do we not want to come into the light? We are afraid to be exposed for for who we really are; our deeds will be exposed.
Afraid of rejection, change, judgement, consequences.

Vs 21

Take off the mask

***Psalm 36: 1-*** We have to admit we need help.

***Psalm 32: 3-5*** When we are open
Confess... Pray vs 6

James 5: confess to each other - it brings healing

Partial confession is worse than not confessing at all: God expects us to be completely transparent.

It takes a great amount of courage to be open, to come into the light - many Godly people in the bible have struggled to stay in the darkness, it took courage to come into the light, there was consequences, but they were eventually healed. It takes guts to say "this is who I am!"
Ex. Adam & Eve, Jacob, David, Peter - it took courage for them to see themselves and take ownership for their shortcomings.

Monday, May 2, 2016

How to lead a small group bible talk

What bible talk is not: a sermon or preaching. It is not a time for extensive teaching either.

Bible talk should be a little bible and a lot of talk. Must have thought provoking questions that get the group to talk and ponder rather than just making points.

Any points should be posed in the form of a question.

Always open with introducing yourself and a question. Ice breaker. Questions to start conversation.

Always ask someone to read. Use that time to gather your thoughts and prepare for your next question/points.

Compare and contrast so that the lesson is relatable to each person.

Opening question and bible talk example: Who is the worst villain of all time? Darth Vader? Hitler?

Who is the worst villain in the bible. Judas? No one names their child Judas today. Judas was so bad that he ruined the name judas for ever.

Why was judas such a villain?

John 12:1-6

Judas was fake. What if judas had said I want to save the money so I can steal it? The other disciples would have offered help. Judas would have gotten help with his greed.

Aren't we fake as well? We
Are no different than Judas sometimes. What keeps us from getting the help we need?

Luke 22

Why else was Judas such a villain? Judas was a bad deal maker.

Have you ever made a bad deal. A deal that you lost money and regretted.

Judas made the worst deal in history. He sold Jesus for a few small pieces of silver.

How many times have you sold yourself to sin for something that has no value. Example: 20yrs of marriage for adultery in a one night stand.

We are bad deal makers just like Judas, aren't we. We sell out to sin and sacrifice our salvation.

Sin is always a bad deal in the end isn't it? What other examples can you think of where sin looks rewarding but leaves you spiritually bankrupt?

How can Jesus help us not be fake or make bad deals like Judas?

Always close with a challenge and call to study the bible and learn more.

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The Word Of God!

The Word Of God!

The US is the most religious 1st world country in the world. And yet a recent survey exposed that many religious people in America did not even know the basic core beliefs of the religions they professed. Divorce rates in the US are height amount Christians than non Christians in the US.

This is probably a result of not knowing Gods word. We carry a bible, keep a bible and yet few actually read it. We lack convictions in Gods word because we do t know what it says.

How much do I love Gods word? How much do I make it the standard of my life? How much do I study out Gods word? Is the bible just a symbol of Christianity? A book that sits on a coffee table that's shows I have a bible and I am a Christian is just a symbol. A book that we place our hand on to take an oath is just a symbol! The bible was never meant to be a symbol. It was meant to be used and applied to our lives!

Where did Gods word begin? It began in spoken word in the garden in Genesis. In Deuteronomy 9:10, God chose to write his words down. God started with the 10 Ten Commandments. It was written in stone for a reason because Gods word is unchanging. The Ten Commandments are just as relevant today as they were in biblical times!

In Isaiah 20:1-5 God not only spoke his word but used his prophet to demonstrate and give Israel a visual representation of his word! God wrote it down so it could not be forgotten and then demonstrated it through Isaiah so that it could not be ignored!

For three years Isaiah walked stripped naked and barefoot! Another example of this is found in Daniel 5:1-6.

Daniel 5:25-31 The king could not ignore Gods word. He was forced to acknowledge and listen to Gods word!

Why did God write the word on the wall in a secret language? God wanted the king to seek out the answer. To go to a man of God and allow God to speak through Daniel! Am I ignoring Gods word? Am I allowing God to use people in my life to speak to me or am I too prideful to listen?

Finally God used his son to be the physical representation of his word in John 1:1. Look at all the great lengths that God has gone through over the ages to insure that we have Gods word and are able to live it out!

Sunday, April 17, 2016


The Ultimate Mission

The Ultimate Claim
Matthew 28:16-20

Jesus with all authority leaves us a chance command to make disciples of Jesus. Not a choice but a command. What does it really mean to have all authority? Authority over the natural and super natural worlds. Nothing is not under the authority of Jesus! Not in heaven and nothing on earth that he does not have the power of authority to do what get he wants!

Philippians 2:9-11

The Ultimate Comfort

Matthew 28:20b

Am I comforted by the ultimate comfort? Jesus says he will be with me always!

Jeremiah 32:40

Jesus promises to never leave me but the question is whether or not I will never turn away from God? God wants no one to turn away from Him. The choice is up to me.

Hebrews 13:5

Again, God promises to never leave or forsake me. My job is to not allow anything to come before me and my relationship with God. Am I content with what I have? Money should never be my God!

The Ultimate Command

Matthew 28:19

The last command. All other commands Jesus gave through out his life lead to this one command. I need to hey everything and teach the people around me to obey everything! I'm hear today and have a relationship with God because someone took this command seriously!

Jesus earned the right to worshiped as Lord! His life, his sacrifice, his dirty, all command us to worship him and call everyone around us to make Jesus lord!

Monday, April 4, 2016

7 Day Faith Challenge

Seven Day FAITH Challenge

"For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins." 2 Peter 1:5-9

Sunday- Goodness

  • Luke 6:27-28

  • Romans 12:9

  • 1 Corinthians 15:33

  • Ephesians 2:10

Monday- Knowledge

  • Proverbs 1:7

  • Proverbs 12:1

  • 2 Corinthians 4:6

  • 2 Peter 3:18

Tuesday- Self-control

  • Galatians 5:22-23

  • 1 Timothy 3:1-3

  • Titus 2:11-12

  • 1 Peter 5:8

Wednesday- Perseverance

  • Romans 5:3-4

  • 1 Timothy 4:16

  • Hebrews 10:35-36

  • James 1:2-4

Thursday- Godliness

  • 1 Timothy 4:8/ 6:6/6:10-12

Friday- Brotherly kindness

  • Romans 12:10

  • 1 Peter 3:8-9

  • 1 John 2:9-10

  • 1 John 4:21

Saturday- Love

  • Matthew 5:43-46

  • 1 Corinthians 13

  • Philippians 2:1-3

  • Hebrews 10:24

  • 1 John 4:16-20

Fwd: “Even so the body is not made up of one part but of

Doing Your Part

"Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many. Now if the foot should say, "Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. And if the ear should say, "Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body."
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭12:14-20‬ ‭NIV‬‬

One of the biggest challenges as a bible talk leader is overseeing the body.

