God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, May 2, 2016

The Word Of God!

The Word Of God!

The US is the most religious 1st world country in the world. And yet a recent survey exposed that many religious people in America did not even know the basic core beliefs of the religions they professed. Divorce rates in the US are height amount Christians than non Christians in the US.

This is probably a result of not knowing Gods word. We carry a bible, keep a bible and yet few actually read it. We lack convictions in Gods word because we do t know what it says.

How much do I love Gods word? How much do I make it the standard of my life? How much do I study out Gods word? Is the bible just a symbol of Christianity? A book that sits on a coffee table that's shows I have a bible and I am a Christian is just a symbol. A book that we place our hand on to take an oath is just a symbol! The bible was never meant to be a symbol. It was meant to be used and applied to our lives!

Where did Gods word begin? It began in spoken word in the garden in Genesis. In Deuteronomy 9:10, God chose to write his words down. God started with the 10 Ten Commandments. It was written in stone for a reason because Gods word is unchanging. The Ten Commandments are just as relevant today as they were in biblical times!

In Isaiah 20:1-5 God not only spoke his word but used his prophet to demonstrate and give Israel a visual representation of his word! God wrote it down so it could not be forgotten and then demonstrated it through Isaiah so that it could not be ignored!

For three years Isaiah walked stripped naked and barefoot! Another example of this is found in Daniel 5:1-6.

Daniel 5:25-31 The king could not ignore Gods word. He was forced to acknowledge and listen to Gods word!

Why did God write the word on the wall in a secret language? God wanted the king to seek out the answer. To go to a man of God and allow God to speak through Daniel! Am I ignoring Gods word? Am I allowing God to use people in my life to speak to me or am I too prideful to listen?

Finally God used his son to be the physical representation of his word in John 1:1. Look at all the great lengths that God has gone through over the ages to insure that we have Gods word and are able to live it out!

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