God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, June 6, 2016

Sowing and reaping!

Sowing and reaping!

Sowing seed and reaping a harvest. What you reap is based on what you sow!

Galatians 6:7-10

When a scripture opens with "do not be deceived" it means that in our nature we are deceived on this subject. God is very clear that he will not be mocked and what ever you sow, you will one day reap! It's not up for debate! What ever we invest in we will receive in return. What ever we sacrifice, give to, or commit to.

It is a promise! If I sow righteousness I will reap righteousness in my life! The converse is true, if I sow unrighteousness I will reap unrighteousness! Same is true athletically, academically, in our marriage, at work, and in every other aspect of our lives!

Too many times we try to reap a harvest where we have never sown. Some how we think that we can reap a harvest from where we have not shown and that is how we try to mock God. The great thing about sowing in God is that we receive so much more than we deserve. We can sow in a small area and God delivers a harvest that is multiplied expeditiously.

It's not cause and effect. God provides so much more and conversely when we sow in the wrong areas we reap too much of what we really don't want or need. When we sow in the spirit we reap the spiritual and when we sow in the flesh we reap all the damaging consequences of the flesh!

John 12:24

Sowing in the spirit requires self sacrifice. Galatians 6 also talks about that harvest coming at the proper time. Sometimes we have to wait. It does not depend on our time but it depends on Gods time! 2 Peter 3:8

We reap blessings only from the right kind of seed. We reap when we trust in the Lord of the harvest. If a farmer gives up on the harvest a week after he sowed the seed, he reaps nothing! We must trust God and allow the harvest to come in its due time.

Jesus learned obedience and patience in God by his suffering. Jesus sowed relentlessly for years without reaping. His life was filled with suffering and his harvest was reaped after his death.

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