As the leader we need to take notice of the members in our group in the same way that we take notice of our own bodies. Just like with your body, you inspect things. You give attention to areas that need attention...etc.

We should be thinking, what does our group need spiritually? How can I help them grow?

Every part of our body is important. Every member in our church needs to feel connected, responsible, valuable to the group.

What are some practical ways we can help our groups feel useful, connected and apart of the body? 

  1. Asking them for impute and ideas.
  2. Leading prayers.
  3. Giving them opportunities to lead the bible talk.
  4. Delegate responsibilities.

Are you looking to see who is at church on Sunday and who isn't? Are you checking up on the people in your group who miss service. We can't claim to be part of a body if we neglect or ignore it.

"There are many parts" we all have a role to play! God has given each of us the talents we have and has placed us in the rolls that we are in.

Let's focus on pulling the body together and making sure that everyone is taken care of, amen?!?

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

7 Days away from a Godly Character

"For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But whoever does not have them is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins."
‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭1:5-9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Jesus sacrifice demands that we constantly grow and build on our character! Work on adding to your character a little each day.

Starts with having faith. We must have faith in Jesus and faith is a given and has to be your foundation!

Follow these 7 steps to growing in your character. 1 step a day for seven days. Take it one day at a time.

  1. GOODNESS! Simply choosing what is right. Being good natured in all that you do.
  2. KNOWLEDGE! Knowledge about God and who He is. Also knowledge about who you are before God. Exposing your sin and true self.
  3. SELF CONTROL! Fasting and praying. Giving up something for God. Saying no to temptation.
  4. PERSEVERANCE! Standing firm. Not running away from your problems. Facing them. Being comfortable in where God has you for the moment. Not giving up on your marriage/kids. Continuing to fight for what is right.
  5. GODLINESS! (Def. conforming to the laws and wishes of God; devout; pious) deepening your convictions. Less talk and more action in doing what God commands. WWJD.
  6. BROTHERLY KINDNESS! Spiritual Bond. Unity. Strengthening your spiritual family. Deepening your relationships in the church. Carrying each other's burdens.
  7. LOVE! Unconditional. Self sacrifice. Giving to everyone. Concerned for the lost. Concerned spiritually for each other. Outward focused.

Increasing in these qualities will help you know Jesus and strengthen your relationship with God.

What do they all have in common? They are all decisions. You chose to be good, to want to know, to have self control, to persevere, to be Godly, to show brotherly kindness and to Love.

Without developing and growing in these character traits you become nearsighted and blind spiritually and you will forget (fall out of) the grace and mercy that God has shown you!

Are you willing to take the challenge? Today starts with goodness!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Numbers 11:4-15; 18; 25-30

Numbers 11:4-15; 18; 25-30

Moses is obviously in a hard spot as a leader and has developed an unhealthy view of leadership. God sees Moses need and instructs him to raise up new leaders. Two other mean who had not concentrated themselves received Gods spirit and Moses unlike Joshua, welcomed everyone to receive the Lords spirit.

Jeremiah 31:31 This prophesy has been revealed and we all have the spirit as disciples of Christ. Moses wished he was leading Israel and they all had the same spirit he had.

Today every disciple of Christ is called to be a prophet, a preacher, a leader...etc. To lead Gods church today is to simply call my brothers and sisters to act on the decision to make Jesus Lord that they have already made!

How can engage every member of my group working towards one common goal? As a disciple they have already decided to make Jesus Lord. As a leader it should be my goal to help every member for fill that decision that they have made.

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James Son of Joseph Brother Of Jesus

James Son of Joseph Brother Of Jesus

Who was James the brother of Jesus? As Jesus brother James would have known stuff about Jesus that no one else in the world knew. James would have known Jesus the carpenter. James knew his work ethic. James knew Jesus at his most intimate moments.

Matthew 12:48-50 Jesus family new there was something special about him but they thought he was crazy. So much so that they thought it was important to intervene and rescue Jesus from himself. As God as our father that makes us all brothers and sisters in Christ. James learned what it meant to be a physical brother from Jesus and also a spiritual brother from Jesus as well!

The book of James use the term brother/s more than almost any other book in the New Testament. James became the leader of the church in Jerusalem. James would have been able to deny that Jesus was without sin.

Let's look at each of the references to "brother/s" in the book of James.

James 1:2 Brothers persevere. Thank God for the hard times and the chance to persevere.

James 1:16 Don't be deceived. Good gifts come from God and the word of truth is the resurrection.

James 1:19 Where did James get the Godly advice he is giving us in vs 19? Jesus was the perfect example of this, slow to anger, quick to listen to people...etc.

James 2:1;5 Jesus preached this same message in the sermon on the mount. Jesus lived out this in his life and died with out any possessions. Do we give most to those who give back to us or do we give more to people who are not even capable of giving back to us?

James 2:14-24 What good is non saving faith? Because of this passage many people thought the history of Christianity people have argued to remove the book of James from the bible. Why? Faith without action is dead. This teaching goes against what certain denominations want to believe. Faith without deeds is not faith in Jesus. Jesus calls us to repent as we have faith in Him.

James 3:9; 4:11 I wonder if this conviction came to James from the way he initially judged and treated Jesus?

James 5:10-12; 19 We are obligated to help each other and when I help my brother or sister repent from sin it honors and glorifies God.

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Sunday, February 28, 2016

How to: Teens


Prodigal son.
Father new he was making a wrong decision but fully believed in his son that he would come back

Share about walking away from God. Share about Shadae as well.

Loving them where they are ....(unconditional love)

Not being critical. Holding high standards but also being understanding. Diana reminding me of the things that I use to do as a teen.


Not controlling. Allowing them to make mistakes. Not sheltering them from everything.

Feel what they feel. Sympathize with what they are going through. Teen years, high school is tough, especially to be a Christian.

Being open with them about your life. Your struggles and your sin

Date your daughters monthly with the same passion as you would with your wife.

Helping them through the bad choices they have made by guiding them back to God.

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7 keys to a teens heart!

7 keys to a teens heart!

