God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, February 28, 2016

What Love Is Not.

What Love Is Not.

As we get older love gets complicated. You grow up as a child and love means so many different things. As you get older love becomes even more complicated. What does love mean. The world defines it differently that God does. What is normal for love? Dis functional families and broken relationships and love means so many different things for different people. God created love and wrote the definition of love!

1 John 4:7-9;19

Love comes from God. Do we search for love through God today? Many of us search for love in all the wrong places! God is the only one who can provide true love! Love is an action! Not just an emotion or feeling! With God love is never complete! Love should always be growing!

To learn about love you have to go to God. You have to spend time with God. You have to get to know him and his character. If you really know God then you will love!

Jesus became who he intended to be by going through suffering. Am I using the tough things in my life to help me draw closer to God?

Who was your fist love and who broke your heart? We hesitate sometimes in pursuing another person with love because we are afraid of getting hurt. God initiated the love with us first. God acted on his love for us! When we chose to turn away from Gods love we are breaking his heart. Our love for God is a reaction but an action none the less!

Biblical is not normal or natural. True love the way God intended it is supernatural! We want to love people that love us. To love someone that doesn't love you back is Gods love!

Love is not complete without God and without action! The decision to love is a huge decision and is only complete when we chose to act on it! Who has ever impressed God with what they know? Who has ever impressed God with talent? Who has ever impressed God with anything other than love?

Sent from my iPhone

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