God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, July 18, 2016

But What I Do Have I Give You!

But What I Do Have I Give You!

As disciples we get a glimpse of heaven from time to time. Even with those precious moments the world goes on around us. Sin goes on. Hatred and disunity run ramped! #blacklivesmatter and other movements were born out of problems with this world. How would Jesus respond to the problems of this day?

Galatians 3:26-29 as Christians we have a powerful force within us that demands unity! We cannot ignore the problems of this world. We must face them together in one voice! How should a disciple of Jesus respond in a spiritual way to the problems of this world?

Acts 3:1-10 in addressing the problems of this wold we cannot focus on them! Peter I counters a man with a lot of problems. He was homeless, jobless, penniless and crippled! Even Jesus in all his hearings never addressed or solved all the problems. What peter did give the begged is what he had...the Gospel! The gospel is the answer!

Do not focus on the problems this world but focus on the one thing that solves those problems. Only through Jesus can you solve and fix this world. Lordship in Jesus is the only way. The world will always have issues. Only eternity promises a sin free environment.

Ephesians 4:29

Acts 4:31-37

Jesus did not focus on the problems of this world but he did not ignore them either. The early disciples address the problems with in the fellowship and met the needs of the people around them! They cured poverty! There was no needy person among them! They focused on saving souls and responded the way Jesus would!

Addressing the problems of this world -- James 4:17; James 1:19-20 "human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires!"

How do you apply these two scriptures to the problems of today? All the problems are sin problems. Pride, anger, lack of love, selfish ambition...etc. We need more love. Jesus was love! 1 Peter 4:8. Love trumps sin! Where can I love more? Love builds unity. How many multitude of sins can I cover over? If I don't work on loving others then there will be no love to cover over my sins. "What I do have I'll give you", I can always give Love!

Jesus died for me to break me free from the chains of sin that controlled my life. Jesus died for the world to break the world free as well. Jesus is the only answer! We need to bring Jesus to a hurting world!

Sent from my iPhone

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