1.) Believe in them

Proverbs 3:5

Teens have a better chance in turning to God when we believe in them. Believing in them also gives them more security. When your teen is giving you their heart then they are on their way to giving God their heart.

Some times we have to painfully watch our kids go through tough things. They need to be exposed to the world on some level to see their need for God.

Recommended books. "Strong fathers, strong daughters". We have to lift our teens up and encourage them daily!

Romans 1:8-9 Paul encouraged the Roman church and in all his letters he starts off in this way.

Sandwich approach in talking about tough issues...bun(encouragement), meat(tough issue, correction), bun(encouragement).

2.) Understand them.

Understanding is about listening! Mark 4:3,9; 24-25, Mark 7 Ask if they want you to just listen or if they want input! We all need someone to listen!

Romans 12:2 what brings about good transformation and change? It's renewing their mind.

3.) Walking with them.

John 3:22

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Short view and the long view

Short view and the long view

Genesis 50:14-21

Joseph took the long view. It was easy for him to take the short view and say "I'm in power now" and treated his brothers harshly! He took the long term view that he is not God and God is the judge and does not judge in the hear and now but provides mercy and grace!

God perspective is so different from ours! He is always looking at the long view. God is so smart, big, eternal, and omnipotent that even our mistakes are used to for fill his will!

We cannot always understand what God is doing but we can always take the long view by trusting in Him! Joseph looked beyond his immediate needs and looked forward to what his actions would mean long term!

Trusting in God starts with setting aside your needs!

The long view allows me to be righteous in the moment. When there is no accountability and I am tempted with sin if I have the long view I won't chose to hurt God. Falling into sin and giving into temptation is taking the short view. Living in the moment!

Genesis 50:22-26

Joseph took the really really long view.

The long view is looking forward years, decades...ect. The really long view looks at what happens after death. The really long view is concerned with eternity! Hebrews 11:22 Joseph cared about what would happen after he died!

Hebrews 11:22;39 Joseph new it mattered after he died but he did not know why. He trusted God with blind faith. How much more should take the really long view knowing the gift of salvation that I have!

Think about heaven. It is beyond thought and comprehension but we need to still try! Dream of the long view! What do you look forward too the most in heaven?

We have to live our life in this world with the long view that helps us resist temptation. Live looking forward to the next left.

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Purity in marriage

"Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral."
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭13:4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

"Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart."
‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭2:22‬ ‭NIV‬‬

"Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭6:18-20‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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What Love Is Not.

What Love Is Not.

As we get older love gets complicated. You grow up as a child and love means so many different things. As you get older love becomes even more complicated. What does love mean. The world defines it differently that God does. What is normal for love? Dis functional families and broken relationships and love means so many different things for different people. God created love and wrote the definition of love!

1 John 4:7-9;19

Love comes from God. Do we search for love through God today? Many of us search for love in all the wrong places! God is the only one who can provide true love! Love is an action! Not just an emotion or feeling! With God love is never complete! Love should always be growing!

To learn about love you have to go to God. You have to spend time with God. You have to get to know him and his character. If you really know God then you will love!

Jesus became who he intended to be by going through suffering. Am I using the tough things in my life to help me draw closer to God?

Who was your fist love and who broke your heart? We hesitate sometimes in pursuing another person with love because we are afraid of getting hurt. God initiated the love with us first. God acted on his love for us! When we chose to turn away from Gods love we are breaking his heart. Our love for God is a reaction but an action none the less!

Biblical is not normal or natural. True love the way God intended it is supernatural! We want to love people that love us. To love someone that doesn't love you back is Gods love!

Love is not complete without God and without action! The decision to love is a huge decision and is only complete when we chose to act on it! Who has ever impressed God with what they know? Who has ever impressed God with talent? Who has ever impressed God with anything other than love?

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True Marriage

True Marriage

Marriage in the world today is a complete disaster! 78% of marriages in Southern California end in divorce! Nationally the divorce rate is also staggering! In our church the trend is increasing every year towards divorce. Divorce is becoming an epidemic
In our churches.

A Godly marriage is not about a perfect marriage. With only God can we have the marriage that God intended. God only said one time in the bible that things were not "good" and that was in Genesis when God said it is not "good" for man to be alone!

Matthew 7:13-14 To have the marriage that God intended you have to take the road less traveled. Am I willing to take the hard road that leads to paradise or do I want to take it easy and end up in destruction?!

Put first things first. Mark 12:28-31 My relationship with God is the single most important thing in my marriage. First love God and then I can love my wife! My power has to come from God. I have to take personal responsibility for where my marriage is at.

Genesis 3:1-7 from the very beginning even with being able to walk with God man was deceived. From the beginning Man looked for someone to blame! I have to take responsibility for my life. Vs.s 16 God basically says you get what you ate for. My choices are my choices and I need to take responsibility for my own actions and reactions.

Jesus went through the same temptations as Adam and Eve in the desert but yet he fought back with Gods word! The 4 "D's" of the devil...Deceive, distract, divide, and destroy!

1 John 1:5-10 walking in darkness is not acknowledging the truth. The truth about who I am and about where my marriage is at. I have to chose to live by the truth. To walk in the light. To be real about where you are.

Three keys:

1.) get open.
2.) stop blaming everyone else for your choices.
3.) No one can help you and unless your real and open.

Questions to ask your spouse: How can we take the road less traveled? What do we need to do to strengthen our marriage? How can we build our marriage more around God? What do we need to bring into the light?

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How to handle tough circumstances.

How to handle tough circumstances.

Matthew 5,6,7

Humility is not just an option but a necessity!

Romans 2:1; James 2:12; Joshua 1:9; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-5; Luke 13:24; Matthew 24:12; John 14:30; Titus 2

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God uses our marriages to help us learn how we should worship God. There should be passion in both. Worshipping God will improve your marriage. To hear the word of God and then do nothing to follow it is self destructive.

Philippians 2:1 "if any encouragement". Can't we find some encouragement in being with Christ? Regardless of what the circumstances.

Philippians 3:1-14

I cannot rely on my own strength or accomplishments. My confidence has to come from my relationship with Jesus. What is my confidence in? Paul is saying remember what is important. Rejoice in the Lord! Paul considered every worldly thing a loss compared to the great riches he had in Christ. Paul is writing all of this in PRISON!

Philippians 3:15-21; 4:12-13

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1 Timothy 4:7-8 The idea of being trained and training your self is a huge part of our lives and culture. We train for school, work, athletics, personal fitness, competition...etc. We train out body's but what about our hearts, what about our minds, and what about our spirituality? Godly training should be of more value than any other!

