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Sunday, June 12, 2016

The Holy Spirit part 2

The Holy Spirit part 2

How to live by the Spirit? What is my role in living by the Spirit? How do I listen to the Spirit?

Romans 8:1-4 The law failed. Only Jesus death and resurrection made it as though we lived in perfect obedience! We can either live by the flesh or by the Spirit! A life lived by the spirit has its mind set on spiritual things. What is your mind set on?

Galatians 5:16-18 these two forces are in direct conflict with each other. They are going in two different directions. Which nature are you going to listen to? Galatians 5:19-25 Am I living a life to please the flesh or the Spirit? The fruits of the Spirit are just as obvious in your life as the acts of the flesh. Which best describes you?

What direction am I going? This passage is about direction in your life and not living a perfect life.

Romans 8:12-14 our job is to keep up with the Spirit. To follow! Romans 8:5 I need to set my mind on what the spirit desires and not what the flesh wants. What am I pursuing? What am I listening too? What am I watching? What am I allowing to influence my life?

Galatians 6:7-8 what am I planting? What seeds am I sowing? I cannot sow to the flesh and expect to reap the benefits of the spirit! Ways to sow to the spirit: serving others, practicing generosity, being open about my life, sharing the gospel...etc

John 15:5 I cannot produce the fruit my self. It's not about the actions, staying connected to God and staying in the vine will produce fruits of the spirit.

Romans 8:15-17

How to listen to the Holy Spirit? Isaiah 30:21 God promises guidance! God is not just interested in telling us between right and wrong but also wants to guide us through better and best! When we go to God even with the small things he loves us enough to give us the guidance we need!

Matthew 10:30 even the small things are important to God! God cares about every single detail in my life! Acts 8,10,13,15,16 the Holy Spirit guided the apostles on where to go and what to do.

2 Peter 1:20-21 the bible is the clear had and fast way that God communicates to us. The spirit is not going to speak to me in a way that is in direct conflict with the Bible. The more I study out the word of God the more capable I am to identify the spirit when it speaks to me.

2 chronicles 20:14-15 the spirit also speaks through people! Do I allow the spirit to speak? Who do you know if a person is speaking the truth from God? Test what they are saying but the bible.

Zachariah 7:12 God gets angry when he sends people and we do not,listen. The message is more important than the delivery. Someone may come to you in the wrong way or a way that offends you but is the message true? Listen to the message and don't focus on the delivery!

Just because it feels good to me does not mean it is from God. My feelings should be disregarded and my focus should be on the truth found in Gods word regardless of the cost or inconvenience of my flesh!

Ephesians 3:14-19 am I listening to the spirit? Psalms 143:8-10 be open to the spirits direction, evaluate the scriptures, evaluate the circumstances, seek advice, listen to the spirits impressions. The spirit will not always lead you to where you want to go.

Jesus went to God with his desire in the garden and yet he was open to Gods answer and direction.

Psalms 119:97-104 knowing the scriptures helps us become wiser and discern the will of God.

Acts 16:6 sometimes the spirit works through circumstances by opening or closing doors. Be careful, just because the door is open does not mean it's is from God. Proverbs 11:14; Romans 2:14-15; Philippians 4:6

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