God's Free Word Book Store

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Ultimate Father.

The Ultimate Father.

Fatherhood is a very tricky subject. You would think that the examples in the bible of fathers would be all good examples. The bible actually is full of faithful fathers whose children turned away from God or horrible fathers that's children turn to God. Many examples of what not to be like.

God as our father is the only Perfect example that we have. As fathers we need to seek God qualities in being a father!

God qualities:

Exodus 20:1-5

God is a jealous father. God is not jealous of something but jealous for us. His love is so deep for us. God is perfect, complete and without sin. To be jealous for us is different from being jealous of something!

Gods motive are always pure! Our jealous motives come from selfishness. Gods jealousy for us comes from an intense love for us!

2 Corinthians 11:2-3

Godly jealousy also comes from zeal. Fierce indignation from anything that would harm you. God is jealous for us because he knows what the world will do to us. His jealousy is based on knowing how sin will affect us. He knows what idolatry does to our lives! Gods jealous comes out of an intense desire to protect us from harm!

God disciplines us out of love!

Exodus 20:5-6

The word punishment here comes from the word "paqad" which means something will be taken care of and not forgotten. Exodus 4:31 uses "concerned" to translate the word "paqad". God is going to do what ever it takes to rescue us whether that be through punishment or discipline. Gods discipline comes from deep concern for us. Again God is love and even in punishment he is love!

Hebrews 12:9-11

God want us to share in his holiness! Gods discipline has one motive. It is not based in anger or frustration. Gods discipline is calculated and done intentional with one goal in mind; to help us grow closer to him! God discipline produces a harvest of righteousness!

Exodus 20:5-6

Every sin is fully accounted for and no sin goes unpunished; however, God is saying his grace, mercy and blessings will continue for a thousand (infinite) generations!

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