Who is your trainer? Why, because you need one!

Luke 6:40 I need to understand my role and the student. I need to allow as many people in my life that are willing to teach and train me.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

What am I prepared to do? It takes action on my part. How hard I train an how willing I am to be trained is up to me!

1 Timothy 4:7 -- gymnazo in the Greek -- to exercise vigorously, in any way either the body or the mind! How has the last year for you spiritually? If you are training vigorously for the lord then there should be growth!

1 Corinthians 9:25 -- egkrateuomai -- to exhibit self-government, conduct, one's self temper Eagles in a figure drawn from athletes, who in preparing themselves for the games abstained from unwholesome food, wine and sexual a indulgence.

Am I training my self to abstain from everything that is keeping me from being the follower of Christ that God wants me to be?

I need to follow my trainer's direction. When you sign up with a personal trainer you don't start telling the trainer how you would like to be trained! I need to humble my self and surrender to the trainers instructions.

Hebrews 12:10-12 -- "Later on however..." W don't know how long that will be but God says that if we accept Gods discipline then it will produce a harvest of righteousness and peace!

In every chapter of the bible there is Faith, Hope, and Love! In our lives when God turns the chapter in our lives no matter what happens there is always "Faith, Hope, and Love"!

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Monday, January 25, 2016

Come GROW with Us

Come GROW with Us

Joseph had a real relationship with a real God
  • Genesis 39:1-20. 
  • When temptation came, he's in a land where no one else knew God, nor worshiped Him, he Knew God was real. He spent time with Him not only when he needed God but also when he didn't. 
  • He knew it pleased the Lord to love Him and worship Him. 
  • We need to live our lives with God being real! Make the Lord known in the way you live your life and you'll talk about Him to others. 

Joseph was happy in the hands of that real God
  • Joseph is grateful for all the blessings. When temptation came around, he mentioned all he was grateful for. 
  • Pride can kill gratitude; it's easy to see all the thing you've done and therefore "deserve". But we don't see that from Joseph. Gratitude is the opposite. Joseph didn't blame the Lord for his misfortune. 
  • Perspective makes it hard to trust the outcome. When we are enslaved, in jail, or hardships, it's difficult to trust and be happy with The Lord's purpose. Later he was able to see the bigger picture and why the Lord allowed him to go through hardships. 
  • Joseph didn't need to know the promise but The Promiser. Trust God's plan when He calls us to go through hard times, when he asks more of me than I'm prepared to give. 
  • God's ultimate plan has nothing to do with this life. It's all in HEAVEN! 
  • I might say: "God why do you think so much of me that you've put me through this?" You know the Lord has overcome, has fought for me and when this story ends, cans I envision myself in Heaven. Heaven is His ultimate plan! 
  • "Come what may Lord." Anyone can have this faith and trust in the Lord. 
  • If I can't live happy in God's hands, with no matter what comes, then I'VE GOTTA KNOW GOD BETTER!
  • His long term plan is for us to make it to Heaven! 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Single in Christ

Single in Christ

God promises those of you who remain single in Christ better blessings than those who are married and have children!

Gods family grows not by sexual reproduction but through spiritual birth in faith! Marriage is temporary, marriage to jesus is eternal. To be single in christ is not to fall short of Gods best.

Isaiah 56:4-5 spoken to eunuchs. God promises those who remain single in christ better blessings than those who are married and have sons and daughters. This is not how we feel on the possibility of being single is it?

Genesis 1:28; 5:21; 26:3; 1 Samuel 24:21; Deuteronomy 25:6; ruth 4:9-10; Judges 11:36-38 -- physical offspring matters but it will come in Gods way and in Gods timing. God used marriage and offspring to preserve the names of the Israelites. Like today marriage and children were of great importance.

Isaiah 53:5-10

Jesus was a single man faithful to God to his death. Jesus had spiritual offspring. Spiritual offspring takes precedence over physical offspring through Jesus example.
John 3:3; Galatians 3:7;26; 1 Peter 1:2-3

1 Corinthians 4:15 Paul was a great father and never married. 1 Thessalonians 2:7
Matthew 22:30; 12:48-49; Luke 11:27

The church/kingdom last for ever, our physical relationships on earth are temporary. A great mother in Gods eyes is the the woman that hears the word of God and obeys it. The great father in Gods eyes is the same!

Matthew 19:8-12; 1 Corinthians 7:1-3;32-35; Matthew 22:30

Faithfulness to Christ is what will define my life! Not my marriage, not my kids, not my job and not my money. My relationship to Christ is ultimate and will define me regardless of my situation.

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A New Year: The Hope of Glory

A New Year: The Hope of Glory

The book of Kings has a narrative of "Hope" and "Glory" for Israel and how it was shattered. Israel was a nation formed by God to be a different nation separate from the rest of the world. Israel never truly for filled this calling and became like other nations and God ultimately ended up wiping Israel out.

Israel thought if we are suppose to be Gods people then why was the temple destroyed and why did he allow the nation of Israel to fall? God made a promise to David about the kings of Judah in 2 Samuel 7:11-16.

2 Kings 17:7-20 God explains the reason Israel had no hope and no glory but this was only momentary. God had a plan all along to restore Israel and create a spiritual kingdom that will never be destroyed!

Starting new is not just about starting over and moving forward but it is also about looking back and thinking about what needs to change and looking at what areas I need to grow in. This is what God was trying to get Israel to do in writing the book of Kings.

The book of Kings is a history book, but a theological one. Many of the Kings mentioned in the book of Kings are mentioned not because of physical success as leaders but for either spiritual successes or fallers. Jeroboam is spoken about over 21 times and referenced as the King that caused the people of Israel to sin.

4 kings in Judah were considered righteous and considered to be like King David. Asa, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, and Josiah. These kings were considered righteous because they repented, listened to those God put in their lives, they acted on faith, and they were all reformers and called Israel to change.

Like Israel, we need to understand the reasons for our past failures. What spiritual goals did you have last year for your self that did not happen and why?

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Striving With His Strength

Striving With His Strength

1 Corinthians 3:16-17 Just as Gods presence came in the form of a cloud and dwelled in the temple that Solomon built, Gods presence lives in me today. I have become the temple of God. Ephesians 2:22 the spirit continually builds us into a dwelling for the Holy Spirit.

Numbers 11:11-17; 24-25; God heard moses and chose leaders to help him lead the people of Israel.

