God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Short view and the long view

Short view and the long view

Genesis 50:14-21

Joseph took the long view. It was easy for him to take the short view and say "I'm in power now" and treated his brothers harshly! He took the long term view that he is not God and God is the judge and does not judge in the hear and now but provides mercy and grace!

God perspective is so different from ours! He is always looking at the long view. God is so smart, big, eternal, and omnipotent that even our mistakes are used to for fill his will!

We cannot always understand what God is doing but we can always take the long view by trusting in Him! Joseph looked beyond his immediate needs and looked forward to what his actions would mean long term!

Trusting in God starts with setting aside your needs!

The long view allows me to be righteous in the moment. When there is no accountability and I am tempted with sin if I have the long view I won't chose to hurt God. Falling into sin and giving into temptation is taking the short view. Living in the moment!

Genesis 50:22-26

Joseph took the really really long view.

The long view is looking forward years, decades...ect. The really long view looks at what happens after death. The really long view is concerned with eternity! Hebrews 11:22 Joseph cared about what would happen after he died!

Hebrews 11:22;39 Joseph new it mattered after he died but he did not know why. He trusted God with blind faith. How much more should take the really long view knowing the gift of salvation that I have!

Think about heaven. It is beyond thought and comprehension but we need to still try! Dream of the long view! What do you look forward too the most in heaven?

We have to live our life in this world with the long view that helps us resist temptation. Live looking forward to the next left.

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