Galatians 5:25 The spirit is moving and wants to do some awesome things and It is my job to just keep in step with Him! How is the spirit moving in my heart and my life?

1 Corinthians 12:4-7 What gifts has the spirit given me and what is the spirit calling me to do?

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Get Unstuck

Get Unstuck

Hebrews 12:1-2 Fixing our eyes on Jesus is the answer. Repenting of sin is the answer. Sin entangles us. Man was not meant to be the detangler. Jesus is the ultimate detangler.

Ephesians 3:20-21 Jesus can do more than we ask or imagine! Do you really believe that? This is true in ever Christian. It starts with looking to Jesus and relying on his power and strength!

We need Christ focused discipline! Our discipling needs to direct people towards Jesus. Who is Jesus? Humble, meek, powerful, selfless, authoritative, full of grace and mercy, the truth, servant, leader, obedient to his father, compassionate, loves unconditionally, forgiven, healer...etc. We need to call each other to be like Christ!

Proverbs 29:18 -- when our eyes are not fixed on Jesus we cast off Gods word and get entangled in sin.

Going from a man centered to a Christ centered life is the key. We have to start viewing each other the way God does. Ephesians 1:4-5 The creator of the universe chose me! 1 Corinthians 1:27; Acts 2:38; 2 Peter 1:3-5; 1 Corinthians 2:16.

How do you view the brothers and sisters in your life? Do you believe in them the way Christ believes in them!

Christ Focused Discipling:

Asking questions that lead a person away from their problems and back to Christ.Ephesians 4.

Hebrews 10 -- consider how to spur them on towards love.

Suggest what life would look like without the problem.

How would a day look walking with Jesus.....walking in step with the spirit.

Not everyone connects or grows the way we do, but Christ can help everyone mature, grow and "solve problems".

What am I looking for in my brothers and sisters? Am I looking for ways that they are like Christ?

1 Samuel 17:32-40 Saul was discipling David from his perspective and not from Gods perspective! David looked for Gods perspective and look to God to give him the ability and strength to do what God was calling him to do.

We need to lead from a step behind. If your in the front they see you instead of Jesus. Lead by serving and helping if they fall down. We can't fix everyone right now. God is the one who has to power to fix and change people and it is on His time!

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A Transformed Mind!

A Transformed Mind!

45% of Americans make New Years resolutions. A survey of the Americans that make resolutions found that the majority do not for fill those resolutions through out the year. Why? You can change the physical temporary but long term you have to change and transform your mind.

Romans 12:2 God calls us to be transformed. It is possible to change your mind! How do you do this?

I need to Rewind. Take a step back and review and look at the things that need to change. Evaluate the things in your mind that need to change and what you need to do to change your thinking. We need to reassess and vaulted the good things and the bad things.

Isaiah 44:18 We all have blind spots. There are areas in your life that you just cannot see and understand. I need people in my life that can help me find these blind spots and areas in my life that need to change! We need to help others get focused on Jesus and we need others to point us back to Jesus as well.

What area of my life can pride take me out spiritually? What are my blinds spots and who am I talking to and asking to help show me my blind spots in my life? Pride keeps us from renewing our minds.

Metanoia = means to change one's way of life resulting in penitence or spiritual conversion. Repentance starts with changing your mind. 2 Corinthians 7:10

I need to rewire. Romans 12:2 I need to break the patterns in my life that causes sin. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6

The Greek word Metanoia is found 56 times in the bible. One person repents and changes their minds and call others to repent and changes their minds.

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Being Led by the Spirit!

Being Led by the Spirit!

Romans 8:9-16 The spirit of God, Spirit of Christ, Spirit of Him who raised him from the dead. The world spirit is used several ways in this passage but they all mean the same thing. If you know the father and know God then you know the spirit. It's important to see how all three deities interact and are interchangeable.

The spirit is described in the context of families: children and fathers, brothers and sisters. Being lead by the spirit is being lead to Gods family. We were lead to God as our father. I need to continue to be lead to God in every area of my life. Everything should in my life should point to God, Jesus and the holy to spirit.

I did not receive a spirit that makes me a slave or gives way to fear. I was not given a spirit of timidity or weakness but of power and strength! God has chosen me with all of my mistakes and all of my weaknesses!

The spirit testifies that I am Gods son and a child of God! The spirit sets us free to cry out and call on our father!

Romans 12:3-10 The spirit leads us to a body of brothers and a body of believers. The spirit is trying to lead me to devote my self to brotherly love. In order to be led by the spirit I have to have sober judgment and not to think of myself above others.

The spirit brings us together and as a whole we portray the image of God! The Holy Spirit is not leading me to do anything that is contrary to Gods word. We can follow the spirit and test the spirit by Gods word.

How do you know if you are being lead by the spirit? Romans 8:12-14 says "Therefore". Therefore, what? If your lead by the spirit you are a sin killer. You are a killer of the flesh! The spirit will never lead you to the flesh. As a man we have a killer instinct and we need to use it to kill the flesh. To put to death the sin in our lives!

Today what sin is alive in my life? What sin is thriving, vibrant and robust in my life? KILL IT! We do it with the sword. The word of God! You want to fight? You want to be a man? Then be led by the spirit and put to death the sin in your life!

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Presenting Everyone Mature in Christ

Presenting Everyone Mature in Christ

Who needs discipling the most. Who need maturity in Christ? Ephesians 4:11-15 Everyone needs to grow. We all need someone in our lives to challenge us and to call us higher. If I really believed this then I would be laying my self bare and calling on my brothers to help me!

Discipling is not meant to be just relative to problems in our lives. I should be seeking discipling from my brothers to be proactive. All proactive and all reactive is dangerous. Being a disciple means that we seek discipling daily and in all situations.

Reactive discipling only happens after sin. Proactive discipling helps prevent sin and creates spiritual growth. All sins can be forgiven but not all consequences can be avoided! Un checked sin in my life WILL LEAD TO DEATH!

1 Corinthians 4:17 is an example of primary discipleship. Someone that we connect to one on one. Timothy and Paul had this type of relationship. 1 Corinthians 11:1 the person that God is using in my life is not meant to be perfect. I should follow what every aspect of his life that represents Christ.

We all have large amounts of needs regardless of whether we think we are in sin or not. True character growth will not come until we admit our needs and the need for discipleship! Timothy had Paul, Silas, his mother...etc. Timothy had multiple relationships that led him and called him higher. 2 Timothy 1:5, Acts 17:14, Acts 19:22, and Acts 20:4.

What is my life filled up with? Proactive or reactive discipling? I need to seek both!

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Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Holy Spirit!

The Holy Spirit!

Imagine that God came and gave us three books to get to know him. These books tell us all about God. What makes him happy, what makes him sad, what makes him mad and what he requires of us. As you start reading the first two books and it transforms your life and who you are. Now imagine your so excited about the first two but you just leave the third book on a shelf and don't read it. Who would do that?

God wrote one book, the bible, but with three themes. God the father, the son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit! If God intended to show himself to us as God the father, the son and the Holy Spirit, then what am I missing?

Knowing God is impossible without knowing him as the Holy Spirit! Who is the Holy Spirit? How can He change your life?

Where is God? What immediately do you think of? Heaven? We associate God the father as being in heaven. We think of Jesus in the same way. Jesus was taken up into heaven. We may believe God is involved in our lives but we view as though he does so from a distance!

John 14:25-27

God is not just in heaven. The spirit has been left with us. We have Gods spirit with us all the time. He is close to each one of us! We need to visualize the spirit as He works in our lives!

The spirit is always working. We cannot take credit for Gods works. No matter how talented we are or how much we are able to do this or that, God spirit is what works in our lives. We need to trust in God by believing in the Holy Spirit!

We need to listen for the Spirit. What is God prompting in your heat? What is God speaking to you through your conscience and the people around you?

If you had to chose one or the other which would you choose? The Holy Spirit of Jesus? Who would you rather have with you? Who would you rather talk to? Most would say Jesus.

John 16:5-11

Jesus says that we are better off with him leaving and the spirit coming to be with us. Gods spirit was sent to us to be with us forever! How should I view Gods spirit that lives inside of me?

Three years the disciples were with Jesus and lived with him daily and yet they still fell to win and denied him and abandoned Jesus. One encounter with the Holy Spirit in Acts 2 and the disciples went to their grave proclaiming Jesus as Lord!

How Important is the holly spirit to me? One is not better than the other. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one but God designed the spirit to be a gift for us.

The whole purpose for Jesus forgiving our sins and presenting us holy to God is so that His spirit can live inside of us. God wants to come live with me! God wants to live with me every single moment and every day! Without the blood of Jesus God would not be able to live in us. God is too holy to be present with sin.

Acts 19:1-7

Paul determined whether or not someone was converted and received salvation based on whether or not they received the Holy Spirit. How important is the Spirit?



Colossians 3:15; 1 Thessalonians 5:18; Jude 1:5; Titus 3:1; 2 Timothy 1:6; 2 Peter1:12; 1 Corinthians 4:17

We need to be reminded to be thankful.

Luke 17:11-15

Grateful people are faithful people. This is why gratitude is so important. How hard is it for me to just follow instructions? We live in a have it now generation. We don't like to wait. Jesus sent them away. He could have healed them instantly but sent them away to see the priest. Why?

Only one returned with gratitude. Grateful people go the extra mile!

Luke 17:16-19

The samaritan -- the guy who hates Jews was the one that came back. He had a truly grateful heart. The samaritan came back and threw himself at Jesus's feet. When was the last time I just threw my self at Jesus's feet? True gratitude and thankfulness comes with action!

1 Corinthians 15:10

What does Gods grace compel you to do? What moves me? These are questions that need to be asked to test whether the grace of Jesus is having an effect in my life! There is so much to grateful for in Christ.

Deuteronomy 4:7-8

Make a list of things you are grateful for. Call and thank the people that have helped you in your life.

Grateful people stand out! Luke 17:18. The grateful person stands out and the ungrateful person stands out too.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

2 Corinthians 4:1-6

2 Corinthians 4:1-6

Jesus reflects Gods glory perfectly! Jesus is the radiance of God. As a church it is our job to portray Christ the way God intended him to be portrayed! Too many are still blind and we do not recognize who Jesus really is.

What image of Jesus am I portraying to the world through my life? My life is on display to the world and I can portray Jesus in a false light and not honor God with my life! The first thing to do is not distort the truth, the word of God!

Paul refused to edit the word of God or distort the truth to attract followers. Too many churches today carter to the wants of their membership rather than giving them what God intended for them to receive. We cannot apologize for what Gods word says but set forth the truth plainly to the people around us.

By watering down Gods word we limit the power the word of God has on someones life. We must refuse to distort the word of God even when the topics may go against the mainstream thought of the day.

We need to rest in the power of God. We are too anxious and too unsettled. We need to be still and know that God is God. He is in control! Only God can save. Only God can make light shine out of darkness and only God can open the eyes of the blind. All we have to do is announce that Jesus is Lord. We need to live our lives in a way that honors God and confirms Jesus is the son of God. God will do all the rest.

We just need to do what God calls us to do and leave the rest up to Him!

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Monday, November 9, 2015



James 1:13-15

Temptation provides us an opportunity for us to do right just as much as it gives us the choice to do wrong! Temptation is not a bad thing. God gives us choice. Every time we overcome and defeat temptation we become a little more like Jesus! Temptation is the point in time when we can either walk in the light or wallow in the darkness. Temptation gives us a chance to show God who we are devoted to! God uses temptation to make us stronger.

Romans 12:2

Our minds are not to conformed but transformed!

We should plan for temptation. We all know it is coming. Why don't we plan for temptation. Why are we surprised when it comes! Temptation catches us off guard!

Temptation is the starting point for all sin. Unchecked temptation will destroy every aspect of your life! There is no such thing as a small temptation. They all start small and will lead to something bigger if unchecked!

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2 Corinthians 4:1-6

2 Corinthians 4:1-6

Jesus reflects Gods glory perfectly! Jesus is the radiance of God. As a church it is our job to portray Christ the way God intended him to be portrayed! Too many are still blind and we do not recognize who Jesus really is.

What image of Jesus am I portraying to the world through my life? My life is on display to the world and I can portray Jesus in a false light and not honor God with my life! The first thing to do is not distort the truth, the word of God!

Paul refused to edit the word of God or distort the truth to attract followers. Too many churches today carter to the wants of their membership rather than giving them what God intended for them to receive. We cannot apologize for what Gods word says but set forth the truth plainly to the people around us.

By watering down Gods word we limit the power the word of God has on someones life. We must refuse to distort the word of God even when the topics may go against the mainstream thought of the day.

We need to rest in the power of God. We are too anxious and too unsettled. We need to be still and know that God is God. He is in control! Only God can save. Only God can make light shine out of darkness and only God can open the eyes of the blind. All we have to do is announce that Jesus is Lord. We need to live our lives in a way that honors God and confirms Jesus is the son of God. God will do all the rest.

We just need to do what God calls us to do and leave the rest up to Him!

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Thursday, November 5, 2015



James 1:13-15

Temptation provides us an opportunity for us to do right just as much as it gives us the choice to do wrong! Temptation is not a bad thing. God gives us choice. Every time we overcome and defeat temptation we become a little more like Jesus! Temptation is the point in time when we can either walk in the light or wallow in the darkness. Temptation gives us a chance to show God who we are devoted to! God uses temptation to make us stronger.

Romans 12:2

Our minds are not to conformed but transformed!

We should plan for temptation. We all know it is coming. Why don't we plan for temptation. Why are we surprised when it comes! Temptation catches us off guard!

Temptation is the starting point for all sin. Unchecked temptation will destroy every aspect of your life! There is no such thing as a small temptation. They all start small and will lead to something bigger if unchecked!

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Sunday, October 25, 2015



The world recognizes the value of training. Whether it is academic training, sports training, or training in the corporate wold. Training has value! Experience, teaching, knowledge, skills, learning, and development are just a few of the benefit to training.

The bible recognizes the value of training too! 1 Corinthians 9:25. The bible priorities spiritual training over physical training but they are both of value. 1 Timothy 4:8

One of the major roles of a father is to train. Ephesians 6:4

Spiritual training is the training that lacks the most in our society. We don't value spiritual training like we should! No one makes us train spiritually. We have to learn how to do it. We sometimes assume that training spiritually is a lot like physical training but they are very different.

In the bible the training that God gives is in direct contrast to the training that we give our selves physically. Physical training is performance training. You do what you do to reach a certain performance goal. God doesn't work that way!

How does God train?

1 Samuel 16:1-12

Saul was trained by performance training. On the outside he look like a king should look and the people of Israel rallied around him initially! Vs 7 God does not look at the outward things. God chose David because of his heart!

Gods training for David was to send him out into the field and take care of sheep! God did not train David in all the actions that he needed to do. God trains us in all the ways we need to be. There is a difference. We train for some type of action. God trains the hearts to help us become what we are suppose to be!

God trains in the little things!

1 Samuel 17:33-36

Goliath has been fighting and training from his youth! Goliath had all the worldly training that one could have! David recognized the training that God had given him and he had full confidence in God that he was meant for this moment! Do you recognize God's training? Do you try to stop it because it maybe something hard in your life and a struggle to go through? Do you say here God is training me and has plans to use this in my life for something big!

David did not stop being a shepherd because a lion came around! Do you stop being a christian when times get tough? David continued to be a what God called him to be regardless of what he was facing! How faithful are we in the little things that God puts us in charge of or gives us as a task to do?

How christian are you when nobody is watching? David was alone in the field for weeks with the sheep with no accountability.

Gods training never stops!

There is no breaks in shepherding. There are no breaks. When you eat lunch you eat lunch next to sheep. When you lay down at night you sleep with sheep. We don't follow Jesus 9-5. We follow Jesus 24hrs a day! Discipleship has no breaks! God's training never stops which is so different than worldly training!

Spiritual growth should only cease with death. God is training us in every situation in every day of our lives. We need to open our eyes to see and except God's training! God was training David to "be" a man after Gods own heart. He did not train David to do something that was after Gods own heart. There is a difference!

Hebrews 5:8 in the same way God training Jesus and Jesus learned obedience from God through his life. Being a carpenter, a son, a brother...etc!

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The Call To Serve!

The Call To Serve!

1 Peter 4:10-11; John 6:1-9

All of us can have reasons not to serve or give. Jesus had many reasons not to give or to meet the needs of the people that needed him! Jesus was trying to have some family time. He slipped away and headed to a remote mountainside with his closest friends!

Jesus had good motives to slip away. Sometimes we want to slip away too. Many times for selfish reasons. Jesus spent most of his life giving and serving and wanted to slip away for a moment before the festival.

Jesus was outward and giving all the time. Jesus was willing to sacrifice his needs and wants for the needs of others! Jesus never gave into the feeling of growing weary!

To the disciples they did not have enough resources to help anyone! To Jesus what he had was enough for God to give.

Jesus let God multiply his efforts!

All we have to do is be willing to give and let God be responsible for multiplying. Our job is just to give and to serve! If I do not let God multiply then I will never have enough! God can use what ever we have and he will meet the needs. We just need to give and serve in what ever capacity we are able! It's up to God to make sure that what we have is enough!

John 6:11-13

Just like multiplication, anything times zero is zero. If we give nothing God will multiply nothing. If we give something, God will make it into whatever is needed!

Jesus did not divided the fish proportionately, he gave everyone as much as they wanted! Same with us if we give freely we will receive more that we started with. Giving to God gives us more than we had before!

Jesus gave until every need was met!

If you show up late to church your not showing up to give, your showing up to take! Gods church should be a place where everyone gives and everyone gets their needs met!

Proverbs 11:25

Jesus did not come to take but to give! That doesn't mean that it was easy for him. He had to pray continually for God to give him the strength to give and give! Jesus gave and gave until he took his last breath. It is finished was not said until he had exhausted his entire life!

The cross was the ultimate example Jesus has left us in giving up everything for us!

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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Spiritual Training

Spiritual Training

The world recognizes the value of training. Whether it is academic training, sports training, or training in the corporate wold. Training has value! Experience, teaching, knowledge, skills, learning, and development are just a few of the benefit to training.

The bible recognizes the value of training too! 1 Corinthians 9:25. The bible priorities spiritual training over physical training but they are both of value. 1 Timothy 4:8

One of the major roles of a father is to train. Ephesians 6:4

Spiritual training is the training that lacks the most in our society. We don't value spiritual training like we should! No one makes us train spiritually. We have to learn how to do it. We sometimes assume that training spiritually is a lot like physical training but they are very different.

In the bible the training that God gives is in direct contrast to the training that we give our selves physically. Physical training is performance training. You do what you do to reach a certain performance goal. God doesn't work that way!

How does God train?

1 Samuel 16:1-12

Saul was trained by performance training. On the outside he look like a king should look and the people of Israel rallied around him initially! Vs 7 God does not look at the outward things. God chose David because of his heart!

Gods training for David was to send him out into the field and take care of sheep! God did not train David in all the actions that he needed to do. God trains us in all the ways we need to be. There is a difference. We train for some type of action. God trains the hearts to help us become what we are suppose to be!

God trains in the little things!

1 Samuel 17:33-36

Goliath has been fighting and training from his youth! Goliath had all the worldly training that one could have! David recognized the training that God had given him and he had full confidence in God that he was meant for this moment! Do you recognize God's training? Do you try to stop it because it maybe something hard in your life and a struggle to go through? Do you say here God is training me and has plans to use this in my life for something big!

David did not stop being a shepherd because a lion came around! Do you stop being a christian when times get tough? David continued to be a what God called him to be regardless of what he was facing! How faithful are we in the little things that God puts us in charge of or gives us as a task to do?

How christian are you when nobody is watching? David was alone in the field for weeks with the sheep with no accountability.

Gods training never stops!

There is no breaks in shepherding. There are no breaks. When you eat lunch you eat lunch next to sheep. When you lay down at night you sleep with sheep. We don't follow Jesus 9-5. We follow Jesus 24hrs a day! Discipleship has no breaks! God's training never stops which is so different than worldly training!

Spiritual growth should only cease with death. God is training us in every situation in every day of our lives. We need to open our eyes to see and except God's training! God was training David to "be" a man after Gods own heart. He did not train David to do something that was after Gods own heart. There is a difference!

Hebrews 5:8 in the same way God training Jesus and Jesus learned obedience from God through his life. Being a carpenter, a son, a brother...etc!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Who Is Jesus?

Who Is Jesus?

The deeper we get to know someone the deeper our conversations get. Shallow relationships will stay shallow until we allow our selves to become vulnerable and take the relationship to a deeper relationship.

Jesus was an expert at taking a new relationship to great depths. For us sharing our lives immediately with someone we do not know seems and feels awkward. For Jesus it was the way he lived!

John 1:1-5

From the beginning of John we see that Jesus was with God from the creation of the world and he was the power of God that created everything that we know to exist. Jesus is power and authority.

John 3:1-16

Jesus immediately turn upside down the social conventions of that time. Nicodemus was the best thing you could be at that time. A jew, a man, righteous, a pharisee, a man with power, a member of the jewish counsel! Any one else that would have met Nicodemus would have welcomed him with open arms!

Jesus takes all of what they knew and flipped it upside down. Jesus gives Nicodemus exactly what he needed at the moment. A challenge, a rebuke and an offer of salvation!

John 4:1-26

We see a similar and a very different interaction with the Women at the well as we did see when Jesus met Nicodemus. Once again Jesus turned upside down the social conventions of the day by even speaking to her. Unlike Nicodemus, the woman was the worst things you could be. She was a Samaritan, a women, a sinful women, the opposite of a Pharisee, she has no power and no influence. Nicodemus came and sought Jesus out and the woman accidentally bumped into Jesus at the well. Just like Nicodemus she is not able to stand on her own merit!

Jesus extends her hope in a hopeless situation. He offered her a chance to repent and salvation. Jesus looks beyond the things that we look at. He looks beyond, social status!

No matter who you are -- Nicodemus or the Women at the well -- you need Jesus! You must acknowledge that you are lost without Jesus! At no point in our lives are we ever enough. Even on our best day we are lost without Jesus!

This is more than knowing that you just need help. Jesus is not looking to self improve us. He is not looking to change a few areas in our lives and make us great. JEsus is looking for people who know they are lost without him in every situation and every circumstance!

The longer I am in a relationship with Jesus the more tempting it becomes for me to neglect the power of JEsus and to think that I do not need him! We need to know that we are lost without Jesus! How desperate are we for JEsus salvation? Do we wait until things are really bad before we call out to him and seek salvation?

Mediocre christianity is Satan's biggest trap! A mediocre christian does not believe that he or she is lost without Jesus!

1 Corinthians 15:10

Is the grace that Jesus freely gives received without effect? There is no way to be in touch with the grace Jesus offers and to not have effect. It will and should change your life!

Romans 4:17 -- We need to go out and live like we are! This is how Jesus grace has effect! God does not see us for who we are -- he sees us for who we are in him! Imagine what would happen in your life if you truly accepted Gods grace and then acted on it? What if everyone said "i am nothing without Jesus and then lived their lives like He is! We would turn the world upside down.

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Monday, September 28, 2015

Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus?

Today communicating with real people is no longer done face to face. In our social media world it is not uncommon to have "friends" that you never meet face to face. This has its negatives but there are some positives.

What is the most important relationship that we have on this earth that we will never meet face to face? JESUS! Our relationship with Jesus should be real and deep and yet we are not able to communicate face to face.

Technology has brought our world closer together but at the same time has driving us further and further apart. There is a lot of superficial relationships in social media.

The fact that we don't see Jesus face to face is one of the biggest obstacles that we have in having a real relationship with him.

Who is Jesus? This is a question that should end with a relationship with Him!

Luke 7:1-10

The first thing we need to come to Jesus with is humility!

The centurion was not a jew and yet he humbled himself before a jew. He had all authority from Rome to lord over anyone in Israel and yet he understood who Jesus was. How do I approach Jesus with humility?

The jews came to Jesus and argued that the centurion deserved to be healed! Sometimes we can come to Jesus with the same attitue that we edeserve something! Pride is what convinces us that we deserve something. Humility is what helps us to see that we don't deserve anything!

The second thing we need in a relationship with Jesus is Lordship!

The jews did not respect Jesus as their Lord. They came to him almost as if they were ordering him and telling him what to do. Lordship is a huge part in our relationship with Jesus. We cannot have a relationship with him without Lordship! Do we look at Jesus as the master and us as the slave? Lordship is all about who has authority in your life. If I am living my life and doing the things that I want or am I allowing Jesus to be Lord and does he direct my decisions and actions?

The centurion never met Jesus face to face and he knew who he was. He knew that Jesus had complete authority over his life. Lordship is also about surrender! Surrendering is key. God does not want to take over, he want us to surrender voluntarily!

The third thing we need in a relationship with Jesus is faith!

Faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see! The centurion has full faith in Jesus and has never met or seen him! When we understand who we are in humility and when we surrender to Jesus in Lordship the more easy it is for us to put our faith in him! It is impossible to have faith if you know everything and no one has authority over you.

We need to believe with blind faith while we wrestle for the reason why! True faith gets up and does something. Lack of faith gets up and does something too. Running around doing something is not a sign of faith. Why you are doing what you are doing is the beginning of faith if the reason is Jesus!

Faith leads us to salvation. The cross of Christ is about humility, Lordship, and faith! Jesus called us friend when he could have called us servants. Jesus surrendered to God and his will for his life!